Forgive me! T’shuvah & Ho’oponopono
So, since I feel called to course-correct myself and my biz…
I invoke two higher principles:
T’shuvah & Ho’oponopono.
T’shuvah = Return to Alignment. (Hebrew, often translated as “Atonement” or “Repentance” but more accurately, it means return to the original state.)
Ho’oponopono = To Make Right. (A Hawai’ian process of healing, through gratitude and asking forgiveness.)
In my relationship with you, dear reader-listener-watcher, I realize fully that I have been less than responsive. And so…
1. I ask your forgiveness for my lack of presence with you
I’ve been on a quest to prove to you, beyond all doubt, that…
Now Healing is not about me. I’m not “doing healing” to you.
It’s about you… plugging directly into the larger field of Healing & Wholeness.
But… in attempting to take myself out of the equation, I maybe went a little overboard. I’ve been a bit too removed!
My secret “sin” here, for which I ask your forgiveness, is my compulsion to hide. To over-protect from external influences. Because they distract me from my holy flow. Because I’m easily distracted. Because it’s a job o’ work to stay Centered while engaging with other people, sometimes!
So I over-guard my sacred space. But I’m in the process of healing this response (emphasis on “process”!!!). I’m constantly fiddling with my filters and tweaking my boundaries, those slippery little buggers.
My deep intention is honor my innate introversion by upgrading my field of filters, while transcending my habit of hiding and over-protecting… to stay in service to you and to my calling.
So… if I have not been present and engaged… if I (or my team) failed to respond to your emails or questions in a timely or complete manner, I’m so sorry! I’m working on this!
2. I ask forgiveness for… my communications with you
If you ever felt that my emails were too hype-y (or too frequent!) please forgive me!
I am hyper-aware of hyperbole, and always intend to avoid it, to stay in Alignment and truth.
But if you ever felt “marketed to” rather than “informed and inspired”…
… then please accept my apology and please know that it is my deep intention to stay in Alignment with Wholeness, not hype!
If I have offended you by commission, omission, confusion, lack of clarity, lack of brevity, or miscommunication… please forgive me. Or for lack of clarity about certain offers and products. Or for the clunkiness of any website tech.
So if I pressed your buttons in an upsetting manner, please forgive me!
3. I forgive others too:
Some people were upset about my “Heal the Trump Situation” video, or my stand against the Q-anon cult.
I forgive them for not knowing what they do, and for allowing themselves to be duped and sucked down into the baser human instincts of blame and fear and hatred of “the other,” and for distracting us all from what’s really essential: the work of healing the climate emergency and humanity’s relationship with our fellow living beings and with our home, this earth.
And I forgive myself for succumbing too much to overwhelm – and not doing enough to heal the climate emergency and the fascist resurgence. I vow to do more, every day!
Let’s Make it Right… and let’s Return to Alignment…
… by Disentangling all of the above and anything else I missed. I Reintegrate it all with my highest expression of service to you and the planet.
Ultimately, I’m here to hold open the doorway for you to enter your highest healing space, to plug into your own source power… for the purpose of expanding the field & flow of instant Wholeness. Some might call this purpose Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for “healing the world”).
I am so grateful that I get to do this! I am so grateful to be in it with you!
But for all the ways I have missed the mark…
I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you!
Love and Wholeness,
Browse related posts: Blogue & Musings
Elma , i think everyone should appreciate a person like you !❤
Wow, Sharrhan, you’ve just tickled my soul! Thank you! So glad it’s “working” for ya!
Love and Wholeness,
Elma, I can honestly say that in my 68 years on earth, approximately 40 of which were spent earnestly seeking my life’s purpose, spiritual path and ideal forms of guidance, YOU are perhaps the MOST authentic of the teachers I’ve encountered. And I’ve encountered a lot of them.
Your earnestness, approachability and humility are very tangible.
I’ve only been a follower of “NOW HEALING” for a few weeks, but they have already transformed my life and my healing practice. THANK YOU!
I thank you as a teacher.
Nothing but love, Elma, to and fro!
Elma, you are a blessing to the world!!
Infinite Appreciation
Sara Alma
Elma, you are such a blessing to this time & space. Love that you are always pushing the envelope to try new things while honouring who you are and using
your incredible gifts and insights to benefit us all. No apology required. Hugs
Ho’oponopono rocks! I do it all the time. If you come up with a ho’oponopono program, I sm there!
