Do you have Healthy Wealth?
How healthy is your wealth? Think about that for a moment.
Please Answer in the COMMENTS Section at the bottom of this page!
It’s not about how much money or you have, or financial success. Or how well you can “manifest” material things or “master” the Law of Attraction, affirmations, visualization, or intention.
And vice-versa. It’s not about vowing poverty, or assuming abundance is un-spiritual & money is evil.
For true WEALTH OF HEALTH & HEALTH OF WEALTH, you need balanced, Aligned abundance. Your healthy wealth must be coherent… with Higher Health. (More about HOW to do that, below…)
First, ask yourself… What are your top 5 abundance issues?
How “healthy” or “unhealthy” are they?
For example, your 5 issues might be:
- Income: somewhat healthy
- Debt: very unhealthy
- Feeling Blessed by the Universe: fully healthy
- A lovely, safe home: somewhat healthy
- Worry about aging & future medical bills: unhealthy
Or maybe you feel wealthy – or poor – in other areas:
- High income but hate your job
- Dependent on your parents for money
- Stress at supporting elderly parents & college kids
- Concerned about getting investors for your start-up
- You long for more abundant free time
Now, tune in to your own life.
What are your top 5 issues around “healthy wealth”?
Please Answer in the COMMENTS Section at the bottom of this page!
(Don’t just choose from the lists above! Please actually take a minute to think about what’s true in your own life!)
Where do you feel a lack of abundance? What are your top 5 areas?
Now, imagine how much your life would improve... if those 5 things were Coherent with Higher Health & Universal Abundance.
They can be! Here’s a NEW way to do energetic healing on all 5 of those issues.
A New Way to Heal your Abundance Issues:
Heal the “Health” of your Abundance… and the Abundance of your Health!
This is a very different approach. This is not limited to getting your needs met, or your wishes granted.
It’s not about using “Law of Attraction” or “Manifesting” or “Visualizing” or “Affirmations” or “Positive Thinking” or “Belief”
This is HEALING on ALL levels.
But How? I’d love to guide you through an instant-energy-healing process, where…
Instead of working indirectly, on the “emotions around your abundance” or “energy blocks to abundance” or “your relationship to abundance”…
We will do something much more direct and powerful. Join us and…
Guided Healing for Healthy Wealth:
Align with Higher Health – Part 5*
Healthy Wealth… & Abundant Health, Energy, Love, Time, Success, Confidence, etc
We will Align YOUR Specific Energetic Needs:
- The health of your bank account.
- Your future financial outlook.
- A wealth of health, energy & vitality.
- Your WHOLE life: abundant in enjoyment & meaningful success.
- Feeling blessed with a wealth of love, appreciation & support.
And… bring YOUR healing request for abundance!
*Parts 1-4 of ALIGN WITH HIGHER HEALTH are available in the Guided Healing Library.
> PART 1 – BODY, organs, cells, structure, functions
> PART 2 – MIND, Emotions, Beliefs, self-talk, traumatic memory
> PART 3 – ENERGY Systems, Aura, Chakras, Qi
> PART 4 – SPIRIT, Soul, Self, Personality Coherence with Higher Self
How to Get this Guided Healing for HEALTHY WEALTH?
Go to the Guided Healing Library… JOIN BELOW:
Join the Guided Healing Membership:
Join the DIAMOND level, to get:
- INSTANT ACCESS to the GUIDED HEALING LIBRARY (Value: over $2700). Contains over 120 Guided Healings (1 hour each), plus short audios & videos. Visit anytime you need healing or inspiration!
- NEW LIVE GUIDED HEALING CALLS on the 1st Saturday of each month, at noon Eastern Time. Give Elma your healing request, get personalized Healing Alignment.
- BONUSES & more goodies!
What's in the Guided Healing Audio Library?
Instant Access to these Replays & 100 more!
This extensive audio library is available to you right now.
Listen anytime you want to feel Alive, Aligned & Inspired!
Testimonials – Guided Healing Audio Library
"I fall asleep every night listening to a recording from my guided healing library.
Each one is a miracle in itself."
- Cebe, NYC
“What a treasure trove!
