I Am Now Healing...
ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorders,
Learning Differences, etc

30-Minute Guided Healing with Nedi Safa

Energy Support for Adults & Children with...

Healing ADD, Autism
  • Cognitive
  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Behavioral
  • Sensory
  • Learning
  • Communication Issues
Nedi Safa, Now Healing Certified Practitioner
Nedi Safa, Now Healing Certified Practitioner

Watch the Free Sample Below…

You’ll get instant energy shifts! Notice how you feel – before and after.

If you enjoyed the shifts from the healing sample, imagine what more could shift for you!

Do you, or a loved one, have a diagnosis of…
ADD, ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, or Learning Disability?

  • Do you feel despair about the diagnosis you’ve been given for you or your loved one?
  • Do you wish that you could just be a normal family?
  • Do you wonder why this happened to you?
  • Do you wish you could remain positive, but you worry about the future?

Your energy will shift with this audio.

Nedi guides you to do powerful, effective… and instant energy shifts…even if you’ve never done energy healing before!

The energy shifts in this audio support you to attain…

  • Family harmony
  • Easier functioning… in social life, school, work, and in the world
  • Calming of sensory overload – noise, light, tactile, taste, etc
  • Self-acceptance
  • More peace & calm, less worry & turbulence
  • Awakening your potential and innate strengths – regardless of diagnosis
  • Living as the highest expression of your true self!
  • Less overwhelm in daily life
  • Clearer thinking.
  • Faster information processing.
  • Sensory Integration (vision, hearing, tactile, etc).
  • Communicating without distortion
  • Upgrade your ability to connect with others verbally

Who can benefit from these powerful energy shifts?

  • Adults or Children with Autism, Asperger’s, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia or Learning problems.
  • Parents of children with disabilities.
  • Healing Arts Practitioners, Therapists, Psychologists and Teachers who work with the above.
  • People without a formal diagnosis, who get overwhelmed by too much sensory stimulation, noise, lights, etc.
  • People with dyslexia or reading and retention difficulty.

You can use this audio on behalf of a child or adult:

Follow the instructions in the audio for how to do this on behalf of others. You will shift their energy, even if you have no prior experience.

Whether the person is in the same room as you, or across the world...

You will effectively shift their energy – simply by listening to this audio and holding the other person in your intention, as instructed in the audio.

A Note from Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing

I asked Nedi to create this audio… because she’s the Now Healing expert on this topic. In this powerful healing audio, Nedi Safa integrates her mastery of Now Healing with her 25 years of expertise in the field of ADD, Autism Spectrum and Learning issues.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ADD, Autism, Dyslexia etc… Or even if you have not been diagnosed, but are experiencing those “symptoms” … this audio will give you powerful energy shifts. If you have ever wanted an Energy Healing ADD Autism session, this is it!

Nedi is an amazing, powerful and beautiful healer. She has created a perfect, super-effective healing session via audio. And just so you know… Nedi is my “go-to gal” for any and all energy healing. I can’t sing her praises highly enough!

Testimonials for Nedi's Audio

"I just listened to Nedi’s mp3 healing tool... I had big improvements quickly in many areas. This recording covers a lot of ground with ease & grace. Just following along, I found places to “clean up” in my daily life that I really appreciate.

Thank you, Nedi for putting this terrific work out into the world!”

- Rudy Hunter, Healer, NY

“I listened and noticed afterwards that I could think more clearly and absorb information with more ease. I also am anticipating a flight and was feeling very anxious about flying. After listening to the mp3 the fear went away and I am now looking forward to my visit.

I also had a personal session with Nedi and she is a joy. After my session I felt so joyful and actually had a real glow to my skin! What a gift she is.” 

- Karen

“The breadth and depth of the shifts aren’t easy to capture in words. I continue to experience transformational healing every time I work with this audio; the changes are exponential – each building on the previous ones.

Nedi is a truly talented healer whose work has a profound impact on all levels.

Amazing program – deep healing at its best!”

- Cara

"I have never been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD but I knew something was terribly wrong. I  used Nedi's audio for the first time. I hadn’t noticed much of a change so I just went to sleep.

This morning I felt more of me present within my body. I didn’t feel so scattered, nor did I feel like my circuits were shorting. I was actually able to focus more. I felt more mature somehow, more certain, not so hyper.

If this is the difference I felt after only listening one time I can only imagine what else I’ll be able to feel/do after several tries. Woot! Woot! Gratitude and blessing for Nedi and Elma.”

- R.E. in Florida

I was amazed at the clarity I received. I actually felt more in my body and more able to deal with my present situation.

I was diagnosed as a child with ADD and took ritalin pills for years. This recording has brought more peace with that part of me which I had actually forgotten about.

“Wowzers! I LOVE your audio… HUGE, MAJOR shifts! ! ! I have struggled with Dyslexia for the last 15 years, numbers and directions and many other things never make sense to me.

