Activate Higher Awareness ENERGY HEALING AUDIOS

Activate Higher Awareness


for Intuition, Inner Vision, Clear Guidance, Enhanced ESP...
Healing for your "Regular" 5 Senses (Vision, Hearing, etc)

What if you had More Accurate Intuition?

Imagine the life you'd create, if you could...

Abolish self-doubt   –   Live your life with trust in your truth.

Eliminate stuckness & self-sabotage   –   Take fearless, Aligned Action - with power & confidence.

Erase negative energy   –  Sense Energy & "Delete" what's NOT yours, so it doesn't distort your body & mind.

Eradicate fear   –   Feel safe... as you create your highest future. 

End hyper-sensitivity   –   Accurately read the energy of people & places, foods & supplements, etc... so you know what's good for you. (And if the "bad" stuff is unavoidable, you'll know what to do.) 

Stop listening to bad advice   –   Deeply trust your own clear Inner Guidance - about your body, health, food, lifestyle, money, relationships, kids, spirituality, and your larger life purpose. 

Get Healing for ALL your "Normal" Senses – Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Touch + more, like Temperature, Balance, Spatial Orientation, etc. (Why? Because they deeply affect your higher perception & intuition!)

Rave Reviews

width= "I was plagued by self-doubts about my intuition. This program is so empowering. My doubts just faded away. I now trust my answers from within."
- Deb D.

width= "I feel like I've had a head transplant!
This is like nothing else Elma (or anyone else) has done before."
C. Singer, New Orleans

Be confident in your inner guidance!

Fully trust your Gut, Heart, Higher Mind - and your everyday sense perceptions
so everything becomes clear... and your life flows with Inspired Intuition.

You CAN Trust your Intuition... 

... just as much as you trust your "normal" five senses – vision, hearing, etc...

Under one condition:

Your Intuition & 5 Senses MUST be Aligned with each other.

Intuition and 5 senses

Why? Because everything is interrelated! A glitch in one part of your perception can distort any other part.

But it's usually not as obvious as a weakness in your physical vision blocking your inner vision.

Most healing & intuitive development methods are ignorant of this hidden problem.

They'll tell you that the solution to better intuition is "psychic development"... or practice... or mastery... or talent.

But the real solution is much more basic. It's about removing the hidden distortions, on ALL levels, that are scrambling your innate higher awareness.

Here's the missing integration you need:

You must Heal your Hidden Sensory Glitches... on ALL Levels.

If you want clear inner senses, you must...

  • Un-scramble your perceptions on ALL levels.
  • Upgrade your physical senses to better perceive the world of matter.
  • Up-level your knowingness & empathy to understand the world of mind...
  • Uplift your higher awareness of the unseen world of energy fields & flows...
  • Understand how to integrate your bioenergy, aura, chakras & chi, feng shui, inner guidance, "Light," etc.
Inner senses

That's why I designed this AHA! program: To increase acuity not just for the standard five senses... But to Activate Higher Awareness on ALL levels.

For example, ESP, Remote Sensing in Time & Space, Clairvoyance, etc...

Because for accurate awareness.... each one of your senses must be Aligned with ALL the others.

AHA! Here's the solution:
Activate Higher Awareness ENERGY HEALING AUDIOS

A deep-healing program... for every single one of your senses.

This program is NOT just healing on one level. You'll get huge healing for each one of your physical senses:

Eyes. Ears. Taste. Smell. Skin sensations. Temperature. Pressure. Time. Spatial awareness... Etc.

And... healing for your larger spiritual & energetic Awareness.
So you can...

  • Read energy accurately.
  • Fully trust your intuition.
  • Truly know WHAT to heal... for yourself & others.

This program is NOT your ordinary healing! It's not a "guided meditation" or a "visualization."
It's a true Activation of your Higher Awareness.

An incredibly fast & easy to upgrade...
For Intuition & Higher Sensory Integration.

