Guided Healing Membership

Join the Flow of Higher Healing

Get Easy Guided Healing Activations
to Heighten your Healing & Life Momentum:

You'll receive & learn to do instant Guided Healing Alignments, for your:

  • Personal issues (of body, mind, spirit, space, time, energy, love & money)
  • Daily intentions (for your health, happiness, productivity, creativity, relationships, abundance, etc)
  • Big-picture life goals, higher purpose & world service.

Consistent Clearing and
Essential Energetic Hygiene
for ALL Parts of your Life

Consistent Clearing and Essential Energetic Hygiene for ALL Parts of your Life

Your healing journey can be so much easier, with on-going "Morphic Maintenance" – on ALL levels.

Experience the power & ease of "Morphic Momentum" – to:

  • Clean up unwanted energies, patterns & accumulations
  • Clear hidden distortions, blockages & psychic influences
  • Balance your boundaries for healthy  receptivity
  • Restore healthy resonances & turn ON your inner Light
  • Tune yourself up to your highest expression – on all levels of body, mind, spirit & life...
so many miracles

Imagine how your life will expand, when you do easy self-healing – consistently!

And best of all... After your very first listen, you'll be able to create your own steady stream of super-effective healing shifts – with our easy instant-energy tools & take-aways.

Learn More:

You'll get 3 kinds of HIGHER HEALING
every time you listen!

You'll get 3 kinds of HIGHER HEALING every time you listen!

Healing for your Issues...

  • Choose a healing intention
  • Receive powerful Guided Healing Alignments for YOUR specific issue
  • Get new insights & awareness, plus tangible take-away tools to heal your issue.

Each healing "tunes up" your issue in the moment, whatever the topic.

Healing for your Life...

  • Get a Scan & Re-Integration of ALL parts of your life...
  • Including: Body, Mind, Energy, Spirit, Space, Time, Work, Purpose, Love & Money!

Each healing provides essential Morphic Maintenance & Momentum.

Tools to Heal Yourself...

  • Get instant-energy tools & take-aways you can easily use yourself.
  • Learn how to connect to the Healing Field, instantly – and consistently.

Learn effective tools. No need to learn a complete healing method.

Note: this Guided Healing program is NOT based on passive guided meditation, visualization, affirmations, or positive thinking.

Instead, you'll get active  & highly-effective instant-energy-morphic-healing  Activations & Alignments – plus easy self-healing take-aways – every time you use this program.

Guided Healing testimonial 0

What's Included in the Guided Healing Membership?

guided healing amazing

SCHEDULE – NEW LIVE Guided Healing Calls:

New Mini-Series: WHOLE LIFE HEALING through 5 morphic portals

Major new healings – for ALL parts of your WHOLE Life.
Each month of this mini-series, we will Enter the Healing Space through a new "Morphic Portal" – including Matter, Energy, Mind, Spirit, etc.

On August 3:

  • We will do healing on the morphic field of your MATTER – so that it supports your WHOLE Life.
  • Bring YOUR SPECIFIC healing intention, for the area of life you want to heal most

Align your MIND, thoughts, emotions, habitual moods & beliefs...
to support your intentions – and ALL parts of your life.

Each energy system – and its parts – will get Alignment...
to be coherent with each part of your Whole Life!

Do your internal & external Spaces support all areas of your life?

Heal your life's flow through time – past, present, future.

Check back soon – new topics will show up here!

* DATE & TIME: New Live Calls happen on the 1st Saturday of each month, at:

9am Los Angeles, 10am Denver & Calgary, 11am Houston & Winnipeg, noon New York & Toronto, 5pm London, 6pm Berlin & Cape Town, 10:30pm Mumbai, midnight Perth. (Non-U.S. Times subject to change, depending on local daylight/standard times.)

Guided Healing Testimonial a

Instant Access:
Guided Healing Audio Library

Listen anytime you want to feel Alive, Aligned & Inspired!

Guided Healing Audio Library

This All-Encompassing Audio Library
Includes these Healing Call Replays...
plus over 100 more!

Too many to list here! Below are just a few of the huge number of Guided Healing audios in the Library:

Align with Higher Health – on All Levels

Upgrade your Body's Matter & Energy

Pain (in Any Area of Body & Life)

Brain, Nervous System & Vagus Nerve Coherence

Immunity: Physical, Energetic & Empathic

The Heart: Physcial, Energetic & Spiritual

Digestion & Circulation

Health & Life Force/Energy: Raise your Resonance

Yin Yang Balance & The Elements

Abundance vs. Scarcity - Shift any Shortage

Relationships - Upgrade your Resonance

Awareness & Higher Intuition

Clear Fear & Doubt

Clear Negative Energy

Energy & Bio-Field: Qi, Chakras, Aura

Transform Struggle into Flow

Heal your Biggest Blockage

Heal your Productivity & Purpose

... and over 100 more!