This is the Holy Grail for challenges learning. Its as if my entire world has finally opened up. I will shout it from the rooftops. Beyond AMAZING"

-  Lori, Phoenix

"Thank you for the small price Nedi, because you made it accessible for people in my situation. thank you for the peace, centering and joy your record is bringing me, thank you for the courage and resilience it is giving me.

I am not diagnosed, but I was one of those person, with a high level of sensitivity. Thank you all and God bless you”

- Eléonore, Paris, France

“I could sense energy shifts in between hemispheres and spinal cord/core, which Nedi’s blessed alignments supported in perfect precision (does she know me? :- ) I sensed my heart chakra further opening as inner traumatized child selves were heard and supported, as if for the first time. Audible energetic nurturance and healing… comes through Nedi’s voice. Eternal gratitude"

- CL

“…my son is in the autism spectrum. He’s 11 years old. He has many issues especially on emotion, behavior, speech, sensory stimming, etc. Your audio on ADD, Austim actually helped him a lot. 

I’ve noticed big changes on his speech, happy mood, patient, not violent, and less temper tantrum. After 3 days, he’s able to sing many songs."

- JG, Singapore

“Priceless! Feeling the wonderful rippling waves of love and wholeness! Everyone will benefit so much from this audio. Not just those who have been diagnosed with mental “disorders.”

- Love to ALL, Marcia

This program is VERY IMPRESSIVE.

Really goes deep!!! AWESOME!!!!!

- LS, Iowa

About Nedi Safa

Nedi Safa, Now Healing Certified Practitioner

Nedi Safa,
Now Healing Certified Practitioner

Nedi Safa is the mother of two children with special needs who have grown into happy, successful adults. Her older son with ADHD graduated with a Master’s degree from U.C. Berkeley and has a successful career as a therapist. Her younger son, diagnosed with Autism, brain damage, and communication and learning handicaps, graduated from art school and is a professional artist and animator.

Nedi knows, from the inside, what it is to struggle with A.D.D. She was diagnosed herself, and her entire family was part of a study by UCLA on the genetics of ADD. As a music teacher, she has dealt with many special-needs kids of different abilities and challenges.

For her own health, she learned energy work in 2003 and started helping others almost immediately. Today, as a Now Healing Certified Practitioner, Nedi Safa has a particular interest in helping those burdened with these challenges.

In addition to Now Healing, Nedi is a Certified Yuen Method Practitioner / Instructor. She has trained in Pranic Healing and Non-Violent Communication, and is the Vice-President of the Heart of Yoga Peace Project.

Nedi also has many creative and artistic credits, including co-creating the film Mindwalk (starring Liv Ullman, Sam Waterston, John Heard), many YouTube music videos, and her latest CD of original songs Mystery and Mischief.

Buy Now

Healing ADD, Autism

30-minute Audio: Stream online, or download the mp3.


The Fine Print – Disclaimer & Guarantee


Now Healing is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. Please consult your licensed medical provider for diagnosis, treatment, medical & mental health care, advice, etc. Now Healing is not medical healing and makes no claims of medical cure. (It is energetic and morphic healing.) It is intended as a complementary modality, to be used in addition to medical treatment and common-sense healthy & preventative behaviors, but it does not replace them. Please use common sense! By using Now Healing, you assume all responsibility for outcomes or lack thereof, and you hold harmless Nedi Safa, Elma Mayer and/or Now Healing. By using Now Healing, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own healing, health, decisions and actions. Read the full Disclaimer here.

Not sure whether this program will work for you?

Please try the free sample first, because if you get a good shift from the free sample, it's very likely that this program will work for you. Then... Ask your Inner Guidance!  Breathe in to your Center for a full breath or two. Tune in to your Higher Self / Infinite Self. (You may already feel better, just from that!) Now ask your Higher Self: "Will this program give me substantial or useful improvements in my life?"  If you get a "Yes!" or if it feels right, then go for it! If not, don't force it. Honor the answer you get.

Satisfaction Guarantee

WHAT TO EXPECT: Your energetics & resonances WILL shift as you use our programs... but the results and "outcome" will be non-linear and won't necessarily make logical sense. You may or may not perceive the shifts with your conscious awareness. It's essential to be non-attached to specific results. (You'll learn how to get non-attached, as you listen to these audios). It's a paradox, but in this work, the more you let go of "needing" an outcome, the more likely you are to get what you need! You will likely notice improvements in many areas of your life – not only the ones you're "trying" for. You may well get the results you "want" – many people report that they do! But if you're the kind of person who will be dissatisfied unless you are absolutely guaranteed a specific outcome, please do not buy this product, and seek help elsewhere.

30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you have given this program an honest try, and you are not happy with your purchase of this program for any reason, you qualify for a refund within 30 days. No questions asked!

