We are not normal.
Oy vey, all this crap that’s going on! For a normal person, it’s enough to:
Crush their spirit. Crash their health. Crunch their time. Cramp their style. Cripple their plans. Crumble their confidence. Corrupt their serenity. Curse their loved ones.
Careen over a cliff – into stress, fear, anger, or self-pity.
Muggles would cry uncle.
Normal folks would crumple.
But we are not normal. Right? Coz we got the power. We’ve got instant access to Morphic Miracles!
Here’s an example. I’ll tell you about the crap that’s happened to me lately.
And… how I turn it around… into joy and bliss. With a miraculous new tool that I’m creating, called “Mood & Mind Elevator” – but more about that later. (Psssst, look for a free sample soon, coming to your inbox in two weeks!)
But for now, here’s my story of “Crap Happens.” Here’s what (in normal circumstances) would be enough to melt me into a puddle of mess.
- My 85-year-old mom. I’ve probably mentioned what a difficult relationship I’ve had with her all my life. In the last 3 months, she has been in hospital 3 times for heart issues, stroke symptoms, debilitating anxiety / panic. (She refuses my healing work, even ridicules it, but I still Align her – and the situation – with Wholeness.) But… I’ve been blessed with many huge personal breakthroughs, so that I can finally be Whole in her presence. Sure, it takes mighty morphic maintenance, vigilance, and daily practice, but I can now (mostly) stay Centered and be my true self around her. I never would have predicted that.
- My 92-year-old father-in-law. He had a stroke and my husband Brian has been with him for months, up in Oakland CA. This “end of life” stuff is stressful. Plus, I miss my husband! Thankfully, Brian comes back home occasionally, and we even sometimes do fun stuff to de-stress, like attend the LA Philharmonic. (The best symphony in the USA, Yeah, suck it, NY, Chicago, Boston & Philly.) Anyway, having two elders in distress should really compound the crazy. But… between bouts of bat-sh*t, I can still tap into bliss, beauty, and Brian time!
- My baby boy. Uh, I mean my strapping young lad, a college freshman 3000 miles away in DC. He had the nasty flu in his cold dorm room. I spent hours daily on the phone with him – he actually kept calling me for hand-holding, so you know it was bad! Even with my awesome arsenal of Alignments, homeopathy, herbs, oils, silver, Advil, and healings from my powerful healer buddies, it took a week for him to feel better. I was very worried, and had to work on myself often, to stay Centered. But… I managed to get joyous sh*t done anyway. I finally recorded the Mood & Mind Elevator audios that I’ve been meaning to record for 2 years – in spite of the anxiety that normally would have flattened me.
- Other family members (who probably don’t want me to mention their names, you know who you are!) also had emergency health issues. They didn’t want me to worry so underplayed it and handled it themselves. Of course, my first reaction was still to worry. But… I saw that my worry was a stress on them. In the old world, worry was a warped way to channel love. But… we have a better way now! When worry strikes (and it still does!) I’m now aware that it’s an old pattern that’s not helpful in the least. So I use my tools to get Centered and neutral fast…. To plug directly into the healing power of love itself.
- My business manager: I had to let one go, after much denial on my part, and hire someone new. That stuff super-stresses me out. No one told me that when I became a “professional healer” 13 years ago, I’d have to become a “businessman” too. Who knew that it wouldn’t all be prancing through sacred glades waving my hands in ∞ signs with magical unicorn angels sprinkling rainbows on my path? Nope, I need to be a “team leader.” For years, I resisted and railed against it. And although it still takes up way too much of my time, energy, and focus, now, I’m doing it on my terms. And it’s not derailing me anymore. Plus, I feel great about my team. Yay! So… Suck it, leadership “lean in” BS!
- My home: major repairs due to earth movement (yep, it’s a hillside in California). Annoying neighbors with a crappy rock band (Karma! We did the same thing to our neighbors, in our wild youth. But our band was good, so suck it, karma. And besides, this is what we get for living in Silverlake, the hipster capital of the world. So suck it, Brooklyn, our bands are louder than yours.) Well… after months of contractors clanging and drummers distorting, which normally would have made me start a noise war and aim big speakers out the window blasting Stockhausen at the neighbors (at least in my fantasy)… I’m totally cool! It’s uncanny. I’m shocked at my ability to be Centered and calm. It’s a new me!
- The planet. The geo-political sh*t-storm. Climate change. Mass extinctions. In all this chaos, why on earth would I think I could ever be joyful, creative, inspired? But… it’s the best way to be, to amplify healing and Integration rather than disintegration. And yes, we can do this! We ARE doing it. In the face of all the crap.
So that was a lot of crap, right?
But because I held on to a simple awareness that something else existed besides the crap… that Wholeness also existed… then Wholeness found a hole in the wall of crap, and flowed into me. Awareness of Wholeness healed me. Again and again.
We can heal ourselves, if we stay aware. Aware that we can zoom out to larger perspectives. Aware that within us exists the Center, which always connects us with universal healing and love.
How? By uplifting our mood and mind into full power. By “raising our vibration”. So we no longer amplify negativity. We no longer energize what we don’t want.
