Balance Your Water Element…

Free Healing to Balance your Water Element… for Hydration, Detox, Financial Flow & lots more!

Scroll down to get your Free Instant Healing, “Balance your Water Element”.
NOTE: This healing video is an oldie… but it still works perfectly… and it’s still essential, like water itself!

Why Balance your Water Element?

Because you may have a hidden Water disconnect. Not just in your body, but in many life areas, for example…

  • Are your finances stagnant?
  • Is your career blocked?
  • Are your emotions stopped up?
  • Do your relationships drain you?
  • Is your energy reservoir low?
  • Does your inspiration run out of steam?
  • Is your kitchen faucet dripping, or does your roof leak?
  • Are you worried about sea level rise, floods, droughts, hurricanes?
  • Or… is your body dehydrated, with dry skin, dry eyes, creaky knees, aching joints, etc etc…?

Free Instant Healing – Watch this 6-minute healing video.

What did you experience? Scroll Down to Comment!

That was a Free Sample of one of The Seven Transformations. Scroll down to read about the others!

Water imbalance can manifest as health problems:

  • creaking joints
  • pain and stiffness
  • bladder infections
  • dry eyes or skin
  • swelling or inflammation
  • fatigue
  • high blood pressure
  • arthritis
  • frequent colds
  • stuffy sinuses
  • persistent cough
  • excess heat or cold

And that ain’t all.

Do you have a Water Trauma that just won’t clear?

For instance:

  • Fear of drowning
  • Fear of dying of thirst
  • Fear of water-borne illness
  • Fear of germs/dirt that causes excessive hand-washing?

It’s time to flush away these blockages!

You may have tried to fix these problems directly.
But if they still persist, you might have a Water Element imbalance.

Fortunately, these kind of imbalances are much easier to fix,
on an energy level, than they are on the level of matter, or mind.

A simple series of energy shifts can save you tons of time, money and frustration.

Improve your body’s…

  • Hydration / Dehydration
  • Elimination
  • Detoxification
  • Blood Circulation
  • Lymphatic action
  • Alkalinity…

… not to mention the health of your eyes, skin, joints… and each cell in your body.

When you balance your water element, you can actually Improve the Flow of your Life:

  • Financial flow
  • Emotional flow
  • Relationships
  • Daily Life

It’s essential to balance the Elements in your life. But how???

The Seven Transformations
will balance your Water Element… and much more.

So… How do you get
The Seven Transformations?

Well, it’s a Free Bonus (Value $197)… when you purchase either one of these two programs:

  • Guided Healing Membership (most affordable at $27 per month)
  • The Healing Helix (most mind-blowingly advanced healing with Sacred Geometry, at $197)

Scroll down for details!

The Healing Helix

An innovative, emerging NEW way to Heal: Integrating Sacred Geometry & Morphic Healing.

(Space, Time & The Elements)

Guided Healing Membership:
Easy & Affordable Healing to Align & Inspire You

please choose the DIAMOND or SAPPHIRE membership option:

Comments (please add yours below)


  1. Casandra Melendez on June 30, 2023 at 10:10 pm

    My body felt very light and clean. It was a wonderful healing . Thank you so much .

  2. Willow on January 30, 2023 at 11:43 am

    Thank you!!!!!! 💙💙

  3. RHODEL CHEDRICH-AVRITT on September 3, 2022 at 8:02 pm

    T H A N K ❤ Y O U

  4. Marisa on February 16, 2022 at 8:07 am

    I feel fluid inside and outside after the water alignment. Thank you so much. I learned a lot about the element of water and the importance of having it balance in our whole being and life.

  5. Anna on September 30, 2018 at 11:43 am

    Thank you dear Elma. My bladder infection is sooo much better!!!! You are amazing!!!
    With love and gratitude : ) OXOXOX

  6. Rut Bertossa on September 15, 2018 at 5:31 am

    I feel lighter in my body !!👍👍👍🙏😘💖

  7. Ricky on August 26, 2018 at 8:10 am

    Thanks Elma, me ol darlin i realy felt a huge shift , ya done it again iv’e got to dash for a PEE Ricky xxx

  8. Leisel huggins on August 22, 2015 at 10:38 pm

    I am very interested in your healing, I can feel the difference.

  9. Debby on January 13, 2015 at 10:28 am

    Thank you!

  10. Carmen on November 24, 2014 at 2:37 pm

    Deeply peaceful… in minutes! Thank you, Elma!

  11. Shasti on October 6, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    Thank you for sharing this. Much appreciated.

  12. Oriel on April 14, 2014 at 8:42 pm

    Thanks for your by now proverbial generosity, Elma. I wasn’t aware of all of the implications of balancing the water element!!! I don’t know whether anything has shifted in my physical body, but I do know I feel better, and maybe the shift will enable me to have the resources so that I can study under your mentorship in the non distant future. I also know that after doing the shift I have an overall feeling of wellness, and at the moment that’s all that matters, Thanks once again. Oriel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  13. April on April 7, 2014 at 2:10 pm

    Thanks, Elma for the last three freebie healing sessions -clearing a space, oxygen and water element. i do feel energised and am very grateful.

  14. Peter on February 3, 2014 at 4:47 am

    I never realized how much water could do for my body! Physically, as well as its nature. To make everything that should, work like water–the body becomes a beautiful machine! non-physical things aligned with the nature of water, and your life flows, your finances–Learn how to refill them! Energy, aligning it with a waterfall! A few manifestation techniques. Get to see all the problems and affects of dehydration, and learn which parts of your body are experiencing dehydration to align them with hydration and feel the results of having every part of your body perfectly hydrated! and flowing like water! However you want–as a stream, as a still pond, as the ocean! Align your emotions with water for proper emotional balance and stability–allow them to flow, stay as long as they could, and go before growing stagnate.

    The number of corrections and shifts that happen in each hour!!! in old methods this hour would’ve taken a lifetime to acquire all that we gain!

  15. Jules on February 4, 2012 at 10:13 am

    Elma is magical.

  16. Susan on February 4, 2012 at 10:09 am

    A beautiful, peaceful space, free of guilt, anxiety…
    Relaxed flow through my body.
    No hesitation or resistance to what may come next.
    Relaxed throat when I drink.

  17. Rudy Hunter on January 31, 2012 at 11:11 am

    It never ceases to amaze me that in just a few minutes with Elma I can experience so many pervasive changes and improvements. Great stuff!

  18. Elma on January 31, 2012 at 9:08 am

    @Susan – thx for the Fire Element suggestion! We’ll do a general “5-element” balancing on Saturday too.
    Love and wholeness, Elma

  19. Susan on January 31, 2012 at 6:10 am

    Thank you Elma, That was profound. Instant shift!
    If there is time, Sat AM, would you address staying centered in the chaos of the Solar flares?
    There are 7 couples that have split up in the last two weeks that I am aware of, some close friends that I thought were happy, and some high profile couples. Just the same, these little “shocks” at the news and questioning partnership, are up. Thanks! Love, Susan Mara

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