I thank you Elma. For finding the Morphic Fields of both – your genius – and that of Rupert Sheldrake. And of Rupert’s wife and frequencies in music. And of Michael Tyrrell and more frequencies – ancient healing frequencies of Old Testament times. And more. Much, much more. Without you I would probably never have known that Informational Fields even existed and would not have advanced my way out of the Beliefs and Perceptions that had held me prisoner for a long, long time. Those emotions of old – abandonment, betrayal, unworthy in the eyes of God and this World. Oaths of poverty, of obedience, of fidelity .. Now cleared of their crippling bindings. The gates into Quantum Reality opened for me and for those wishing to step out of their bondage .. Even though the grass in the paddocks is green and lush, and the post and rails fencing pleasing to the eye – the gate is open now. I can come and go peacefully, gently. With those who choose to accompany me.
Fleming – you have ‘put words in my mouth’. Thank You.
Apple Elma!! .
Since what I do – I do to you, to myself and to every other, I ask for your forgiveness. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Thankyou. I love you.
Thank you Elma, for the graciousness that you are. You have shown me the missing keys to enable me to be of greater service and I really appreciate your honesty, openness and willingness to show us how to do the process for ourselves. Your emails are a joy, I love your website and the time and energy you so willingly give to us all. Through using the Now Healing techniques I have managed to get all of the courses, sometimes miraculously… isn’t it great when we connect to neutrality over things, just what happens from that is such a miracle !! So dear one, there will always be the critics, we always need time out – I shut the front gate so people know I need ” me” time; please never stop being the breath of heaven that is you. In the midst of the most difficult turmoil’s for me and my family at present, we never fail to hold fast to all the techniques that you have taught us… without those some of may not be here right now…..I love working with the Ho’oponopono techniques as well , so right back at you with oceans of love and gratitude !!!
Thank you for the wonderful work you have shared, Elma. I have studied and practised very many healing systems for almost two decades now. And Now Healing is one of my most favoured, simplest and effective tools. It is easy to share with others and most people report shifts within minutes. I have used it extensively for myself, my family, friends, clients and through my blog, introduced hundreds more to it.
On behalf of them and myself, thank you!
Being an introvert myself, I understand the conflict of wanting to share what we know to work, with our own preference to stay in the background. To add to that, your simple approach can invite much scepticism and resistance. So I appreciate all that you do despite these challenges, and the candidness of this post as well.
Love, light, prayers and blessings,
Thank you Elma, for all your gifts to us. I use what you have taught me nearly every day, the effects are immediate and powerful.
I relate to your sharing, yes, many of us are dealing with the dilemma of introversion and being seen; thank you for your leadership in speaking it.
You are such an inspiration and gift to me, to many others, to life itself.
Nothing to forgive.
Giving thanks for the inspiration, love to you, Rosie
dear Elma
Where to start to express what an incredible gift you are to me. I disentangle
frequently every day. I LOVE your generous audios that have changed my life.
I purchased HEAL YOUR SITUATION and have used it with success. I have mentionned in previous comments how I love your style and sense of humour.
thank you thank you thank you. you are a generous kind modest loving healer.
I have so appreciated the personal responses when I had issues. also thanks for the Ho’opono reminder. I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you.
Nothing to forgive from my point of view, but I admire you for asking. Your marketing email are some to the most creative I have ever seen, btw. I always enjoy them.
As an introvert whose body has spent most of my adult life withdrawing from the world (through chronic illness which seems determine to stay, even after 30 years of engaging healing modalities of all kinds), I love that you recognize the need to balance your “out in the cyber world” presence and your personal life. Although we all know we are not separate, our bodies still need care and protection in this physical existence.To them we are separate, and energy from others, or the collective human consciousness in general, can feel like a threat. I honor that.
I love Ho’ oponopono and find myself spontaneously repeating “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you!” often, especially when I see the chaos that is happening in the world.
I love you and honor all you do and what your body needs. (and whenever you want some mandala files, just say the word).
All Peace and Blessings to you,
Elma: Thank you for showing me how to be courageous, not sure I will follow immediately but thank you for being someone I trust to show me the direction. I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you!
I am grateful to you Elma for your confidence in and devotion to healing. Your self-awareness and ability to self-adjust are qualities you emulate for the highest good of all concerned. I work with your NOW Healing 101 program often and feel your presence just hearing your calm, earnest voice. It is my understanding that the human race suffers from it’s split mind. Satana is the Aramaic word that means “split mind” – conscious / unconscious. When I work with your Healing 101 audios I seek to heal this split in myself. The more I heal my unconscious dynamic, the more Peace, Joy, Love and Compassion fills my experience.
From Dr. Holmes – a morning prayer: “Something new and wonderful comes into my life today. Today I bless everything I touch and prosper in all that I do. Love and Good go forth from me, therefore, greater Love and Good returns to me. Today, this day, I am whole, healed and happy.” Blessings in all that you are, all that you offer.