Testimonials – Guided Healing Audio Library:

Guided Healing Testimonial c
Guided Healing Testimonial b

Bonus – Short Audios

Short Energizer Audios (Instant Access)
Member Exclusive! Not available anywhere else.

Fast energetic tune-up audios – for when you need a quickie! (~6 minutes each)

Guided Healing Testimonial d

BONUS: Instant Energy Healing - Quick Start Guide
(18-minute audio)

Fast introduction to this work:
you'll be able to get up and running fast, even if you have no prior experience!


Guided Healing Testimonial - profound
Guided Healing Testimonial Relief
guided healing testimonial light
guided healing testimonial shift
guided healing testimonial pain gone
guided healing testimonial negativity gone


Lock in this low price, before it goes up without warning....

Get the Events Above, Plus:

  • Get the Guided Healing Events mentioned above, plus...
  • Choose the Healing Frequency that's right for you, plus...
  • Tons of other features, goodies & bonuses

FREE SAMPLE of Guided Healing

Try this 3-Minute Free Healing - Your Energy will Shift Fast:

If that quick 3-minute healing created a shift... Imagine what happens in each hour of Guided Healing!

Curious about what just happened? Get answers – plus, learn do this yourself, fast – when you join!

If that quick 3-minute healing created a shift... Imagine what happens in each hour of Guided Healing!

Curious about what just happened? Get answers – plus, learn do this yourself, fast – when you join!

Guided Healing Testimonial e

1st Saturday of each month at 9am Pacific Time (Los Angeles), noon Eastern Time (New York), and 4 or 5pm GMT.

NOTE: Non-U.S. times may vary depending on local daylight/standard times. You'll get a link prior to each month's live call, that shows your local time.

Plan for up to 60 minutes. Calls are usually at least 45 minutes. (But it's not about how long the call is! The length of the call is independent of the "amount" of healing content.)

Yes, simply listen to the Replay! The healing energies are always active in the recordings. 

Many of my members don't attend live, because they are in distant time-zones (Australia, New Zealand, Asia).

Even if you don't attend live, you'll get a chance to submit your Healing Intention before every live call.

The live calls are audio only - no video.

You can listen by:

  • Streaming the live webcast online
  • Phone (with local numbers for most countries)
  • Skype (you'll need Skype credit)
  • Replay (streaming or download)

Yes! It's easy to cancel. Go to your Member portal to cancel. Please allow 3 business days for us to process your cancellation.

Canceling will stop your next auto-charge & future payments.

Note: There are no refunds on the unused portion of your membership. So if you want to try out the Membership for just a month or two, make sure to choose the Monthly Subscription option, not the Annual option. (The Annual option is not always available.) 

Sure, you could just pay for one month and then cancel, that's no problem if you just want to try it out.

But then you would not be getting the full benefits of this program – both energetically and financially!

This is a subscription program for very good reasons: it was designed to give you on-going support, and “monthly morphic momentum & maintenance.”

Energetically, when you stay subscribed you build healing momentum and forward flow. You also get instant access to huge healing whenever you want it, with over 130 healing audios in the library.

Financially, you benefit from staying subscribed by saving $40 each month, starting at the 2nd month. If you only join for a month at a time, picking and choosing certain months and then canceling again and again, then you won’t see savings.

If you want a one-time program without a subscription, we have plenty of those here - check them out!

But this program is the best value in all of Now Healing! You get huge amounts of healing for your buck!

When you join, you get a Bonus "Quick Start Guide" - an 18-minute audio that gets you up to speed, fast.

So even if you have no prior experience, you'll be able to do powerful Now Healing Instant Alignments immediately, with just a little guidance.

Half of our members are advanced healers. They love to use my powerful Instant Morphic Healing tools, and integrate them into their existing toolkit.

Plus, advanced healers have needs too! We've got our own stuff to heal and improve, and we sure could use some healing support for our own lives! It's so important for our self-care, for us to receive healing support, not just give, give, give all the time! So yes, if you're a healer, please allow me to support you with healing for your personal stuff, plus plus cool tools you can use in your practice, plus guidance from Source for your Life & Biz!

This membership is perfect for you if...