Presenting... my "Secret" System of Fast 12x-Power Healing

This is a revolutionary way to heal… fast.
(AHA! contains 10 hours worth of Healing in 45 Minutes!)

I'm super excited about my "secret" technology, "12x Power-Healing Alignments".

It's a unique proprietary audio technology – embedded into audios 1-5 of this program... so you:

  • Save tons of time. The first five audios are each about 8 or 9 minutes long. But each of these five conveniently-short audios provides 12x of the power & content (about 100 minutes-worth of healing in each audio). So you get a total of almost 10 hours worth of healing, in 1/12th of the time!
  • Get amplified healing power. This unique process gives you a "stronger dosage" of healing Alignments.
  • Get multidimensional, multi-layered healing. In each audio, many healing fields are active, simultaneously. Also, many body parts, limiting beliefs, ancestral patterns, etc… are being Aligned at the same time. These audios are compressed into synergistic layers – in a proprietary, totally unique way.

AHA! audios are short, convenient "Fast Zaps" of 12x-power healing 

width= "Omg! Thank you sooo much for creating short, succinct, effective audios!
So rare! Hours-n-hours of audio content, regardless of how amazing, just aren't so welcome anymore!"
- C.

What you Get in the 10 Audios of
AHA! Activate Higher Awareness

AHA! Part One
Five 12x-Power Audios:

Each of these five 8-minute audios contains over 100 minutes worth of healing.

(8 minutes, 12x-Power)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

This is the first, essential step: you'llCenter your Senses & calibrate them properly, so they are neither numb nor over-sensitive.

All your senses must work together, energetically and morphically. They must be integrated not just with your body, brain, mind… but also with the entire universe!

It's all done for you in this audio. And then you'll be able to do it yourself too! Plus, this fast, easy process not only Reintegrates all your senses, but it also lightens up your whole life: body, mind, and biofield. You will Align your sensory habits, fields, memory, and momentum, with the clearest perceptions possible.

(8 minutes, 12x-Power)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Morphic Healing for All Kinds of Hearing Issues, like:

  • Hearing loss
  • Tinnitus / ringing in the ears
  • Noise hypersensitivity & overwhelm
  • Stuffy ears
  • Comprehension difficulty in loud environments

We will Align your brain, nervous system, all entangled body parts, energy centers, biofield, ancestral fields, environment, and any resonances that distort your hearing.

Plus… Healing for YOUR specific hearing issue… whatever it may be.

(8 minutes, 12x-Power)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Morphic Healing for your Eyes:

  • "Aging" vision
  •  Distance and near vision
  • Floaters and cataracts
  • Light sensitivity
  • Night vision
  • Reading comprehension
  • How your eyes feel (dry, itchy, burning, gritty, tired, etc).

We will Reintegrate your entire body, brain, nervous system and mind… to support your vision. And Reintegrate your spiritual vision, inner vision, and your vision of the future.

Plus… your specific eye issue - you name it, we'll Align it!

(8 minutes, 12x-Power)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Morphic Healing for:

  • Somatic sensations of your skin
  • Smell and taste
  • Hunger and satiation
  • Pleasure and feeling good
  • Sex
  • Pressure and temperature
  • Balance and vestibular senses
  • Spatial orientation
  • Sense of time
  • Sensing energy, and spiritual oneness…

Whatever else you want to heal in the sensory realm, bring it!

(8 minutes, 12x-Power)

AHA Audio5-EmbodyAwareness.pxm

Morphic Healing for:
Embody your Infinite Self’s Awareness… so that your vision, hearing etc are all connected to source energy and the infinite awareness of the universal mind. This embodiment creates self-healing… for all your senses… & your whole life.

Ground your enhanced senses INTO your physical body. Align your eyes, ears, other sensory body parts… with expanded sense perception (ESP).

Balance your senses… to avoid both hypersensitivity and dulled senses, and both excessive and deficient sensitivity.

