Balance Your Life… in Minutes, Not Years.

Scroll down for your Free Alignment

Are any of these Life Areas out of balance for you?
Health, Habits, Happiness…
Career, Creativity, Calling…
Family, Friends, Feng Shui…
Mood, Mind-set, and … Money???

Do you over-focus on one area while shoving the others under the rug?

  • Some of us pay attention to our health, but give short shrift to our relationships or career.
  • Others focus on spirituality, while finances, family, and fun suffer. Or vice-versa.

But everything is entangled… so you can’t just focus on one specific.

Example #1. You want to lose weight. So you decide to stop eating all grains. And it works… you lose 15 pounds quickly and easily. You feel good, you’re flying high. But then some dratted holiday comes along, and temptation takes you, gravity grabs hold, and pulls you back to the groove you’ve worn into your reality. (And yep, you might have grokked that I speak from personal experience here!)

Why did you “fail” to reach your goal? You succeeded in one area – food choices – for a while. But you ignored the other parts of the equation – not just obvious stuff like exercise and mindset – but the whole of reality that could be impacting your issue, unbeknownst to your conscious mind. Stuff like adrenals. Angst. Adenovirus. Aunt Alison the Alien’s Accident Anniversary. And that’s just the the first letter of the alphabet!

Example #2. You want to change careers and Align with your higher calling. But your husband and kids think you’re nuts. Getting new credentials in your chosen discipline is a great idea – but if you forget about your family’s feelings, plus you stuff down your fear of financial risk, it will all come back to bite you later. And if your ancestors don’t like your new path, then fuggedaboudit, it ain’t gonna be easy, no matter how many Ph.D’s and dollars you earn!

The “Problem”

  • Your Finances might be distorted by your Family.
  • Your Mood might be crashing because of the Feng Shui of your office.
  • Your Career might be blocked by your Habits and Patterns.

But you’re probably not aware of these entanglements, on a conscious level.

The Solution
Change your behavior? Or take action? DO something – anything?!

Well… that’s not a great solution. Taking action can occasionally be somewhat effective… or it could turn out to be a frustrating, wasted effort!

What to do???
Before you take action in any one major life area, spend just a few moments tuning in to all your other life areas. Use the simple tool below… to make all areas of your life congruent with all other areas.

Free Alignment

The Five Finger Alignment

.. to Balance Five Areas of Your Life, Right Now!

This is a very different kind to Alignment! Unlike most NH processes, this one uses a physical action.

Follow the simple instructions below. This Alignment will Disentangle and then Re-Integrate the major areas of your life, instantly. You’ll have more freedom and flow if you do this often!

Tune in: What are the top 5 areas of your life that need balancing?
Some examples to choose from: Health, Relationships, Work, Money, Home, Spiritual Growth, Learning, Creativity, Behavior, Mood, Life Purpose… stuff like that! Don’t get specific, keep it general.

Imagine each life area “sitting” on top a finger of one hand. (Like finger puppets! Each finger represents a different life area that you assign to it.)
1. Spread your fingers out to Disentangle each life area from the others.
2. Bring all your fingertips together into a tight circle, to Reintegrate these life areas.
3. Touch your fingertip-circle to any point on your Center – your heart Center, your solar plexus, your third eye, or whatever feels best. This Aligns the 5 life areas with your Center and Infinite Self.

You may notice an immediate opening, or you may experience a more subtle, deep change over time. (Please let us know – comment below!)

There’s so much more you can do with this!

I’ll take you through this “5-FINGER ALIGNMENT” in great detail – plus lots of deeper & wider healing, in…

Balance your Life – Guided Healing

Balance areas of your life that you didn’t even know were out of balance!  You’ll get instant shifts for the hidden “energetic disconnects” in your physical body, mind and emotions… and all areas of life including spiritual growth, relationships (ancestral and living), career… and of course, finances!

Enroll below in the Guided Healing Membership. You’ll get this Replay and 100+ hours of healing!

Join the Flow of Healing Momentum

Powerful Guided Healing
(far beyond passive "guided meditation")

You'll be able to:

  • Plug directly into The Healing Field – with confidence & clarity
  • Activate Instant Alignment – for ALL parts of your life
  • Build Healing Momentum – because Healing never stops!

Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing Hi, I’m Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing. My higher purpose is to amplify your innate instant-healing ability – whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting out. And shhh, just between us: my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones, but the entire planet! Tens of thousands of people have used my Now Healing tools to do incredibly effective instant-energy healing, with ease. And you can too. Let's do it now!

Comments (Please Add Yours Below!)


  1. Heidi Wagner on February 4, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    Dear Elma,
    I felt a quick, subtle shift with this elegant mudra processing !!!
    It replaced exhaustion from my workplace with a calm, & more light hearted
    perception. Felt that some difficult family relationship & a sibling estrangement
    were now open to flow, love. and no longer “impossible” to heal !
    Blessings over you and your family.

  2. Maraine on November 7, 2016 at 12:14 pm

    Did it once. Energy field changed immediately. Felt stronger. More grounded and was in a good position already, so….yayyy. Thank you!!! Your rock Alma. Really like what Rudy said above. Love that Elma magic.

  3. Alysen on May 23, 2016 at 1:59 pm

    Hello Elma I felt a definite shift . .thank you for this amazingly simple technique!

  4. Doreen on January 25, 2016 at 12:46 pm

    Hi Elma,
    Energy shift wasn’t in this article? Scrolled down nothing!


  5. susan wells on January 4, 2016 at 7:27 pm

    Yes it is working. 🙂

  6. Myrna Pickering on May 4, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    Well – Elna, your system of working with energy is still new to me, although I find a lot of similarities on the principals behind it to how I work intuitively – you do have a lot of neat tricks on how to get there! I’ve never responded to a comment because I haven’t wanted to get my hopes up that this works but did want to express that there is coherence when I perform a shift that feels right to me and this 5-finger one was a nice blast! Thanks and love your creativity in this. Will continue to make this part of my natural life and healing activities to explore what’s possible.

  7. Sybil Barbour on July 8, 2014 at 9:00 am

    Thanks Elma for this quick and easy energy tool!

  8. Sangeeta on August 17, 2013 at 1:46 am

    Another neat, simple and effective tool Elma 🙂

    Great, thank you!



  9. Sheila on July 3, 2011 at 6:45 am

    I just love these monthly teleseminars and always feel lighter and more carefree afterward. I felt many shifts and improvements. I think Elma has amazing insight and intuition and am enjoying the benefits of her work. Thank you Elma for sharing your work with us and staying connected.


  10. Rudy Hunter on July 2, 2011 at 11:01 am

    So…Balance Your Life [the Guided Healing live call] was terrific and I got huge shifts & improvements very quickly. Not surprised–I always get them during Elma’s work. The even-more-delicious stuff on this call was the live demo of the “Mudra-thingy” that I love and some applications of it, the wild sacred geometry and the very best part was listening as Elma went through the chart. Why? Tracking what she sensed and decided to correct in the group was like sitting in on a master class of energetic alignments. Delicious and beyond. Thanks Elma!

  11. Rudy Hunter on June 23, 2011 at 8:11 am

    As usual Elma’s instant energy shifts helped me. Just the quickie demo with the fingertip Disentangle helped me in seconds. Love that Elma magic!

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