3 Ways to NOT Process Negative Emotions
… and what to do instead! Watch now:
Three New-Agey & Self-Helpy Things NOT to do…
Because your “feelings” can sabotage your healing – unbeknownst to you!
Have you heard those unhelpful-but-popular clichés about “how to process negative emotions”?
Let’s bust those dumb myths! No need to fall prey to old-paradigm emotional drama.
Because you want a new relationship to your emotions that supports your WHOLE Life including but not limited to… Health. Wealth. Energy. Life’s work. Love. Family. Community. Creativity. Spiritual Evolution. And WHOLE Life.
Discover a NEW way to heal negative emotions & thoughts…
So they don’t sabotage your healing & your goals.
Get Personalized Emotional Healing
for YOUR specific needs
There are at least 12 Hours of Emotional Healing Replays below, plus 100 more hours on every other topic… just waiting for you in the Audio Library of the Guided Healing Membership – Join Now, click below…
Join the Guided Healing Membership:
Join the DIAMOND level, to get:
- INSTANT ACCESS to the GUIDED HEALING LIBRARY (Value: over $2700). Contains over 120 Guided Healings (1 hour each), plus short audios & videos. Visit anytime you need healing or inspiration!
- NEW LIVE GUIDED HEALING CALLS on the 1st Saturday of each month, at noon Eastern Time. Give Elma your healing request, get personalized Healing Alignment.
- BONUSES & more goodies!
What's in the Guided Healing Audio Library?
Instant Access to these Replays & 100 more!
This extensive audio library is available to you right now.
Listen anytime you want to feel Alive, Aligned & Inspired!
Testimonials – Guided Healing Audio Library
"I fall asleep every night listening to a recording from my guided healing library.
Each one is a miracle in itself."
- Cebe, NYC
“What a treasure trove!
These are powerful and life-changing!
I had been wanting one on abundance. But they are ALL pertinent."
- MPS, Portland, Maine
FAQ – Membership
1st Saturday of each month at 9am Pacific Time (Los Angeles), noon Eastern Time (New York), and 4 or 5pm GMT.
NOTE: Non-U.S. times may vary depending on local daylight/standard times. You'll get a link prior to each month's live call, that shows your local time.
How long are the live calls? Plan for up to 90 minutes. Calls will be at least one hour. After the first hour of healing Alignments, Elma will answer questions.
Yes, simply listen to the Replay! The healing energies are always active in the recordings.
Many of my members don't attend live, because they are in distant time-zones (Australia, New Zealand, Asia).
Even if you don't attend live, you'll get a chance to submit your Healing Intention before every live call.
The live calls are audio only – no video.
You can listen by:
- Streaming the live webcast online
- Phone (with local numbers for most countries)
- Skype (you'll need Skype credit)
- Replay (streaming or download)
Yes! It's easy to cancel. Go to your Member portal to cancel. Please allow 3 business days for us to process your cancellation.
Canceling will stop your next auto-charge & future payments.
Note: There are no refunds on the unused portion of your membership. So if you want to try out the Membership for just a month or two, make sure to choose the Monthly Subscription option, not the Annual option. (The Annual option is not always available.)
When you join, you get a Bonus "Quick Start Guide" - an 18-minute audio that gets you up to speed, fast.
So even if you have no prior experience, you'll be able to do powerful Now Healing Instant Alignments immediately, with just a little guidance.
Half of our members are advanced healers. They love to use my powerful Instant Morphic Healing tools, and integrate them into their existing toolkit.
Plus, advanced healers have needs too! We've got our own stuff to heal and improve, and we sure could use some healing support for our own lives! It's so important for our self-care, for us to receive healing support, not just give, give, give all the time! So yes, if you're a healer, please allow me to support you with healing for your personal stuff, plus plus cool tools you can use in your practice, plus guidance from Source for your Life & Biz!
The free healings are powerful, and you can get huge transformation from them.
But there comes a point when you'll want to go deeper, to commit to more specific & personalized healing.
The Guided Healing Membership goes much deeper & longer than the Free Healings! There's much more content & more individualized healing.
Plus... you get rewarded with goodies & discounts!
Every month’s Live Call has a private webpage with a “question box” where you will post your healing intention, as well as any questions you’d like to ask Elma during the Q&A at the end of each live call.
How to post your healing request: 5 days before each month’s new Live Call, you’ll get an email with the link to the page where you’ll post your healing intention.
Important: please post your healing request before the Live Call starts, so that Elma can read it and tailor the call to your needs.
That means you’ll need to enroll well before the live call starts, to allow yourself enough time to log in to your Members’ Dashboard and write in your healing intention. So... to be safe...
Please enroll at least 24 hours before the live call starts!
We do offer a limited number of scholarships, giving people with financial hardship a discount of $40 off the first month of membership.
Click here for Scholarship Info.
That said, even without the scholarship discount, this is a great value. We keep the price far below the actual value of this membership, which is more than $2700.00.
So even if you join at the regular price, you'll get incredible value: immediate access to more than 100 hours of power-healing in the Guided Healing Library (valued at more than $2700).
Elma, good one!. How about my way which is to process my emotions by stuffing them down with pasta and washing them down with a nice chardonnay. But joking aside I have tried your Now Healing and it does help alot if I remember to do it.