Integrate all your senses with each other, with their highest expression of your life… with

  • Clarity
  • Knowingness
  • Intuition
  • Awakened Awareness
  • Evolving Expansion into Wholeness.

AHA! Part Two:
Five Audios

(19 minutes)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Expand your intuitive abilities – even if you don't think you have any!

Discover how to trust what you perceive. Learn to distinguish what is true vs. what is fear-based.

Know the difference between your intuition and your mind chatter.

Discern when your unexamined assumptions & beliefs are distorting your intuitive senses... and learn how to stop!

(17 minutes)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Clairvoyance, visualization, knowingness, gut feelings, or otherwise sensing energy with your body or mind…

You can access high-level information with any of those.

What is YOUR best sense? Are you more visual, auditory, or symbolic?

Stop comparing yourself to others, and allow your own style.

How to avoid over-empathy so that you're not taking on untruth.

(24 minutes)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

From daily decision-making, to knowing your life purpose, to acting in Alignment with it…

Get ready to upgrade your guidance now!

Amplify your Alignment with your highest source of guidance. Your best way to discern messages from Source: symbols, colors, sounds, knowingness, etc.

This audo gives you a "brain scan" and body scan - organs, cells, etc... to Align all your physical parts with your higher guidance.

(23 minutes)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Learn to discern... when people & places support you or distort you.

Remote sensing and reading energy is not just about muscle testing, seeing auras or chakras, sensing qi or feng shui energies.

You have an innate ability to sense energy, that is unique to you. Activate it now!

Rather than trying to read energy the way that others do, Align with your highest expression of sensing it.

(13 minutes)

AHA! Activate Higher Awareness - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Are you hypersensitive to other people's energy? Do you pick up other people's emotions, thoughts, problems, pain, illness? Learn to discern when you're doing it.. or not!

Do you feel you need psychic protection? Learn to discern whether you do or don't.

How to Disentangle from fear of negative energy... because you tend to get what you focus on!

Discover how to quickly Stop any unwanted psychic resonance (or fear of it) that is distorting your energy field.

BONUS Audio ($47 Value)

Instant Energy Healing - Quick Start Guide
(18 minutes audio)


Are you new to Now Healing? Or do you want a quick review of the basics?

This audio will get you up and running fast - you'll be able to actually DO the basics of Now Healing, yourself!

Audio includes:

  • *How to use the three basic Now Healing commands, (including the incredibly powerful Disentangle command).
  • How to use basic Now Healing techniques for self-healing - anytime - even when you're not listening to this audio.

Activate Higher Awareness

AHA Sale

Includes 10 Audios, PDF E-book, and a Bonus Audio: 

    (Value $197)
    5 Audios with12x-Power Technology  (10 hours-worth of Healing in 45 Minutes) – Plus a PDF booklet with additional tips & tools.
    (Value $197)
    5 Audios (96 Minutes)
    (Value $47)
    1 Audio (18 minutes)



"Finally I trust myself & my intuition."

"I always wished to tap into my inner senses so I could be guided by the Divine. But I was filled with doubts and blockages. After I listened to the audios, I feel so much peace, re-connected, centered. I love the audios. Every time I listen I remain speechless!"
- Sylvia M, Rome


"Amazing. Everything is much clearer. Answers come faster." 

"I use muscle testing, and now I feel even more confident. It is a great feeling, not having that little bit of doubt & second guessing. The results I get with clients is such a great reward. Seeing better, Knowing , Psychic ability: Before 35%, After 100%."
- Asa B.


"Like nothing else I've felt before."

"I was struggling with (seeing) my body image. After listening, I woke up hearing my body ask me to simply accept it. The depth of my spiritual-to-physical connection was like none I had felt before."
- Anne

More Testimonials


"I spontaneously saw energy."

"My intention was to upgrade intuitive 'hits' and to visualize energy. As soon as you started, a 'hit' that I had been denying immediately came to my mind.

