how to heal with your mind

How to Heal with your Mind?

It's not what you think!

It might feel like you actually heal with your mind, when you decide to focus your awareness on doing healing. Or when you  invoke the power of intention, or say an affirmation, or visualize with your mind's eye, or do a Now Healing Command

But that’s not what’s happening!

It's a mistake and a misdirection to assume that your mind is doing the actual healing. Well, then...

What is your mind actually doing, when you do healing?
Please comment below, describing what you experience... and you'll be rewarded with a blast of healing as a thank-you!

Your mind is an Entry Portal to healing.

So yes, you can start your self-healing process by using your mind – and directing your mind's focus towards healing. But...

Don't stay in the "doorway of your mind" to do healing! Because that's not where the healing happens.

Your mind is just an entry point.

It's only one of many healing portals that we can use to begin the healing process. (Curious about healing portals? Check out my
Monthly Healing Calls. Learn more about 5 major Healing Portals >> )

So yes, you can enter the Healing Field through your mind. But it does NOT mean that you can actually heal with your mind.

Because you don't just want to hang out in the doorway to healing. Keep going!

How to go beyond the mind, to enter all the way into the Healing Field?

Aha! We have ways! In any Now Healing process, we always go beyond our initial intentions and assumptions, to get into a super-effective Healing Space.

(That way, you're not just spinning your mental wheels – or straying down a garden path going nowhere.)

Join this Guided Healing Call – it will blow your mind portal!

GUIDED HEALING: The 5 Healing Portals

WHEN: Saturday September 7 at noon ET

WHAT: Healing for your LIFE through your MIND PORTAL

Comment Below - What does YOUR mind do, when you do healing?

There's no right or wrong answer, I just want to know what you experience! For example...

What do you experience in your mind, when you do self-healing, or healing for others? This includes any kind of healing, not just Now Healing - it could be EFT tapping, or guided meditation, or setting intentions, or saying affirmations, or vision boards, etc.

How much is your mind involved? What's your mental relationship to healing? What are you thinking, or expecting, or sensing with your knowingness, self-talk, or other mental experience?

Do you try to shut down your mind? Do you believe that the mind gets in the way? Or do you discern a difference between your local chattering mind, and your higher mind and intuitive knowingness that comes in the form of words or mental images?

Please Comment! You'll be Entering your comment into the Now Healing Space... for automatic Alignment.

IMPORTANT: Be aware that the Comment area below is a Now Healing Space. When you type into it, then as soon as you click "submit comment", whatever you typed is Entered into the Now Healing Space, to further transform, expand, and Align with Wholeness. This instantly ripples out into all of reality!

INSTRUCTIONS. Before you Comment, please READ THIS!!!
If you follow these instructions exactly, then, in addition to the automatic Alignment described above...

I will ALSO send you a personal Healing Blast of Alignment with Wholeness – directly into your Center! This will happen as soon as I see your comment, which may take a bit of time.
— Note: I will NOT answer you verbally. This is remote-space-time-healing.
— How to receive the Healing Blast? No need to do anything, other than be open to receiving it whenever it comes. It’s easy: Simply decide to stay open to receive Wholeness… Now!

Please DO NOT request specific healing here – this is not the right place! If you request specific healing here, I will ignore your comment, and I will be annoyed at you for being greedy!

However, if you DO have a specific healing intention for which you crave my guidance and the power of Now Healing, then hooray! Because… I DO have a special program for folks who want deeper, more specific healing:
Guided Healing Membership: Learn More >>
And if you want individual, intensive VIP healing from me:
Choose the SAPPHIRE option here >>

OK, got it? Great! Go ahead and...

