Scroll down foran Energetic Alignment for your Perfection Paradox…
“You are already perfect, there’s no need for self-improvement anymore,” is a popular platitude among my fellow metaphysicians. And while that’s true from the perspective of zen Centeredness… it’s also false, from the point of view of individual biology and collective evolution.
Welcome to the Perfection Paradox!
If our bodies don’t self-heal and our cells don’t self-improve, we die. But if our minds constantly strive to improve, are never satisfied, and we are always struggling to be good enough… then we suffer.
The paradox is all-too familiar, through our entire life cycle. The ecstasy of sex, the agony of childbirth, the joys and sorrows of children, the love of life, the destiny of death.
From a local perspective, life’s pendulum swings between perfection and imperfection.
But when we zoom out and observe from the state of Wholeness… the wild swings of the pendulum transform into a waveform of what-is. We transcend the paradox. We perceive not just isolated points of pain and pleasure, but larger and larger patterns, expanding out to Wholeness.
We are already Whole – and simultaneously… we are always becoming more and more Whole. This “simultaneity” is not a classic case of the either-or duality of opposites. It’s a holographic duality. Always-Becoming-Whole is a higher-level duality: Wholeness is both a state, and a process towards an ever-larger state of infinite expansion. But the lower-level duality of Either Perfect or Imperfect generates a feedback loop of distortion in daily life.
If I am in perfect health, then why will I die? If my mood is often less-than-perfect, why does my husband still love me? If I have the perfect job and income, why am I dissatisfied? I must somehow be imperfect on a deeper level, right? Maybe if I just try harder to perfect myself? Or maybe if I just totally let go and always “love what is,” then nothing will ever annoy me again? Yeah, right.
That’s Why we Transcend the Duality of “Perfect vs. Imperfect,” rather than striving for perfection. Because perfection implies its own opposite. Instead of being perfect, let’s go for being Centered. Perfect vs. Imperfect is a two-dimensional continuum – and life is not two-dimensional. But Centeredness is multi-dimensional!
How do you get Centered? It’s actually incredibly easy. I’ll show you how, in the Guided Healing Teleseminar on “Perfect vs. Imperfect”
Your Energetic Alignment…
Here’s a little taste of what will happen in the “Perfect vs. Imperfect” Guided Healing Call.
1. Tune in to your biggest “imperfection” for about 5 seconds. How much does it upset you?
2. Now re-focus your attention away from that, and instead, become aware of your Center, as you say these commands:
– Align with Wholeness in the presence of my assumptions and judgements about my imperfection… now. – Align my imperfection with its Highest Expression… now.
3. Breathe in to your Center and allow the shifts… now.
4. Notice your “imperfection” now. It feels like it’s not such a big deal, right?
That quick energetic Alignment alone can create huge healing. Ready for more? If you sense that it can help you, please join us…
Perfect vs. Imperfect – Transcend that Duality!
A Guided Healing Call
Bring your “Imperfection” issue – or your perfectionism…
… and we will bring it into dynamic balance, so you can always get back to Center.
Do you feel there’s something wrong with you? Is there a flaw in your… Body, Mind, Spirit, Purpose, Personality, Habits, Home, Job, Income, Love and Family Relationships, Friendships, or Life in general?
Are you ready to be Whole in the presence of your “perfection vs. imperfection”– and Transcend that Duality? If yes, please join us!
When: Oops, you missed the Live teleseminar… But you can still get the Replay, when you join as an Annual member. New Topics Monthly!Guided Healing Teleseminars happen every 1st Saturday of the month at 9am Pacific Time, noon Eastern. Where: Your Telephone, computer or Skype What: You will get powerful, instant shifts – for your specific issue.
Sonia here from Byron Bay and thank you for the explanation and the healing was powerful.
Kindly Sonia
Stephenon January 31, 2015 at 4:58 am
One of your best articles, Elma.
Short, but deep in terms of the message of getting out of the dualities that people strive for (esp non-duality – which in and of itself is a duality).
Whole means embracing all states equally – so it doesn’t matter (or more accurately – every state “equally” matters). Well done.
Hi Elma
Sonia here from Byron Bay and thank you for the explanation and the healing was powerful.
One of your best articles, Elma.
Short, but deep in terms of the message of getting out of the dualities that people strive for (esp non-duality – which in and of itself is a duality).
Whole means embracing all states equally – so it doesn’t matter (or more accurately – every state “equally” matters). Well done.