Do you need Psychic Protection?

Free Alignment – Video Below

In this video, you’ll get a free healing for “Psychic Protection”… and:

  1. The first step you need to take.
  2. How to avoid the Big Mistake many people make in “Psychic Protection”
  3. Free Healing process – you’ll be able to do it yourself.
  4. How to go deeper, with the next steps.

Watch Now – Free Alignment Healing:

Please comment below! What did you experience?

  • “I feel a shower of moving light almost like a water fall” – Carole
  • “Have been feeling crappy all day, finally breathing more comfortably” – Nandani
  • “Peaceful in my chest” – Alex

Do you need Psychic Protection?

Watch the video to discover how to…

Determine whether you need “psychic protection”. (Hint: You Don’t, about 90% of the time… and maybe even 99.9% of the time! Watch the video to learn more.)

Balance the Flow of Psychic Information that you receive, to avoid Empathic Over-Reactions… and get clear intuition.

Who this is for:

  • Highly-sensitive healers, HSPs, or empaths… who want to balance the volume of all that psychic noise.
  • Inspired and curious people… who want to become more sensitive, increase intuition, energetic awareness, and psychic discernment.
  • Folks with mystery ailments, self-sabotage, or chronic stuff that just won’t clear… because that “stuff” is very likely to have a huge psychic resonance component… and I’ll show you how to clear it! (Not the usual way, of course!)

No matter who you are, it is absolutely essential that you find YOUR best balance of intuitive clarity and psychic receptivity.

Without being too easily triggered with a low threshhold of hyper-sensitivity so that you…

  • Feel overwhelmed and barraged by psychic noise, negative energy, “energy vampires”, etc.
  • Take on other people’s negativity, thoughts, emotions, and even physical symptoms.
  • Resonate with global fear, collective unconsciousness craziness, climate crisis angst, and dick-tator derangement syndrome.

How to Go Deeper:

Here’s the next step you can take, as described at the end of the free healing video:

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OOPS! You missed the live healing call:

Psychic Energy & Empathy – Raise your Resonance.

But no worries! You can get:

  • The Replay…
  • Plus over 100 hours of guided healing on every topic imaginable, in the Guided Healing Library
  • Plus… new Live Calls every month

What’s in the replay of Psychic Energy & Empathy – Raise your Resonance? You’ll get an hour of power-healing to:

  • Clear hidden negative energy.
  • Re-Integrate your Boundaries, Sovereignty & Attraction.
  • Disentangle from hidden energy sucks, leaks & drains.
  • Clean your biofield from energy toxins & negative energy.
  • Plus… you’ll get a powerful “Boundary Scan” to clear out your specific energetic gunk.
  • And as usual, bring YOUR specific healing intention… and be ready for big shifts.

Learn more about the Guided Healing Membership:

Join the Flow of Healing Momentum

Powerful Guided Healing
(far beyond passive "guided meditation")

You'll be able to:

  • Plug directly into The Healing Field – with confidence & clarity
  • Activate Instant Alignment – for ALL parts of your life
  • Build Healing Momentum – because Healing never stops!

Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing Hi, I’m Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing. My higher purpose is to amplify your innate instant-healing ability – whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting out. And shhh, just between us: my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones, but the entire planet! Tens of thousands of people have used my Now Healing tools to do incredibly effective instant-energy healing, with ease. And you can too. Let's do it now!

Comments (Please Add Yours Below!)


  1. Nivedita on February 17, 2023 at 7:37 pm

    thanks Elma, I felt a surge of energy in my brain and got that I was 100% centered at this moment in time.

  2. Colin Caldow on June 30, 2019 at 11:18 pm

    I’m now aware that I’m getting better at picking up negative energy from people/places/things. Previously I wasn’t however.

  3. Lori on June 30, 2019 at 4:12 pm

    I feel more centered, but not at 100% yet.

  4. Lori on June 30, 2019 at 4:08 pm

    Sometimes I am aware instantly. Other times, I realize after I start to feel off balance. Thank you.

  5. Cara on June 30, 2019 at 1:32 pm

    I am aware. I sometimes wear crystals for psychic protection. From an ancestral point of view, there is great poverty consciousness that results in lack in the physical realm. Thank you!

  6. Helen on June 29, 2019 at 11:19 pm

    I pick up vibrations from other, places on a regular basis…It is overwhelming and I wish I could switch it off. This has been for most of my life. This also occurs in dreams as well.

  7. Susanne on June 28, 2019 at 3:29 am

    Thank You Elma,

    We all need this / Susanne

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