How to Overcome Procrastination

Watch the Healing Video, and get Instant Shifts to Overcome Procrastination:

Procrastination in one part of your life can affect every other part of your life! So learning how to overcome procrastination quickly is essential.

The guided energy healing in this video can help you to stop procrastinating, get more done, and increase your productivity… with no need for willpower or motivation.

As you do the healing in this video, you will automatically feel more confident and trust yourself to do what you need to do, without self-doubt, dithering, or wasting time and energy.

You will also strengthen your all other parts of your life – like your relationships, finances, health, mental clarity and inspiration! Because… Procrastination in one part of your life can affect every part of your life. So learning how to overcome procrastination quickly is essential.

This is not hypnosis, guided meditation, or affirmation.

This is a light-speed activation of instant “energy healing” – or more precisely, morphic healing.

You energy field will shift instantly, as will your resonance with the morphic field of the thing you are procrastinating on!

Watch whenever you need a tune up, inspiration, or motivation to take action. New things will shift each time you watch.

Want to learn more about the incredibly powerful Now Healing Disentangle command to help you Align with your right action, and with Wholeness?

Want to go even deeper?

… and get huge shifts in all areas of your life?

Guided Healing Membership - Now Healing

Get the the FULL HOUR Replay mentioned in the video:

“Whole Life Hack: Action Alignment
PLUS over 100 hours of healing, when you join the Guided Healing Membership!

You’ll get much more healing… for procrastination and healthy habits! And you’ll learn more about the Now Healing “Disentangle”, “Reintegrate” and “Align” commands.

Learn More: Guided Healing Membership

Transform Any Problem Now - Healing Audio - Now Healing with Elma Mayer

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Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing Hi, I’m Elma Mayer, Founder of Now Healing. My higher purpose is to amplify your innate instant-healing ability – whether you are an advanced healer, or just starting out. And shhh, just between us: my secret ulterior motive is for you to not only heal yourself and your loved ones, but the entire planet! Tens of thousands of people have used my Now Healing tools to do incredibly effective instant-energy healing, with ease. And you can too. Let's do it now!

Comments (Please add yours below)


  1. Uschi on February 9, 2017 at 12:12 pm

    I cannot tell yet whether your healing is really working for me. But I will definitely give it a try.

    There are subjects I would like you to do a video on:

    1.I do not know what I really want
    2. turning indifference into love and inspired action.

    Thank you

  2. Maraine on January 7, 2017 at 5:35 pm

    Love your work Elma. Love you. Participated in the class today, Jan. 7 for first time. I am so grateful. Procrastination is a big one for me. It isn’t that I don’t take action. There is a great deal take action on that am guided by Spirit; however, getting my clutter cleaned up (paperwork, piles of stuff, etc. ) Am on it to a degree; however, there is so much to take care of. Anyway, in listening to the left sidebars on your info. before the class today, would break out in laughter for no reason. Grin. What a joy!

    So in listening to this video for the first time, immediately felt so much lighter and already felt light. Also, kept feeling so much gratitude for you and what you offer. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    May infinite blessings custom-tailored fill you and your life now and continually with Grace and Ease.

    Love and Gratitude,

  3. Alix on January 7, 2017 at 2:19 pm

    Wow, I was not aligned with my actions, no wonder I was stuck. Feel better now after watching and immediately I started to do the stupid paperwork I had been dreading and procratsinating about for along time. I finished in about 10 minutes, amazing, and ffeeling light and free now.

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