11:11? Don’t just make a wish
What to do when the clock says 11:11? Don’t just make a wish!
Do you wait for the universe to remind you of your healing power, like when 12/12 rolls around, or the clock numbers align at 11:11? Don’t just make a wish! Instead…
Remember: you have the power to FULLY Align yourself… Now!
So… let’s do it!
Follow the simple instructions below:
Instant-Energy Alignment
Print this healing image and post it on your fridge, for a daily reminder of your healing power!
What did you experience? Please comment below!
Tell us about what shifted for you – scroll down to the comments!
- What are you noticing? Are you breathing more fully? Is it a big huge shift of enlightenment? Or a tiny subtle sigh? (Either way is fine – because a lot of things shift that are beyond your local senses! It’s not just about your local Qi shifting – everything in the universe is Aligning!)
- What has already changed? Do you feel more alive? More energized? Or maybe a bit dazed and confused? (No worries, it’s just a release of your limiting expectations and assumptions!) Even if you don’t think anything changed, here’s one thing that’s changed: it’s probably not 11:11 anymore, right? Just expand your awareness, and you’ll sense tons of transformation!
- Do you feeeeeeeel your amazing healing power?
Let us know in the comments below!
Learn to activate your healing power – even more deeply:
Discover a new universe, where you can do instant-remote-healing – powerfully & effectively – with our signature course:
The Now Healing 101 Course
Activate Your Healing Ability