Are You a Healer?

Are you now… or have you ever wanted to be… a healer?

Personal aside: I never wanted to be one.

Well, actually I sort of did, but only if it was gonna be easy and painless… which was impossible, right? I didn’t want to go to med school, chiropractic college, homeopathy or acupuncture school. It just all seemed waaaaaay tooooo hard!

I said to myself “If I can find some super easy method, I’ll do it. But nothing like that exists.”

Well, the joke was on me!

In a moment of crisis brought on by Lyme disease, I suddenly tapped into what I call “THE THING THAT HEALS,” earth’s green, regenerating life energy. Whoa, could I really access healing that easily?

I was incredulous, but it worked anyway. That simple act of  instant Alignment – like flipping on a switch – was enough to bring on automatic, instant healing.

After that, I couldn’t stop being a healer! The universe kidnapped me, and presented me with synchronicities and AHAs and blessings.

When I found Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of Morphic Resonance back in 1994 or so, I knew that was the mechanism for this kind of instant healing. It wasn’t really about energy, it was actually about resonance. I began applying it to my life and health, with amazing results.

I soon found Orin’s books, and then later the Yuen Method, both of which teach instant, effortless healing. Then, using those as main ingredients, along with vast new information downloads from Infinite Self, a sprinkle of Matrix Energetics (before its founder had fully devolved into dark conspirituality and egotistic gaslighting), a dash of Yoganandaji, a pinch of Angels, a schpritz of ancestral Rabbis, and countless other bytes from kabbalistic & Metatronic sacred geometries, spirals and helices… I cooked up a brand new recipe called Now Healing.

It’s the easiest healing ever. Unlike some of my favorite other modalities, there’s no need to pinpoint a root cause, or fall backwards onto the floor, or meditate or do yoga. Those things are all wonderful and effective. But they’re too much work, or too much playing around, or too disorganized and unclear, or too much of a commitment.

I just wanna give you something quick and easy, so you can get on with your life.

If YOU have ever wanted to be a healer…

… or be a better, faster healer…

… or a happier, wholer healer…

If you’ve ever wished you could heal yourself and
transcend pain and struggle‚ and stop needing to run
to all those other healers…

If you’ve ever wanted to create any kind of instant change
in your life… even if you don’t consider it “healing”…

There’s no excuse any more.
There’s no reason to stay stuck where you are.

It’s just so incredibly easy to create transformation,
that it’s really a cop-out to assume that you
cannot do it yourself.

You are a healer, whether you know it or not.
You already have the power to shift energy instantly.

Align with your healing power… now!

Bring that command into your Center.

And… Notice the beautiful, fast transformations that happen because of this Alignment. 

It’s not your imagination!

Want my secret sauce?

If you’d like a shortcut to upgrade your healing power, here it is

Now Healing 101…

… in which I reveal the recipe of my
secret sauce of instant healing and whole-ing.

Ok, it’s not a secret. I don’t like secrets,
especially in recipe ingredients.

In fact, this recipe is clear, obvious, transparent and
logically organized.

In this course, you will:

  • Transform any kind of problem or pain, quickly and easily, without having to find the so-called cause.
  • Learn to shift any problem or situation, by shifting its energy field (sounds mysterious, but it’s simple.)
  • Learn energetic testing, to find your energy disconnects.
  • Get three simple techniques, to repair those disconnects, in less than two seconds.
  • Learn to scan your body, and repair its energy
  • Align your thoughts and emotions – and no, it’s not about positive thinking.
  • Get access to an energy field of automatic healing that’s always available to you
  • Heal yourself and others

That’s just a tiny fraction of what you get in Now Healing 101.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to do it yourself.

You are a healer, because you are evolving towards wholeness.

Looking forward to healing and whole-ing with you!

Love and Wholeness,

Now Healing 101 Course

The Now Healing 101 Course

Activate Your Healing Ability

Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing Hi, I’m Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing. My higher purpose is to amplify your innate instant-healing ability – whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting out. And shhh, just between us: my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones, but the entire planet! Tens of thousands of people have used my Now Healing tools to do incredibly effective instant-energy healing, with ease. And you can too. Let's do it now!

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