Global Turbulence – WTF should you do?

Now Healing with Elma Mayer - Global Turbulence Global Turbulence: political polarization, shouting, finger-pointing and name-calling, intolerance, military saber-rattling or worse, terrorism, religious persecution, bigotry, the refugee crisis, food shortages, toxic sites, drug overdose epidemics, earthquakes from fracking, slavery, human trafficking, weather turbulence, dramatic ocean warming… need I go on?

What the hell is happening here? Is it:

  • Mass insanity?
  • God’s punishment?
  • The end of the world?
  • A conspiracy by the all-powerful puppetmaster Illuminati?
  • The last throes of the old paradigm as the new age is born?

Who knows?!? And there’s no need to decide on a single description.

Let others diagnose it, define it, analyze it, assign responsibility for it, or chart its cause and effects. Scientists, doctors, academics, religious leaders, politicians, military leaders, corporate CEOs, futurists…

…They all have a valid job to do in analyzing our problems and then implementing material, political, technological and social solutions.

That’s not our job, here in Now Healing.

In the Now Healing Space, we don’t dwell on dissecting the problem. Because if we do, then we are probably amplifying the very problem that we hope to heal.

In this realm of “Healing and Making Whole,” it doesn’t really matter whether we know what the problem consists of, or who started it, or why it’s happening. We don’t try to solve the problem on its own level.

Instead, we come from the larger field of Wholeness, where it’s much easier to:

  • Disentangle from the “problem”
  • Align it with Wholeness
  • Go around it (or under or over it)
  • Transcend it
  • Enter a higher reality where it has already been made Whole
  • Invert its negative potential energy into its highest expression

… to name just a few!

Try it Yourself! YOU can Heal Global Turbulence.

Now Healing Earth - Elma Mayer

Yes, I really just said that. You can actually HEAL it. Yourself. But not in the way that you assume (unless you’ve already drunk the stevia-sweetened-beet-and-turmeric-colored-Cool-Aid… of Healing with a capital “H”!)

If you don’t yet get it, I insistently invite you to jettison your pre-judgement, preconceptions, and prejudice, and…

Try Something New. That’s what is required if we are to transcend the turbulence.

What is this “new” thing? I call it Instant Morphic Healing. I’m not talking about prayer, or group intention, or the hundredth monkey effect, or a critical mass of new thinking. Those are great – don’t stop doing those! But this is different. Try it now…

What: Join our Free Healing Circle – for You and Earth! You will…

Now Healing Earth pretty picture

Join our Virtual Healing Circle… YOU Can Heal Earth, Humanity, All Life!

  • Get big huge healing Alignments for YOUR specific healing intention, related to how global turbulence affects you.
  • Clear your hidden distortions coming from resonance with global turbulence (including being annoyed, upset, or forcing yourself to ignore current events so that you can have peace).
  • Learn “do-it-yourself” powerful Instant Morphic Healing Alignments, so you can do global healing – and self-healing – yourself!

Healings include:

  • Healing Water on Earth & in your Body (with special guest Rudy Hunter)
  • Healing Trees & Forests
  • Healing Climate Change
  • Heal Humanity’s (and your) Relationship to Earth
  • Activate Peace for Earth… and for YOU!

Where: Register below…

Now Healing Earth

Now Healing Earth

Join the Free Virtual Healing Circle

Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing Hi, I’m Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing. My higher purpose is to amplify your instant-healing ability – whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting out. (And shhh, my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones – but the entire planet & humanity's relationship to it.) Let's do it now!

Comments (Please add yours below)


  1. Elizabeth Stratton on September 14, 2016 at 7:08 am

    Wowwy, Thanks for ranting Elma…I wanted to say all of the above, but I do know that we must allow the Morphic Healing to activate within us. I really feel the energy moving and have not experienced this as such before this. Many thanks. ES in NY~

  2. Laurie on September 13, 2016 at 5:48 pm

    This resonates very much. I healed myself from a persistent illness in this way.

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