This is NOT about “positive thinking”. This is much more powerful and infinite.
This is an expansion and Alignment with the larger field of Wholeness. With the highest expression of the future.
Let’s Create the New Normal!
How to Uplift Mood & Negative Thinking – without “Positive Thinking”: Don’t fall in to your thoughts and low mood. Instead, Align with Wholeness.
Try it. It’s miraculous! It’s simple! And it only takes awareness… and a bit of practice.
As you can see, I’ve gotten a LOT of practice, with all that crap out there just begging for me to be Whole in its presence!
And I’m really amazed. Because for a while, even though I knew better, I let myself get walloped by circumstances. I did not think it was possible for me to bootstrap myself up from my heavy legacy of negativity. In normal conditions, maybe, but not with all the deep crap happening.
For other people, yes, I was witnessing miracles.
But for me? A wounded healer? A former Lymie? Daughter of holocaust survivors with epigenetic suffering running through my veins? With my past trying to suck me back into the muck and crap? No way.
But… it turns out… YES way!
I’m incredibly inspired to share this way with you… below. Because even if you’re not naturally a negative nelly like me… you’re gonna love the mood uplift, to higher emotional states.
Love and Wholeness,
PS – Please comment below! What are your experiences of transcending crap?
This is what I’m talkin’ about!
This is the program that was born out of my inspirations & AHAs that I shared above.
It’s what worked for me. And it’s working for others… folks are loving it! (Click below to read just a few of the dozens of WOWED testimonials)
Instant Healing for your Thoughts & Feelings
You’ll Uplift your Low Moods & Negative Thoughts…
Even when it seems impossible!
Learn more about my most inspiring program yet…
Uplift your Mindset - in Minutes
No need to try hard to"Think Positive."
Instead, quickly shift the Energies of
your negative emotions, moods & thoughts.
Browse related posts: Blogue & Musings
Thank you po. God bless you mabuhay po kayo.
Clare, daily “Morphic Maintenance” means starting with neutral expectations & assumptions, and looking at whatever wants Alignment or course-correction at that moment, for maximum Wholeness. And yes, “viewing from Wholeness” is a great perspective. As to the “Quantum Field”, I would say that’s a wonderful metaphor. But my physicist father would probably say, from the other side, “It’s not physics unless you can show me the equations.”
Elma, I have wanted to ask you for an instruction – in a nutshell – how to do daily “Morphic Maintenance”.
Reading your replies above .. I’m seeing ‘view the situation from Wholeness.’
ie: the Quantum Field !!??
Would this be your answer?
Elma, your new normal, resonates with me deeply … as much as I can transform stuff, the intensity of the emotions can become the unwanted center of attention; so the ongoing rising above all the crap it’s consuming every moment. Is that a new awareness ?
Looking forward to your next program!
Thank you so so much Elma! Thank you for being raw and real..and oh so..inspiring in the same Breath! So grateful for all you share with us. A Trail Blazing us into Wholeness. Brightest Blessings Big Loves
Hang in there Elma! I had to sage and Palo Santo my bathroom this week to block a squirrel from chewing his way in through the siding. I have sent healing to my daughter who is expecting baby for sore throat and cough. I am also healing my own congestion and allergies. Anne
Elma this is so good and true. Only today I was aching all over and I disrntangled, aligned and integrated with wholness. You know I found my body loosening and could walk better. Then tonight my world was rocked by something very dishonest and stupid done to a vulnerable family member. I felt so angry at first and wanted to breathe fire on the people involved but I quickly calmed and nowm I feel much clearer and knowm there willbe something positive that can come from this. I want the world to know that we need to Align with LOVE in order to respect each other and be truthful. While we are in our own narrow self interested worlds injustice and hatred will thrive. so it is up to each of us to open and align with Higher Love. Thank you for genuinely sharing Ema.
Hahaha! Not laughing AT you….laughing WITH you! And all the rest of those who are open to infusing a WHOLE lot of humour into these days!!! Every day, multiple times, if possible. It doesn’t take much to make a person feel like they either woke up in a loony bin gone wild, and/or in the inside of a WASHING MACHINE!
Sighhh….re-align, re-align, re-align over and over and over again! Thank YOU Elma for facilitating such a powerful healing mode suitable for THESE days – it’s got to be INSTANT, and you’ve got it! Blessings!
Hi Elma, your text is so funny , honest and real . I can’t stop laughing . I normally don’t read such long e-mails but this one is so good , I read it all the way to the end . Welcome to the miracles !
Oh dear Ricky, piss-laughing, yep! Let’s Disentangle them from each other and Reintegrate… now! Our pants will thank us. (Sending love and Alignment to you and yours!)
