Events: Guided Healing

monthly healing calls schedule

Schedule – Live Monthly Healing Calls:

New! Saturday April 5 — What you Need Most... to Turn ON your Power – in your body-mind-spirit.

How to Align with the Full Power of Creation – in an instant.

This is NOT merely about physical strength, or psychological self-esteem. It's much bigger!

to fully embody & ground your creation-ability into reality... NOW.

What you'll do in this Guided Healing:

1) Activate what you most need to heal – specifically. What is actually blocking your POWER?

2) Delete your energy-sapping thoughts, habits, patterns & postures  that make you feel anything less than FULL POWER.

3) Align with this major META-shift (of body-mind-energy-spirit-resonance) — to support the Power of Creation in every part of your WHOLE life.

To get this Meta∞Healing,
Join the Monthly Guided Healing Calls:

May 3 — What do you Need Most... for your Abundance & Ability to Receive Blessings?

How do your efforts, your work, your time, your money, and your purpose actually allow you to be both active AND receptive to abundance – in every part of your life? Re-integrate it all!

June 7 — What do you Need Most... for your Relationships – to Yourself & Others?

And how does this relate to and support improvement for every other part of your life? Including your health, mood, money, work, legacy, etc?


New Live Calls happen on the 1st Saturday of each month,
at noon Eastern Time:

9am Los Angeles; 10am Denver, Calgary, Mexico City; 11am Houston & Winnipeg; 12 noon New York & Toronto; 2pm São Paulo; 5pm London; 6pm Berlin, Madrid & Cape Town; 7pm Bucharest & Jerusalem; 10:30pm Mumbai; Next Day 1am Perth AU & Singapore; 2am Tokyo; 4am Melbourne; 6am Auckland.
(Non-U.S. Times subject to change, depending on local daylight/standard times.)

Join the Guided Healing Membership*

* New Features! New Levels!

  • Get the Guided Healing Events mentioned above, plus...
  • Choose the Healing Frequency that's right for you, plus...
  • Tons of other features, goodies & bonuses

Did you miss any recent healing calls?

Get Instant Access to the entire Audio Library of 150+ Replays/Recordings:

PS – What Happens in Each Call?

You will gain "Morphic Momentum"
as you build a consistent flow of higher Healing & Whole Life Alignment!

Get a NEW Healing Experience, Every Time you Listen.

so many miracles

In each call, you will:

  • Choose your Personal Healing Intention – for health, happiness, or whatever you want.
  • Activate your Intention, through several rounds of healing.
  • Align with your (hidden?) Higher Life Goals, individual purpose & world service.
  • Scan & Align your hidden energetic blockages, patterns & distortions – on ALL levels of matter, mind, energy, spirit, space, time, love & money.
  • Receive essential "Morphic Maintenance" for your energy field, space, time & Whole Life.
  • Get easy Take-away Tools that you can use yourself, anytime.

PPS – Testimonials

(Here are just a few. There are hundreds more!)

guided healing amazing
miraculous guided healing
Guided Healing Testimonial - profound
guided healing testimonial negativity gone
Guided Healing Testimonial c

Now Healing  is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. Please consult your licensed medical provider for diagnosis, treatment, medical & mental health care, advice, etc. Now Healing is not medical healing and makes no claims of medical cure. (This is energetic and morphic healing.) This is intended as a complementary modality, to be used in addition to medical treatment and common-sense healthy & preventative behaviors, but it does not replace them. Please use common sense! By using Now Healing , you assume all responsibility for outcomes or lack thereof, and you hold harmless Elma Mayer and/or Now Healing. By using Now Healing, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own healing, health, decisions and actions.

Read the full Disclaimer here.

It's easy to cancel: go to our Support page and request cancellation by filling out the form. Please allow at least 3 business days before your next billing.

When you cancel your membership, you are cancelling your next billing. There are no refunds for the unused portion of your subscription.