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  1. Jewl on September 4, 2024 at 10:07 pm

    Hi Elma
    Firstly my earphones go in because i feel more centred & feel im blocking on the outside whats trying to come at me & get in my head to try & mess with my thoughts.
    I try to concentrate, calm my scattered thoughts & breath & try & absorb whats being said in the healing.
    I still get the mind chatter that says, whats the point youve been doing this for years & nothing miraculous has ever happened.
    But if i hadnt of carried on doing the work & chipping away to release all the crap ive carried, I know for sure I’d be alot worse.
    I can see then- things have changed me for the better 🙂
    Even though its took years of working at it.
    Regards Jewl

  2. Elizabeth on September 3, 2024 at 5:49 pm

    No Mind! Never mind. ;)))

  3. Anna Nash on September 3, 2024 at 3:36 pm

    I want to be aligned with by conscious & subconscious mind so that I may choose what most fulfills me from the energectic smorgasbord. Thank you

  4. Monika on September 3, 2024 at 9:10 am

    When I first learned healing techniques, my mind was very directive thinking it had to be spot on with what was needed to be done. Now, my mind calls in the loving healing energies from my soul and my guides when working on myself or my client’s soul and guides and together with Source, the healing gets underway. My mind relaxes, knowing that Source and all other contributing energies are doing the work, and remains alert to signs, signals and other communications for me to know to relate to my client or to understand myself.

  5. Margo on September 3, 2024 at 8:25 am

    I set the intention for healing in my mind and then let go, and trust the kosmos

  6. Klaus on September 3, 2024 at 7:28 am

    At first I am aware of a quite room in myself.
    There is no other thing, than Awareness.
    Than it’s like a movie, who plays itself.

  7. Marilyn Klein on September 3, 2024 at 5:57 am

    My mind is open to the light feeling doing what I asked for and more.. Energy going inside and out of my body. A sense of well being.
    I am using my mind for a specified area to be healed and I let it go .
    Thank you Elma for all you do. I have learned a lot with Elma .

  8. Donna on September 3, 2024 at 5:51 am

    It varies. If I am working with a client, I quiet my mind and can feel a connection to Wholeness, Higher consciousness, my guides. If I hear something upsetting and I try doing work right away, it’s not really affective until I become more neutral and calm my mind.

  9. Ana Maria on September 3, 2024 at 4:16 am

    It begins in the mind. It’s the emotion, the belief, the feeling that I think may be most important.

  10. Mary on September 3, 2024 at 12:30 am

    Before I disentangle an area, my mind often sees cloudiness, intersecting, wavy lines, visual disturbances, and interprets emotions from my heart. My mind then commands my source energy and power in the healing field to disentangle. Sometimes my mind becomes very quiet and at peace. At other times it notices I still have a “charge” on that issue, and it chooses to continue to disentangle until I feel some shift in my heart. The more peaceful my mind becomes, the bigger the change I see the next day.

  11. Ruth on September 3, 2024 at 12:19 am

    I let my mind be open to receive I
    clear my thoughts and sometimes imagine light coming in . Thankyou ! 🙏💖✨

  12. Deepa Rajagopal on September 2, 2024 at 8:38 pm

    It may or maynot work. No expectations. Just try everything

  13. Wendy Wolosoff-Hayes on September 2, 2024 at 7:51 pm

    Once I call in the guides, my m ind is at their service, and at the service of my client.

  14. Taunja on September 2, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    My mind relaxes to allow the healing light from the Universe come streaming in, head to toe.

  15. Mack on September 2, 2024 at 5:11 pm

    When I attempt to get healing help and improvement and change, I visualize a light coming from above from the healing source. I take in the given color thruout and ground it at the center of the earth with the assumption that I am in a place of safe wellness.

  16. Ronny on September 2, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    My Mind try’s to manipulate me. It’s not working. It’s not good enough. But the intention to heal comes from the mind. So I delete the mind.

  17. Robina on September 2, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    I would say my mind is concentrating on the healing. Seeing a picture of person needing healing or body part that needs healing.

  18. Jayne arella on September 2, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    My mind opens to higher consciousness.

  19. Jayne arella on September 2, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    My mind opens to connect to infinite intelligence.

  20. Evelyn mason on September 2, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    Thankyou alma When I am healing
    I am feeling into my body seeing as well where it’s happening and what is happening. So I would say I’m using my mind and my senses??
    Love your work so much ⭐️

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