3 Steps to Heal Fear & Negative Expectations
Note: avoid a common healing mistake – do this instead!
In this healing, we don't need to look for the "root cause" of your worries, or search your subconscious for hidden limiting beliefs that something bad will happen as you age. We don't try to identify which trauma triggered your self-sabotage, or which family pattern shaped your uneasy outlook.
Because blaming a "cause" is a misdirection – it's a mistake of mechanical, materialist thinking. But don't worry, we don't do magical thinking either! In this Now Healing process, we don't rely on Matter, Mind, Magic, or Logic.
Instead, we use Morphic and Energetic methods – to do healing on the much larger field of everything that's entangled with your issue. Like this...
The 3-step Healing Process
Please follow these simple instructions – they are an essential part of the healing process!
Step 1: Choose your issue – tune in to ONE fear or negative expectation...
Choose one single issue that you want to open up to healing. Ask yourself "What is my most important fear or negative expectation to be cleared right now?"
Don't over-think it. Take 20-30 seconds. Just go with the first issue that pops into your awareness.
Important: Choose ONLY ONE issue, even if you have many things you want to heal! This healing will flow better if you follow the instructions.
Name your issue, using a short phrase. No need to describe it in detail, instead, label it in a few words. For example, "Worry about not having enough ___ ___ ___." Or "It's unlikely that my ___ will ever improve." Or "Fred will disappoint me again." (Make up your own, don't just choose one of these! And apologies to Fred.)
Choose and name your issue now!
Step 2: Put your issue into this Healing Image, to be transformed...
- Take a full breath in and out of your Center, while you look at the Healing Image below.
- Now, "put" your issue into the center of the circle in the word NOW below.*
- Take another full breath, from your Center, as you observe the image. You're probably already feeling a shift!
If you've been keeping up with Now Healing by reading our emails, then you already know how to do this! You can skip ahead to Step 3.
But if you're not sure how this works, or if you need a little reminder, here's a quick primer:
- As you look at the Healing Image above, allow yourself to imagine, or visualize, or sense, or feel, or intend, or pretend... that you are putting your issue into the central circle.
- Or, take the name or short phrase of your issue, and "enter" it by clicking an "enter button" inside the circle. Do it with your imagination, or with your finger on the screen.
- Or, you can say a Now Healing Command: Align my issue with the Center of the Circle... Now.
To learn more about this Healing Image, please listen to the Guided Healing calls from early 2023, where I explain the Now Healing Circle of Light Rays. Join here to listen: Guided Healing Calls - Audio Library
And if you don't yet get our emails, please join the Healing List!
Step 3: Continue the Healing – Notice what has already shifted, and comment below...
Notice how you feel now. Observe your current state, in this moment. What has already shifted?
Please type it into the Comments below: Type the name of your issue, and what changed after you did Step 2. Whether it's a big transformation, or a subtle shift, acknowledge it in writing!
Don't skip this! It's an essential part of the healing process. Your issue will continue to transform, after you "enter it into the Healing Space" of the Comments area. You are also allowing us to witness and amplify your healing process!
Go to Comments & Healing Space
Step 4: You can do so much more...
If you're already a Guided Healing Member, go listen to the "What do you Expect" series in your Members' Dashboard! You'll get some purty durn powerful healings!
If you're NOT a member yet... and if you enjoyed this fast 3-step process... then just imagine what will happen when you join the FULL Guided Healings...
Don't miss this Guided Healing Call! We will go deep, to:
- Clear fears that your life will get worse as you age, on any and all levels
- Stop self-sabotage from your hidden negative expectations
- Re-Create your expectations to be congruent with your intentions.
Comments & Healing Space!
NOTE: The Comment area below is a Healing Space.
► When you type into it and submit your comment, the issue you chose above is Entered into the Now Healing Space, to be further transformed, rippling out into all of reality!
► Scroll down to add your comment.
► Your comment will show up after it has been approved (to avoid spam bots).
► Please refresh the page to see new comments.
Worked on fear of failure. Keep exhaling energy.. Breathing out more. Powerful energy field around me.
I have a fear of dieing & leaving all my family bwhind.
I worry how will they cope if im not there to help them.
When i did the healing i kept yawning through- out & then felt energy releasing out the top of my head.
My mind feels empty now & Im not worrying like I was.
Feeling so much more relaxed 😊
Thank you Elma!
Wow! That felt great! The center circle appeared to pulse. I can be loved regardless of my body weight.
Fear of being hated.
i felt more peaceful afterwards and a bit teary eyed . I also felt recognized. Thank you
Almer I adore your healings
They are so good every one of them many thanks Evelyn
“Break apart” was the first issue and it was replaced by “enjoy the moment , now!” …🤩
Second issue was “”Draw hard” …replaced by a sense of more tangible sensation in my hand …
Fear relating to having enough money to change careers and be self employed.
A steel feeling of determination in shoulders. A seriousness of intent. Thank you!
Fear of mg grandsons Hydrocele surgery not going perfectly. More space in my chest and a deep breath followed. A true knowing it will go perfectly and he is healed, healthy and whole<3
Fear of losing my fur baby, I lost one and I’m afraid it’ll happen again. I’m yawning like crazy and feeling negative energy going out of my body also crying but its not enough. I’ll definitely do it again.
Mi miedo a no ser reconocido, a sentirme desvalorizado … el dolor de mis dedos con artritis disminuyó de manera importante y me siento muy ligero, feliz y relajado . Gracias !
Fear of losing mobility. It feels so light after the exercise.
Afraid I will always have allergies.
I have a smile on my face and I feel open.
Felt lighter. More centered less stress ed
Dementia. I fear being a burden to my beautiful children.
Fear of getting nervous while speaking at a meeting.
fear of driving in city traffic and the possibility of having an accident
So appreciative of your amazing g gift that you share with myself and my family Elma your such an angel thank you, trust my issue resolving itself as we speak xx 🤗🙏
I have this fear of being seen and heard by certain people. I felt some relief in my solar plexus and now feel more calm. Thank you!
Fear of aging – specifically all the negativity associated with it. It felt very empowering to “put” those three words into the Now circle and see them disappear. A positive way to start the day 🙂
Worry about not enough money. Felt lighter and like it’s fading away. Hallelujah!
Ive always feared, not surviving & managing on my own (to do with safety, feeling powerless, im not enough on my own etc)
When i did this healing i was yawning & felt calmer & more relaxed afterwards.
Definitely feel better.
Amazing Elma!!! 🙂
Afraid of my chronic health issues never going away and being stuck like this the rest of my life. I felt some circulation return to my muscles that have been hurting for days
My fear of arthritis worsening. Felt calmer and hips less painful wow!