Free Up Your Life [VIDEO – Free 6-Second Healing]

1. Try the free 6-second healing video below & get a fast energy shift to Free Up Your Life!

2. Did you get a big shift from just 6 seconds? Learn how to go much deeper…

1. Video: Free 6-Second Healing
(a preview of the full 60-minute Healing Free Up Your Life)


a) Tune in to one area of your life that does not feel “Free.”
For example: Your Knees? Self-Image? Daily Schedule? Finances? Diet? Love Life?

b) Then… Watch the 6-second video below, to Activate Freedom! And get a free sample of what we’ll do this Saturday, at the monthly Live Guided Healing!

(This was my first and only attempt at using Vine back in 2013. But the healing energies are still active today!)

Note: Make sure to turn on the Audio ON button – click the video, it may take a few clicks! But Vine is glitchy for some folks, and sometimes audio ON button doesn’t show. Sorry about that!
(Or just read my lips! Several people said they got a big shift that way!)

“What part of you does not feel free?
Free it… NOW!”

Please comment below! What did you experience?

Want More than Just 6 Seconds of Healing?
Go Deeper, and Get Hours of Power-Healing!

Here are just TWO of the many many many hours of power-healing that await you!

Recording – Instant Access:
Free Up your Life, Body, Mind, Spirit

Contains Active Healing Energies to Free Up ALL levels of your existence.

You will get Alignments for your Freedom of:

  • Movement – your body, joints… and all functions / processes
  • Thought – clear beliefs and mental loops, Align with new ideas
  • Expression and Creativity
  • Emotion – flow, without blockage and stuckage!
  • Spirit – be a free spirit! Clear karma and constraints.
  • EnergyAlign with Free Energy!
  • Financial flowAlign with the source of abundance, and un-clench!
  • Family and friends
  • Time – your schedule, your rate of “doing” etc – free your relationship to time!
  • Space – Move freely in space!

Get Instant Access – Join the Guided Healing Membership:

“If you’re waiting to become a Member, my advice is:
Don’t Wait – Hop In. Elma and her work are amazing & fast.

– Rudy Hunter, Healer, New York

Recording – Instant Access
Align your Life’s Matter & Energy

In this Guided Healing, we Align:

Align your Life Guided Healing
  • YOUR Specific Healing Intention for your Life.
  • Your Spirit – to be embodied in your Life’s Matter, Energy, and Flow through Time & Space.
  • Your Space – and its Matter & Energy coherence. (Often, it’s not!)
  • Your Time, Work, Money, Love & Purpose, and how they
    >> Materialize into your life…
    >> Energize your life…
    >> are Energized & Powered  by LIFE ITSELF

Join Now & Bring your Healing Intention!

Learn more about what the Guided Healing Membership gives you…


Join the Flow of Healing Momentum...

Get the Guided Healing above, plus tons more

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