Heal your Relationship to Health – in 30 Seconds

Free Alignment Healing: See the pic below to
Heal your Relationship to HEALTH… Now!

Or… maybe you don’t have time to take 30 seconds to heal yourself. Maybe add it to your “I’ll do it later” list and then forget about it… so you miss this chance to heal. HA! See what I’m doing here? I’m lovingly teasing you! My own “do it later” list is thousands of pages long. That’s why I’m politely kicking your butt:
Scroll Down & Do it Now!)

Why do you need to HEAL your relationship to HEALTH itself?

Because… if you’ve got stuff that won’t heal, then you need to:

  • “Click” into instant Alignment with universal HEALING.
    (Yep, I’m using ALL CAPS, coz this is Capital H – E – A – L – I – N – G!)

  • Clear you stubborn stuff. Persistent patterns. Sneaky situations. 

  • Unblock your lurking, hidden blockages… to HEALING itself.


Free: Heal your Relationship to Health and Healing in 30 seconds - Now Healing with Elma Mayer
What Happened?

You are now much more open to the flow of Health & Healing. Things are shifting.

Please Comment Below!

What did you experience? Do you feel different?
Do you sense that you’ve opened up to actually healing?
To fully Heal your Relationship to HEALTH?

So… if 30 seconds can create a huge shift…

Imagine how much you’ll shift when you go much deeper
with one (or both) of these incredible programs:

Guided Healing Membership:
Easy & Affordable Healing to Align & Inspire You

Heal Your Situation

9 Deep Healing Sessions
for Any Pain, Problem or Pattern

Comments (please add yours below)


  1. Maureen on March 18, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    thanks Elma, I love your reminders coming into my in box.

  2. Anna on March 18, 2022 at 4:02 pm

    Lovely moment of relief! Thanks Elma

  3. Myra on October 13, 2018 at 3:30 pm

    This works very nicely and also feels pretty good. Thank you Elma!

  4. Rina on October 13, 2018 at 1:00 pm

    I love this feeling of healing

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