These are powerful and life-changing!
I had been wanting one on abundance. But they are ALL pertinent."
- MPS, Portland, Maine
FAQ – Membership
1st Saturday of each month at 9am Pacific Time (Los Angeles), noon Eastern Time (New York), and 4 or 5pm GMT.
NOTE: Non-U.S. times may vary depending on local daylight/standard times. You'll get a link prior to each month's live call, that shows your local time.
How long are the live calls? Plan for up to 90 minutes. Calls will be at least one hour. After the first hour of healing Alignments, Elma will answer questions.
Yes, simply listen to the Replay! The healing energies are always active in the recordings.
Many of my members don't attend live, because they are in distant time-zones (Australia, New Zealand, Asia).
Even if you don't attend live, you'll get a chance to submit your Healing Intention before every live call.
The live calls are audio only – no video.
You can listen by:
- Streaming the live webcast online
- Phone (with local numbers for most countries)
- Skype (you'll need Skype credit)
- Replay (streaming or download)
Yes! It's easy to cancel. Go to your Member portal to cancel. Please allow 3 business days for us to process your cancellation.
Canceling will stop your next auto-charge & future payments.
Note: There are no refunds on the unused portion of your membership. So if you want to try out the Membership for just a month or two, make sure to choose the Monthly Subscription option, not the Annual option. (The Annual option is not always available.)
When you join, you get a Bonus "Quick Start Guide" - an 18-minute audio that gets you up to speed, fast.
So even if you have no prior experience, you'll be able to do powerful Now Healing Instant Alignments immediately, with just a little guidance.
Half of our members are advanced healers. They love to use my powerful Instant Morphic Healing tools, and integrate them into their existing toolkit.
Plus, advanced healers have needs too! We've got our own stuff to heal and improve, and we sure could use some healing support for our own lives! It's so important for our self-care, for us to receive healing support, not just give, give, give all the time! So yes, if you're a healer, please allow me to support you with healing for your personal stuff, plus plus cool tools you can use in your practice, plus guidance from Source for your Life & Biz!
The free healings are powerful, and you can get huge transformation from them.
But there comes a point when you'll want to go deeper, to commit to more specific & personalized healing.
The Guided Healing Membership goes much deeper & longer than the Free Healings! There's much more content & more individualized healing.
Plus... you get rewarded with goodies & discounts!
Every month’s Live Call has a private webpage with a “question box” where you will post your healing intention, as well as any questions you’d like to ask Elma during the Q&A at the end of each live call.
How to post your healing request: 5 days before each month’s new Live Call, you’ll get an email with the link to the page where you’ll post your healing intention.
Important: please post your healing request before the Live Call starts, so that Elma can read it and tailor the call to your needs.
That means you’ll need to enroll well before the live call starts, to allow yourself enough time to log in to your Members’ Dashboard and write in your healing intention. So... to be safe...
Please enroll at least 24 hours before the live call starts!
We do offer a limited number of scholarships, giving people with financial hardship a discount of $40 off the first month of membership.
Click here for Scholarship Info.
That said, even without the scholarship discount, this is a great value. We keep the price far below the actual value of this membership, which is more than $2700.00.
So even if you join at the regular price, you'll get incredible value: immediate access to more than 100 hours of power-healing in the Guided Healing Library (valued at more than $2700).
@Kelly, thanks for posting your intentions! Yes! Align all this with Wholeness… Now. Also, remember to use the take-away in the Guided Healing call from Jan. 1 – go to your GHM dashboard to listen.
I would love to have the man I love tell me he loves me and see me and text me more often
I would love more loving and happy and healthy relationships with my family and friends
More passive income flowing to me effortlessly
Become more profitable and confident in my trading business
Make the best decisions for my finances, family and love life
Note: the video is delayed due to technical issues! Sorrrrry!
Replying to 2 people’s comments here:
@JJ: Thanks so much for your kind words, and the wisdom of your statement: “abundance is all linked to Love” – YES! Let’s do a big ol’ Disentangle and Re-Integrate love, lack, and abundance… Now!
