Now Healing Earth: Gulf Oil Spill 2010

Join us in healing the earth.
As you follow along with the energy shifts in these videos,
you amplify healing and wholeness for the planet.


Please do your own healing Alignments for earth, too!

To heal humanity’s relationship to earth… to:
Heal the ocean. Heal the Gulf of Mexico. Heal the oil spill.
You are now healing the ocean! You are now healing the earth!
You are now healing the oil spill! You are now healing!

Join our Free Virtual Healing Circle – Now Healing Earth: Climate Change.

What is Now Healing Earth?

A virtual healing circle – and not just “remote” healing, but “Remote-Space-Time” healing!

Through videos, free teleseminars, and occasional live events, Now Healing founder Elma Mayer invites you to participate. You will Plug In to your innate healing power… to create real healing for our planet.

We will do Alignments for:

  • Climate change
  • Water healing – oceans, rivers, lakes, aquifers, polar ice melt
  • Air, atmosphere, storms and weather patterns
  • Fires, drought, volcanic activity
  • Life-form healing from plankton to whales to endangered species
  • Humanity’s relationship to earth
  • Our fear of future catastrophe
  • And anything else on earth that you are inspired to Align!

Now Healing Earth

Now Healing Earth

Join the Free Virtual Healing Circle

Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing Hi, I’m Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing. My higher purpose is to amplify your instant-healing ability – whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting out. (And shhh, my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones – but the entire planet & humanity's relationship to it.) Let's do it now!

Comments (Please add yours below)


  1. Izabel on March 11, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    Thank you Elma, this alignment is of great support in my rescue mission for the traumatized and disoriented souls in events such as the Tsunami.

  2. cloudthunder on July 2, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    yeh ha! what a relief! thank you thank you thank you!

  3. nao on June 10, 2010 at 7:04 am

    Elma, Thank you so much teaching us a wonderful healing !
    I was grieving for the ocean. I will do it again. This healing will help this situation.

  4. Iris Bravo on June 8, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    Thank You for inspiring us to do our share in healing the earth! Making a difference feels GREAT!

  5. Marti Che' on June 8, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Elma, beautiful demonstration! Thank you! I learned so much from the video.


  6. Lori Madzelonka on June 7, 2010 at 6:12 am

    Thank you! Getting this out there to as many people as possible will definitely shift the energy to the positive! Mother Earth needs all of us now to heal Her and all her creatures! We, as a whole of humanity, can certainly move mountains (or stop the oil leak!!!).

  7. karen on June 5, 2010 at 10:16 am

    oh elma, this is amazing. thank you so much for empowering each of us to make a difference!!

  8. Beth Milton on June 3, 2010 at 11:07 am

    Beautiful work, thank you for taking the time to show us how to get out of our fear and rage and make a difference. Keep it up!

  9. nedi safa on June 2, 2010 at 10:11 am

    Thank you so much for doing this. It’s so important to invoke healing and solutions rather than just blame. Well done. I will do it again later today.

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