Hi Elma . me ol darlin. that’s the best email iv’e read in a long time. I was needing a pee, but once i started reading i just had to keep going , i was laughing so much I pissed me pants,,,,,It looks like we had the same crappy few months Paramedics ambulances hospitals,,,, with me 76 yr old wife and meself at 73 .. We must be kindred spirits cos we both come out the other end still sane in spite of all the crap
LOVE AND WHOLENESS Elma me ol sweet
George, beautiful! Yep, it’s either crap or constipate! But I’m not saying “raise our vibration” to escape anything. I’m using that fraught expression in quotes, to imply expansion to the bigger picture, while simultaneously including the crap, without criticism or resistance. As an awareness-generator. (I’ve got a whole rant on why “raising your vibration” is not a good metaphor, but I decided to use the expression anyway, because it’s common parlance. Of course, you caught me! 😉 )
Hi Elma,
My experience is that the “crap” is part of the process of awakening. Both the dark and the light are necessary. The breaking asunder is required for re-integration. The seed must go into the dark soil and break apart before it can reveal its innermost truth.
We value our garbage enough to put it on the compost pile so it can transform into rich soil that in turn makes our very life possible.
Raising the vibration in an effort to escape the darkness is a form of resistance. We need to go toward the darkness with our eyes open, with awareness, learning to be comfortable with discomfort.
I actually think that’s what you’re saying, but it is so easily interpreted as denying the dark and ignoring the lower vibrations. It’s perfectly OK to experience shame, guilt, resentment, anger, fear and all the dark emotions– we all got ’em! In fact I would say it is essential.
By allowing what is to be as it is, and bringing an energy of kindness and compassion to ourselves and others when we are in those low vibrations is the key to transforming the energy.
Thanks for all your brilliant work!
Irene, yes, we are healing the holocausts! Not by “never forgetting” but by “always remembering” to expand away from it, out to Wholeness. Now!
Dear Elma, thank you for you telling us what you are going through und “surving” – this is very inspiring. I also went through with my mother throuhg times of dispair when she lived her last 3 years. I also know to be a child of a surviver of the holocaust, which my father was, this means a lot and needs a lot of healing. I am now 66 years old (o no, is this true?) and still there is stuff coming up and whants to be healed – Irene from Germany – thank you for your work
Cynthia, Yes! Love that “sweet small voice”. And the fact that you reframed your pain into progress, with such lovely flow.
Yep, we are all so going through all the bs. and remembering to pull one’s self up by the bootstraps has gotten to be a regular behavior. Getting sucked into the morass before you know it and then that sweet small voice whispers: “You are being upgraded. All is in Divine Order.”
I had an event this past week and wound up in er. A wonderful neighbor had came over when I was experiencing severe chest pains; she call ems, my daughter and son. By the time ems came (not too long) the pain had passed, but everyone insisted I go to er. My daughter was 1 1/2 hours away and came to hospital. My precious girl in our resident cynic and worrier; so she does not understand or tolerate my being up-beat and cheerful through all this, my knowing all was well.
Turns out my heart is in perfect shape…of course; all the tests/x-rays were normal.
What caused the pain? I had begun taking a herbal lung detox 2 days before and it was mucous trying to get loose through the bronchial s; once it passed the pain passed.
We are not “normal” Thank you Source! .
Lori, yes, we are doing our best – and expanding to even better! The murky waters are always there, and life force is always cleaning and clearing them. The “trick” is not just to stay present, but to expand our presence and awareness. So that we’re not only present to the murk, we are present to the larger healing that’s always happening… now!
My life had become magical again, was making great money, I drive for Lyft, was having heart to heart, soul to soul passengers, I drove a Soul, which I.loved..then I was rear ended last weekend, and I rear ended the car in front of me, my car was totaled, am dealing with the insurance company, we all three have the same one, have had a non stop headache since it happended and the icing on the cake is renting a car through Lyft has been a royal pain in the hoohaa, met with an attorney…Calgon take me away..am doing my very best to stay present, however, I feel like I am in the murky waters again.
Thanks, Brenda – love back at you!
Elma, thank you for your honesty, I love your work.
Kay, I hear ya! Let’s take all of that “crap” and Align it with Wholeness… now! (Say that command and enter it to your Center.)
Agreed. My blood pressure has been sky high for ages since this political upheaval began. I tend to inherit things from other people and things when the energy is just too strong for my body to ignore. Prior to 2015 I’ve always had low blood pressure, not anymore. I don’t deal well with blood pressure meds for a long list of reasons and so it has been very difficult to get balanced out even with all the energy work, energy medicine, meditation and so on that I practice daily with rare exception. And that’s just one issue. In the last three or four weeks my son was in an accident that totaled his car, he went on vacation for two weeks following that so he had lots of time to obsess. On top of that his job changed significantly with one boss leaving and being replaced by someone who seems a bit unstable to say the least. Then I have rat boys with issues from a previous owner’s abuse. After running energy and doing all kinds of things which had limited effect I’ve decided to do something I’ve tried very hard not to do….splitting them up for a week to see if that changes the behavior. I can’t allow it to continue it just gets worse. This isn’t all of what’s been going on it’s just some of it. Sometimes I think it might be nice to be normal and not have all the hassles of being emphatic and apparently at some point a Shaman who took disease on to heal it, as well as, all the other delightful abilities I have. I definitely understood your email and am looking forward to some new direction to take.