@Myrna – re Retirement: Disentangle and Re-Integrate “retirement things” (which can include both “negative” and “positive”) things… Now! So that the potential negativity of retirement is not negatively impacting your intentions!
For me, abundance is all linked to Love. Enough love is the basis – or the lack thereof. What we learn as the limitation to love is the limitation that I have been finding with myself.
This work has helped me SO much…….to expand my idea of what reality is and what actually is available to us. Beyond all the airy-fairy words, of which there are plenty, THIS work has assisted me in pairing myself with what is real, and I am loving the results in my life. i believe that this work is working with the energies we have available now, and I am SO GLAD to have run across your work Elma.
Even as I have been working with this idea this week, I have felt huge shifts, which has not typically been the case!
Thank you so much for your dedication love & suport to this community!
We are at a time of life where our friends are retiring, we will be “retired” in a few years but we still have a mortgage and am feeling like we won’t really be able to travel more or do more of the “retirement” things for quite awhile yet. I would like to have enough to travel if possible.
Replying to 3 comments here:
@Hazel Ann: come from your Center – which is the Center of your Infinite Self and your grounded local self – and observe the flow of time, and the flow of the future, from that perspective. The flow is Centered in Wholeness, which is abundance. And you are Aligned with that… Now!
@Richone: Disentangle and Re-Integrate the yin-yang balance of opposites – needs & extras, stress & fun, insecurity & safety, rich & poor, etc… Now!
@Lori: Yes to Aligning with all of those… Now! And especially #5, beautifully said – “realizing I am Source” – Align with realizing and making it real… Now!
Worry about aging & future medical bills.
I worry I will never have the windfall necessary to own the home that will improve my health.
I worry that I will always be stuck in this little room with no space to be creative and earn an abundant income from that creativity.
Pristine health in all ways.
Good income to support myself, my home and share with others.
I desire security. Having my needs (bills, food) easily taken care of, so the fun extras can happen without stress.
My top 5 things would be –
1. Open up to bringing in amazing new dates and relationships with men..this includes kissing, hugging, cuddling and all levels of intimacy.
2. Getting rid of credit card debt..I only have 1 but its pretty high
3. Bringing in wonderful new friends, male and female
4. Opening up to multiple streams of income..this includes 2 new businesses I am creating and allowing them to tap into Divine Intelligence and new energies of $$$
5. Letting go of feeling like I am on the outside looking in and opening up to the magic within me and realizing I am Source.
Thank you Elma for everything!!!
Replying to 4 people’s comments here:
@Ana, re: feeling/being rich in all your areas – Disentangle from the pressure of having to “feel rich” before you can be rich… Now! So many systems tell you to “feel rich”. But what if we re-frame that as “Notice the richness all around you and inside you.” Align with that, and Resonate with that… Now!
@Verna, re: your concerns – Disentangle and Re-Integrate them with their highest expression & highest health… Now! Align with non-attachment… Now!
@Julia Radina, re: your desired improvements – Disentangle and Re-Integrate them with highest health… Now! Align with improvement in these 5 areas (and beyond!)… Now!
@Karuna Chapman: Yes! You ARE blessed! Align your SELF with allowing more more more of that abundance inside… Now!
I would love to be and feel rich in having trustworthy relationships,so that I can build my life with them, a fulfiling and good paid job/career, better car, beautiful and warm home where I would feel abundant, better mental and physical health. I would love to be able to see myself as rich and living abundant and fulfilling life.
Thank you 💞🌺
My income, debt, relationship to money, worry about having enough, and attachment to money are my top 5 healthy wealth concerns.
Desired improvements 😊
better health
More balance/ harmony overall
nicer home
More loving relationships
Fulfilling and prosperous business
Thank you!
Could use a little more Patience, baths, hugs, ……..I am blessed with abundance.
@marcia, Yes! Let’s Align you with those… Now!
health, free breathing, body stress, vitality, energy are my 5 health wealth issues.
@betsy, let’s Disentangle you from assumptions about what is supposed to happen, and what’s the “right” or “wrong” way to get what you want…. Now!
I feel like I stifle the money coming to me, like I block it or repel it. I feel like I’m open to receiving it but there must be something keeping it from coming to me easily.