About Elma Mayer


Hello & Welcome! I'm Elma Mayer

I founded Now Healing  in 2005, to give you clear, easy, down-to-earth techniques for effortless healing. Tens of thousands of people have successfully created instant shifts in their health & life, with my Now Healing tools. Experienced health practitioners, medical doctors, nurses, psychologists, energy healers, life coaches, teachers, and lawyers have used these techniques, to get fast & effective shifts, for all areas of Life.

Even though I was always drawn to healing and mind-body influences, I had no intention of becoming a healer.

Music was my thing: Classical piano as a child. Studying composition in graduate school. Playing in bands. I spent my wild youth doing avant-funk and art-pop-prog music in Oakland, Venice CA and Brooklyn NY, and arty musical theater with my husband in Silverlake, Los Angeles. Yep, all the hippest neighborhoods, coz I'm so hip!

Then in 1991, I took a trip to Lyme, Connecticut, and got Lyme disease. Yep, I don't mess around, I go right to the source!

After years of debilitating symptoms and all kinds of treatments, I discovered a miraculously simple way to activate my own self-healing ability ā€“ with amazing results. I found myself tapping in to earth's regenerating energy, which I called "The Thing That Heals" (for lack of a better term for that aspect of the Healing Field).

In 1994, I stumbled on Rupert Sheldrake's principle of Morphic Resonance, and started applying it to my self-healing. In 2003, I started my first formal training in healing, with The Yuen Method, and became a Certified Practitioner and Instructor in 2005.

I soon found myself combining Yuen Method with my discoveries in Applied Morphic Resonance and my deepening connection with the Healing Field. This quickly evolved into creating my own Morphic Healing technique: Now Healing!  I opened my Now Healing practice in 2005, and in 2010 I began teaching it, with my Now Healing 101 course.

Now Healing pretty much hijacked my life. I'm as surprised as anyone! Who knew I'd go out there and do wacko things like make healing videos and wave my hands around like a nut, all with that face made for audio! But I kept receiving new inspirations to create lots more programs, courses, audios and videos, and I just couldn't say no.

In the physical realm, I live in the Golden State, in Silverlake, Los Angeles, California, with my husband and favorite genius-songwriter, Brian Woodbury. I'm the mother of two brilliant, beautiful babies, or, as they like to call themselves, adults.

Training: Certified Practitioner of The Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics. I studied with Dr. Kam Yuen himself, and was an Instructor of Yuen Method Levels 1, 2, 3 from 2005-2011. My other trainings include: Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Access Consciousness, Theta Healing, and Orin / DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body. I have an MA degree in Music Composition from U. C. San Diego (1982).

Purpose: My higher purpose is to expand your innate instant-healing ability ā€“ with ease ā€“ whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting to dabble. Plus, I get a big thrill when your jaw drops in amazement at how easy, elegant, and powerful this work is.

And shhh, just between you and me: my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones, but the entire planet! Environmental, global, and ancestral trauma healing are my passions.

I created the Now Healing Earth free virtual healing circle, to make it easy for you to join me in global healing. And it's fun to give a new twist to the practice of armchair activism: remote healing for the planet, with no need to leave the house!

As a child of holocaust survivors, I am dedicated to healing and preventing holocausts and human-made violence & trauma, for all people & all life-forms.

Tikkun Olam with Morphic Healing powers my practice & purpose.

Values: Healing is Making Whole. That means that Healing must apply not just to our inner selves and our immediate relations and folks who look & act like us, but to every part of the world ā€“ individuals, collective humanity, all life, and beyond.

Healing means Making Whole the many wrongs, traumas and suffering that we, our ancestors, our institutions, and collective humanity inflict, knowingly or unknowningly, on others and the planet.

Healing includes inclusivity, equal rights, peace, integral & integrated relationships and sacred cooperation between our local selves, humanity, all life & earth.

Healing means Making Whole the individual and collective traumas and suffering of all life. It means doing everything we can to heal from past, present & future racism, sexism, bigotry, slavery, genocide, oppression, all forms of "othering," environmental injustice, violence, etc... through Re-integration and Reparations on all levels, including taking individual and local responsibility for the collective and global, as well as spiritual, material, economic, environmental, legal, and social justice.

Disentangle Racism - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Gratitude to my ancestors & tribe: Since I was very young, I have been pulled & inspired to do Tikkun Olam (Healing & Repairing the World) ā€“ although I had no idea that it was actually possible, at the time. The pull to healing comes through morphic memory and resonances with my ancestors, Rabbi Yehuda Lƶw, the Maharal of Prague (1525-1609), and my paternal grandfather Dr. Pinkas Mayer, Psychiatrist of Bukovina & Vienna (1898-1963), as well as resonances with Metatron and others. I am so grateful to have been graced and blessed with an incredibly easy way to do Tikkun Olam.

Gratitude to you! Thank you for being and doing Now Healing! I am so honored and blessed to support you to do Healing & Repair of the World, in whatever way flows best for you!

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