Get Gifts of Grace – Gratis!

What are Gifts of Grace? What does “Gratis” Mean?

Gifts of Grace = freely-given cosmic blessings of benevolent beauty, truth, elegance, symmetry, simplicity, goodwill.

Gratis = free.

Where can you find Grace? Everywhere.

Gratis Gifts of Grace always exist, in myriad forms. Anything and everything can be perceived and received as Grace. A thing, a thought, image, sound, sensation, inspiration… everything that exists can grace you in some way. (Even the “bad” or unwanted stuff of life can be an engine of grace, because it can propel us towards Healing.)

When? Now! And Always.

As of this writing, we are entering into the Equinox. So if you are reading this shortly after I wrote it, then…

For the next few days, Gratis Grace is available for you, in the form of Equinox Earth Energies: the symmetry of the seasons in spacetime. Feel into the balance, the Center, the equanimity, the emptiness of the zero point that’s receptive to be filled with flow of Grace.

And if you are reading this later, you’ll get a different flavor and spin.

In any case, no matter when…

Get Gifts of Grace - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

Try this Quick Process Now:

How? Simply tune in to the Presence of Grace (“Presents” of Grace!)

Become aware of the existence of the field of Grace.

Merge with it: breathe it into yourself.
Or put yourself inside of it.

Now, get into resonance with it:

Take a few seconds to sit in this silent space of graceful balance…

The zero-point…

The stillness between breaths…

The pause where cosmic flow crosses its point of origin…

And Aligns with all things being equal at zero.

Aaaaah! There it is!

Please Comment Below – Did you just get a gift of grace?

What did you experience, when you merged with Grace?

Do you find it easy to get Gifts of Grace from the cosmos, or not?

Let us know, below!

Transform Any Problem Now - Healing Audio - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

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Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing Hi, I’m Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing. My higher purpose is to amplify your innate instant-healing ability – whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting out. And shhh, just between us: my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones, but the entire planet! Tens of thousands of people have used my Now Healing tools to do incredibly effective instant-energy healing, with ease. And you can too. Let's do it now!

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  1. Elma Mayer on September 22, 2021 at 11:37 am

    @Heather, I love your “bubble of goodness” – I’m gonna use it too!

    @Sunday, Yes! It’s so awesome (in the original sense of the word) that we can keep tuning in, more and more, infinitely!

    Love and Wholeness,

  2. Sunday on September 21, 2021 at 2:30 pm

    I love being reminded to tune in to grace, and this worked really well for me. Part of the fun was, I realized I’ve already been experiencing that to a great extent, though this tuned it in more. Thank you!

  3. Heathr Schwartz on September 20, 2021 at 2:21 pm

    This is beautiful! As I put the field of Grace inside of me, I felt the warmth spread, and I noticed what felt like a warm palm on my back. As I noticed it outside of me, too, I felt like I was inside a bubble of goodness — like being underwater in the best way! It makes me smile and feel warm and happy! I would never have expected this! Thank you, Elma! 🦋

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