Now Healing – Learn Energy Healing with Instant Alignment

Do Healing for yourself, others & the earth... Now.

Free Healing Audio - Transform Any Problem Now - Now Healing with Elma Mayer
Free Healing Audio - Transform Any Problem Now - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Free Healing Audio – Try it Now

Transform Any Problem... Now!  (12 minutes)

A NEW way to learn energy healing – fast:

Learn Energy Healing with Now Healing - Logo Spiritual Healing 4

This is not  passive guided meditation, positive thinking, or hands-on healing.

It's instant Activation / Alignment – direct connection to the Healing Field.

Sounds woo-woo? It's actually an innate human ability. No belief required!

Expand your Healing power

Try this Instant-Energy Alignment:

Connect directly to the Healing Field... Now!

 In 2 seconds, you can take in the power of the statement above. Do it now!

Yes! (It's actually happening – even if you're not sure that it is! You are Aligning with the larger field of Healing & Wholeness... Now.)

You're probably already feeling your energy shift: maybe with a deeper breath, or a yawn, a flow of life energy in your spine, an inner smile, lightness of heart, or expanded awareness of Wholeness.

You have just experienced the power, speed & effectiveness of a "Now Healing Command."  And you can easily learn to do "remote healing" like this. But...

You won't just LEARN energy healing in "normal" time.

Instead of "learning" in linear time...

The first time you try Now Healing, you'll get instant-energy shifts. (Most people notice a substantial change.)

And you'll keep expanding your healing power... each time you do it.

So you won't just LEARN healing...

You'll actually DO healing & BE your Highest Healer Self

Where to start?

It depends on your wants & needs!

Choose your next step to learn energy healing - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Where to start?

It depends on your needs!

What is YOUR purpose for Healing?

How you can best Align your
1) Personal healing, 2) Innate gifts, and 3) World-service?

What are your highest healing aspirations?

For yourself?

For others?

For the planet?

So many possibilities!

But no pressure! No need to plan your entire healing journey.

Instead, do one thing:

Take the most direct next step for your needs:

Featured Articles & Videos


"Almost Instantaneous."

“Now Healing is simply miraculous in its effectiveness. 100% of the time I was able to shift energy... It was almost instantaneous. It‘s adaptable to EVERYTHING. My massage/Reiki clients are wondering what hit them.”

- Pam F.

"Changed my Life, Business, Relationships."

“Now Healing is fabulous. It changed my whole life.
My business improved.
I got more and better clients. Relationships between each member of my family improved.”

- Nishi

"Miraculous Pain Relief."

“I was in a desperate financial situation. Constant pain in my heart, back, neck. I felt a sudden improvement. Miraculous pain relief. Grounding, safety, confidence, serenity... Immense gratitude for this beautiful work.”

- Monica B.