Dear Elma
I love you and Thank you for the healing power you provided me. It truly transcended my life and the life of people around me. Hopefully, you will continue to work like this and through your healing power you will continue to inspire and heal people, situations, circumstances etc. around the world
Truly, there is nothing to forgive. You’re the mirror to all of the people that felt you failed them in some way. We do that for each other and you have more OTHERS than most of us individually.
It was great cosmic script and you followed it beautifully!
Thank you!
That was beautiful and felt a release and resonance with your post…………In this crazy world, we often drift away from center and forget that all is one, yes even the politicians! ……………..So also to you and the universe, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
I’m going through the same transition now with my life and business! Thank you for being you and for showing me more clearly that there are many energy workers that are absolutely feeling the need to take this whole reconnection to Source to a higher level. Not to worry, those who are ready will feel this too and will step up as well. Love you lots!
Thank you, Elma!
For your openness and refreshing inspiration. I look forward to your messages. Thank you for being a presence in my mailbox and behind the scenes.
With love…
Thank you all sooooo much for your wonderful comments and loving support!!!
Anna asked why I’m asking for forgiveness… today is the day that my tribe-of-origin traditionally does this! It’s Yom Kippur, the “day of atonement”. Even though I’m not an observant Jew, I was born with this DNA, so it resonates with me today.
Love and Wholeness,
Elma, I love the balance you have found between your personal being and your Now Healing being. I have great forgiveness for anything you do, because I am so aware of the incredible gift you have birthed into the world. Make whatever corrections you see fit to make, whenever you need to make them, they will all happen in right timing. Now Healing is one of the most useful modalities for navigating the times we are living, and as far as I can tell, it empowers us with ease and with joy. Bless you, dear Elma, and thank you….
I am just grateful to you Elma for opening my “vision”, for giving me an inspiration, hope, power, ability to help myself and others, to believe that something can be done. I believe that if there are people like YOU out there – he World will be fine…
However, there will be always those who hold on to judgment, no matter what. Just let them Be!
I don’t quite get why you ask for forgivenes (unless the Ho oponopono kind : )
Love and gratitude to you always from me xoxo
dearest elma –
like the other commenters, I want to let you know the tremendous difference you have made in my life “AS IS” with no changes or forgiveness necessary. I hope you will continue to be true to yourself and to the moment, and take care of yourself as you need to, with full and deep awareness that doing so is already making a colossal contribution to healing the world.
with love and gratitude,
Dear Elma, I love you for your Name. In my language elma means Apple and apples are very healthy so like you are. I am not asking for forgivness, I try to do it better now. Thank you for your wonderful words!
Love and blessings – Doris
Elma, I love your emails and healing work! I so enjoy your sense of humor. And I always thought “Here’s a person who knows how to market in an engaging and honest way”. I would be the one “complaining” about other healers….”They are so boring and dull compared to Elma…I just can’t resonate with their seriousness”.
Gosh, I missed the Trump video…I should go and watch that, ha!
I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you!
Oh, what a world, what a world…. I think you are brave and inspired and very generous, Elma, in what you bring to this hurting world. I remember wise words that I received once…. that half the world will like what I do, and the other half won’t, no matter what, so I must just strive to come from my heart always. I love what inspires you and your passion for it, and I am so grateful for what you do and how you do it. I have received so much from your work. To ‘go public’, one must have such Nerves of Steel anymore and, for an introvert….well….I don’t know how you do it. (I don’t even like to leave comments — ever — but felt this was too important not to.) In gratitude and with love….
Dear Elma, very moving that you ask for forgiveness and wish you luck on balancing filtering and privacy — but want to tell you that your non-extravert, non-over-the-top straightforward presentations are a joy. You are there, constantly giving and presenting — no sense at all on this side of anything held back. Just giving, no push — a perfect combination.
Beautiful land inspiring. It applies to me and I did the process alongside with you.
Thank you for your heart and dedication. Blessings.
Dear Elma, I Love you (for being a wonderful friend)
I Thank you (for being my teacher and guide and a beacon of light through your teachings, posts and video)
I forgive you (for a tiny bit of frustration I had with your old website – can’t think of anything else)
And I love you for being to totally AWESOME
That’s awesome. I combine Ho oponopono with th now hearings, so glad to hear you mentioning Ho oponopono. As for the rest well many of us I am sure can relate to what had happened. I too am a major intrevert so can easily understand where you are coming from. I am sorry, please forgiv m, thank you, I love you : )