  • You have many inter-woven or complex issues that you'd love to heal, with grace & consistency
  • You love to be inspired as you flow forward on your healing path
  • You crave on-going support for your practice of self-care & self-healing, into the future
  • You are fascinated with learning powerful, effective new healing tools to use yourself - whether you're advanced or just starting out
  • You are excited to receive the newest, advanced, most unique, nerdy, weird, and wonderful healings... that you cannot get anywhere else!
  • You want to take advantage of our most affordable, value-packed program, to get maximum healing for minimum money!

This program is NOT a good fit for you if...

  • You need urgent help or are having a medical emergency. Please seek immediate help from your local emergency systems. This membership is not a substitute for medical care (see Disclaimer below).
  • You only have one or two simple things to heal, and you don't need on-going support.
  • You want 1-on-1 individual attention, rather than a group call. (Recommended: do our private sessions instead - or better yet, do both this membership AND private sessions.)
  • You prefer to passively receive healing without actively engaging with the healing field yourself
  • You will be disappointed if you don't get the exact healing results that you assume you need. (See Disclaimer below.)

The free healings are powerful, and you can get huge transformation from them.

But there comes a point when you'll want to go deeper, to commit to more specific & personalized healing.

The Guided Healing Membership goes much deeper & longer than the Free Healings! There's much more content & more individualized healing.

Plus... you get rewarded with goodies & discounts!

Every month's Live Call has a private webpage with a "question box" where you will post your healing intention.

How to post your healing request: 5 days before each month's new Live Call, you'll get an email with the link to the page where you'll post your healing intention.

Important: please post your healing request before the Live Call starts, so that Elma can read it and tailor the call to your needs.

That means you'll need to enroll well before the live call starts, to allow yourself enough time to log in to your Members' Dashboard and write in your healing intention. So... to be safe...

Please enroll at least 24 hours before the live call starts!

We do offer a limited number of scholarships, giving people with financial hardship a discount of $40 off the first month of membership.

Click here for Scholarship Info.

That said, even without the scholarship discount, this is a great value. We keep the price far below the actual value of this membership, which is more than $3500.00.

So even if you join at the regular price, you'll get incredible value: immediate access to more than 130 hours of power-healing in the Guided Healing Library (valued at more than $3500).


Lock in this low price, before it goes up without warning....

Get the Events Above, Plus:

  • Get the Guided Healing Events mentioned above, plus...
  • Choose the Healing Frequency that's right for you, plus...
  • Tons of other features, goodies & bonuses

The Fine Print - Disclaimer, What to Expect & Cancellation Policy


Now Healing  is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. Please consult your licensed medical provider for diagnosis, treatment, medical & mental health care, advice, etc. Now Healing is not medical healing and makes no claims of medical cure. (This is energetic and morphic healing.) This is intended as a complementary modality, to be used in addition to medical treatment and common-sense healthy & preventative behaviors, but it does not replace them. Please use common sense! By using Now Healing , you assume all responsibility for outcomes or lack thereof, and you hold harmless Elma Mayer and/or Now Healing. By using Now Healing, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own healing, health, decisions and actions. Read the full Disclaimer here.

Not sure whether these Guided Healings will work for you?

Please try the free sample first, because if you get a good shift from the free sample, it's very likely that this will work for you. Then... Ask your Inner Guidance!  Breathe in to your Center for a full breath or two. Tune in to your Higher Self / Infinite Self. (You may already feel better, just from that!) Now ask your Higher Self: "Will this give me substantial or useful improvements in my life?"  If you get a "Yes!" or if it feels right, then go for it! If not, don't force it. Honor the answer you get.

What to Expect

Your energetics & resonances WILL shift as you use our programs and sessions ... but the results and "outcome" will be non-linear and won't necessarily make logical sense. You may or may not perceive the shifts with your conscious awareness. It's essential to be non-attached to specific results. It's a paradox, but in this work, the more you let go of "needing" an outcome, the more likely you are to get what you need! You will likely notice improvements in many areas of your life - not only the ones you're "trying" for. You may well get the results you "want" - many people report that they do! But if you're the kind of person who will be dissatisfied unless you are absolutely guaranteed a specific outcome, please do not buy our programs, and seek help elsewhere.

Cancellation Policy

It's easy to cancel: go to our Support page and request cancellation by filling out the form. Please allow at least 3 business days before your next billing.

When you cancel your membership, you are cancelling your next billing.

* No Refunds on the unused portion of your Guided Healing Membership

Many of our programs offer a refund period, but our Membership/Subscription programs do not.

If you want  to try this Membership for a short time (like a month or two, or anything less than a year), please choose the Monthly subscription, not the Annual subscription. There are no refunds on the unused portion of your Membership.

© 2023 Now Healing / Privacy & Integrity Policy