REFUND POLICY & INSTRUCTIONS: To request a refund, email us at info@nowhealing.com within 30 days of purchase. Please include the email address with which you purchased. If possible, please include your receipt.

  • Digital-only products qualify for a full refund.
  • Physical products qualify for a refund minus a 20% restocking fee, and you pay for return shipping. So if there's any chance you may want a refund, it's best to choose the digital version.

Refunds are limited to one per customer every 2 years.

ANTI-THEFT & ANTI-PIRACY: This product contains energetic anti-theft & anti-piracy protection. If you buy it with the intention of using it & returning it in order to get your money back, or if you make unauthorized copies, it will not work for you, and you'll create bad karma!

Copyright 2021 Now Healing / Privacy & Integrity Policy


  1. Elma Mayer on January 22, 2024 at 10:32 am

    @Madhu, yes! See above where it says
    “You can use this audio on behalf of a child or adult: Follow the instructions in the audio for how to do this on behalf of others.”

  2. Maadhu on January 18, 2024 at 2:12 am

    Hi my 13 year old grandson in States has social and communication issues .Is an introvert when it comes to interaction with peers or elders excluding parents .
    Will the ADD ….audio help if I listen on behalf of him and will there be guidance as to how to work with the audio on others behalf .Thank you

  3. Treasure Tapping on July 7, 2020 at 1:26 am

    Elma, thanks for the reply to Kathy’s answer as I was wondering about the same things. It’s good to know that you can let it just run in the background while we do our activities.

  4. Rut Bertossa on December 20, 2018 at 4:18 pm

    I listened to the audio sample thinking of a family member and friends for a possible gift.
    I feel a strong sense of reassurance as support.
    Many thanks!

  5. Elma Mayer on September 8, 2018 at 11:38 am

    @Gabriel, No, this audio does not use any technology to create theta or delta waves, it is completely different. It uses energetic & morphic Alignments.

  6. Gabriel on September 7, 2018 at 10:59 pm

    Does this contain theta, delta waves these can cause psychosis in some people

  7. Renata Martncevic on March 31, 2018 at 9:30 am

    Would this video work on misophonia?

  8. Elma Mayer on December 4, 2016 at 8:24 pm

    Sorry, Cheryl, no transcripts available right now!

  9. Cheryl Douglas on December 3, 2016 at 3:37 am

    Would it be possible to the transcript of this audio?

  10. Elma Mayer on October 2, 2016 at 1:03 pm

    No, sorry, not available on CD.

  11. Rosa on October 1, 2016 at 11:15 pm


    Is this available in cd?

  12. Nedi Safa on July 29, 2016 at 6:56 pm

    Kathy, just play the audio whenever you want. I recommend really listening to it once, and the other times just let it run in the background. I purposely chose the language to be positive, so it can be used around children.

  13. Nedi Safa on July 29, 2016 at 6:54 pm

    Rhonda, thank you for writing and all the best for your healing practice. We do not plan to release a DVD, but you can download the audio. The audio can be used when you’re meditating or just let it run in the background while you go about your day. Focusing, structure, and staying on track are good reasons to listen to this audio.

  14. Rhonda Scrivin on July 29, 2016 at 1:54 pm

    Looking for the DVD, when will it be out? Is this audio good for when you are meditating? I am a senior who will be needing assistance in learning and reading comprehension and retention for a healing Touch class coming up. I have ADHD and spiritual sensitive to energy when God is working. I would like to be in alignment and change my brain completely so I can structure and write and stay on track and focused on my new business. I do not take meds. I want to create a Energy healing compassion Touch Massage business for disabled and hidden disabilities of all ages. Thanks and Blessings, to you Nedi. I also have spinia bifidia in the lower limbs area. I was born 3 months premature and weighing 1 1/2 lbs at birth. I live in Canada.

  15. Justine Peacock on June 8, 2015 at 5:53 pm

    Thank you Nedi for this incredible audio. It is so full of comprehensive and well thought out alignments. It is so powerful. I literally feel waves of energy rolling through me every time. I use it on both my children and myself. My son has behavioural challenges some of which are on the spectrum but he hasn’t been diagnosed. The Audi has really helped him to mature and calm down. I also found the alignments relating to diagnosis and doctors profoundly healing for these types of experiences in my own life. I use the audio at least weekly and I love it. Thank you! Justine

  16. Elma Mayer on August 7, 2014 at 10:02 pm

    Kathy, Nedi says:
    I made the audio so you can play it in the background with the sound down low, and not have to pay too much attention. Kids can be in the room, but they don’t have to be. Just turn it on with the kids in mind that you would like to dedicate it to. Use it whenever you feel like it. Don’t make it a chore.

  17. Kathy on July 29, 2014 at 10:17 am

    Would love to know more about how one would use the audio…best time of day, how often to listen, running in the background or during a focused time, how to use with kids 8 and under. Thanks for any feedback you can give me. Kathy

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