I spontaneously saw rays of energy from my heart, and saw streams of energy dots running through my fingers. Wow! I saw a dense layer of energy in my room & saw it decompress. It's so much lighter now."
- Penny M.


"I experienced clarity."  

"After one listen, I not only felt better in general, but experienced a stronger connection in visual sensing, and confidence in my ability to scan clients' energy issues.

I've loved all of Elma's healing work and this is no exception."
- Bruce K.


"My food sensitivities were NOT the problem, WOW."

"I had been avoiding dairy & carbs according to nutritional IgG testing, but still felt spacey & IBS symptoms.

My big AHA: my grandmother's war-time trauma was stuck in my 3rd chakra. After listening to Audio 4, it cleared instantly. I've been eating my favorite cheese with no problem, woohoo!
- D. Singh

Another One! (There's lots more, but you get the idea.)


"Amazing! My eyes feel much much better... Clear information came to me..."

"What you created is faaaantastic. I have been for the last two years suffering with my eyes and what glasses to use. Nothing was working, I spent lots of money in glasses, I was chanting hard to find the solution, and my intuition told me to get this program. After using this program for 6 days I finally figured out and all fell beautifuly into place with the optitian, and now my eyes feel much much better!!! ... and it was amazing that all my angry energy went away 100 per cent, clear information came to me and all anger went away!!! And all love came back! Elma your work is beautiful and it works!!!!"
- Esperanza

The Fine Print – Disclaimer & Guarantee


Now Healing is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. Please consult your licensed medical provider for diagnosis, treatment, medical & mental health care, advice, etc. Now Healing is not medical healing and makes no claims of medical cure. (It is energetic and morphic healing.) It is intended as a complementary modality, to be used in addition to medical treatment and common-sense healthy & preventative behaviors, but it does not replace them. Please use common sense! By using Now Healing, you assume all responsibility for outcomes or lack thereof, and you hold harmless Elma Mayer and/or Now Healing. By using Now Healing, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own healing, health, decisions and actions. Read the full Disclaimer here.

Not sure whether this program will work for you?

Please try the free sample first, because if you get a good shift from the free sample, it's very likely that this program will work for you. Then... Ask your Inner Guidance!  Breathe in to your Center for a full breath or two. Tune in to your Higher Self / Infinite Self. (You may already feel better, just from that!) Now ask your Higher Self: "Will this program give me substantial or useful improvements in my life?"  If you get a "Yes!" or if it feels right, then go for it! If not, don't force it. Honor the answer you get.

Satisfaction Guarantee

WHAT TO EXPECT: Your energetics & resonances WILL shift as you use our programs... but the results and "outcome" will be non-linear and won't necessarily make logical sense. You may or may not perceive the shifts with your conscious awareness. It's essential to be non-attached to specific results. (You'll learn how to get non-attached, as you listen to these audios). It's a paradox, but in this work, the more you let go of "needing" an outcome, the more likely you are to get what you need! You will likely notice improvements in many areas of your life – not only the ones you're "trying" for. You may well get the results you "want" – many people report that they do! But if you're the kind of person who will be dissatisfied unless you are absolutely guaranteed a specific outcome, please do not buy this product, and seek help elsewhere.

30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you have given this program an honest try, and you are not happy with your purchase of this program for any reason, you qualify for a refund within 30 days. No questions asked!

REFUND POLICY & INSTRUCTIONS: To request a refund, email us at within 30 days of purchase. Please include the email address with which you purchased. If possible, please include your receipt.

  • Digital-only products qualify for a full refund.
  • Physical products qualify for a refund minus a 20% restocking fee, and you pay for return shipping. So if there's any chance you may want a refund, it's best to choose the digital version.

Refunds are limited to one per customer every 2 years.

ANTI-THEFT & ANTI-PIRACY: This product contains energetic anti-theft & anti-piracy protection. If you buy it with the intention of using it & returning it in order to get your money back, or if you make unauthorized copies, it will not work for you, and you'll create bad karma!

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