Did your Self Esteem “number” change? How do you feel now, about your ability to improve your issue quickly and easily?
Do you struggle with these two conflicting intentions? They seem like opposites – but they BOTH need to be true, for your confidence, self-esteem, and self-image to be Whole.
In this video, you will heal this paradox, to build self-esteem!
Transcript of the Video
Have you ever struggled with two conflicting intentions…
– self-improvement and vowing to become a better person, and… – self-acceptance and loving yourself the way you are?
I’m going to guide you to instantly balance that in this video. I’ll give you an instant Healing Alignment to actually create that change right here, right now… so that you can improve and move forward into your best self without beating yourself up, so you can relax and enjoy your life… and your self-esteem is not shot down by your self-criticism as you improve yourself.
I’m Elma Mayer, founder of Now Healing, where we take your overwhelm at all the many things you need to heal and improve and we transmute it into a simple fast ability to plug into your highest flow of automatic healing and Wholeness, for your body, your mind, your money and love, and your whole life.
So beating yourself up as you strive to be a better person, so that your attempts at improvement just perpetuate your low self-esteem… I’m an expert at that, I did that for years. But thank goodness I’ve developed this incredibly effective way to turn that around.
So let’s do that right now, for you. Find one area in which you want self-improvement right now, but you kick yourself a bit.
Maybe it’s like “why am I so lazy, I waste so much time with stupid stuff, I have to get my life together” or “I just have to exercise more”, or “I’m a terrible person for being so irritable, whining at my husband, yelling at my kids, why can’t I be my loving self?” or “I have to make more money right now, what’s wrong with me, other people make ends meet.”
So what is your self-improvement issue that you beat yourself up about? Take about 10 seconds to find it.
OK, now how much of a problem is it on a scale of 0-10 where 0 is no problem, and 10 is worst possible? Go with the first number that presents itself to you.
And now let’s get ready to shift that. Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on your Center. Your vertical Center of your physical body and the center of your energy bodies, like where your chakras align. Breathe into it, and feel how connecting to your Center very quickly and easily and lightly… both grounds you, and expands you to your infinite self, at the same time. That’s the space of instant Wholeness that you can access anytime in about 2 seconds, just by going to your Center.
So now, we’re going to create some more instant shifts right now, as we use the three basic Now Healing commands…
Disentangle your need for self-improvement from your need for negative motivation… now. And bring that word now into your Center quickly, like clicking the enter button on your computer…. now. Again, Disentangle self-improvement from negative motivation… now. Again bring that in.
Reintegrate self- improvement with self-acceptance … now. Bring that in, breathe that in. Allow those zillions of shifts to happen… now. Align your self-esteem with your highest self, your infinite self… now. Align your local self with your loving self… now. Align your self-image with your best self and with your highest flow of evolution and healing and change and growth, into always becoming more of your true self… Align now.
OK, breathe in to your Center to allow those shifts, and breathe out to activate them even more… now. Things will continue to Align, so be aware of what changes in the next few minutes or tomorrow.
And what’s already different? Tune into your self-improvement issue from before, and notice what has shifted. How much of a problem is it right now? What number are you at?
Whatever your number is… take it and command “Align it with zero… now.” Bring that into your Center. Align it with zero now. So that you are congruent with it actually being at zero, no problem… now.
Ok, that was a fast example of how you can create instant healing for yourself using the three Now Healing commands – there’s lots more where that came from, so…
If you want to go deeper with activating your highest motivation for self-improvement AND your highest self-love and self-acceptance… we are going to do just that, and much more. We are going to activate instant Alignment with self-improvement for your health, your wealth, your relationships and any other parts of your life you want to improve.
And we are going to activate instant Alignment with non-judgement about your body, your self-esteem, so that you are not beating yourself up about your looks, your health, your income, how you treat yourself and others, your success, your ability to focus and your productivity, your intelligence and wisdom, your talents and abilities – and anything else you can think of.
We’ll do it ALL – because that’s what we do in the Guided Healing Teleseminars [NOTE: THE NAME HAS CHANGED TO GUIDED HEALING CALLS in the GUIDED HEALING MEMBERSHIP] – and one is coming up very soon. So if you resonate, please join me for powerful instant morphic healing – click the link somewhere nearby for details… [BELOW!]
And please comment [below]…
What shifted for you, in this free healing video. I hope to meet you soon in the Now Healing Space for even deeper shifts – this is Elma with love and Wholeness, signing off for now.
Ready to go Deeper with Self-Acceptance… and get tons more healing?
Enroll in this amazing and unique program – and get the best value in all of Now Healing:
Guided Healing for Self-Acceptance vs. Self-Improvement (How to do BOTH!)
Thank you Elma, embracing new found confidence in myself and new business strategies, with gratitude for its constant higher frequency now!
Karuna Chapmanon February 25, 2022 at 6:13 pm
Perfect timing! lots of old stuff coming up for me these days. good to see it and good to see it go. This exercise is really helpful for not losing perspective. thank you! and love.
Ruthon August 8, 2018 at 5:04 am
Thanks Elma,
After watching the Selfesteem video, I noticed I do not feel the “two intentions” conflict
anymore. And I feel at peace with myself! Thanks a lot!
Salmaanon February 13, 2017 at 1:35 am
Thank you! the shifts are real! I definitely feel as if have a whole lot of more self-acceptance and have less self judgment
Charmaineon February 8, 2017 at 5:26 am
This felt Sooooo Good. Thank you.
Starlaon February 7, 2017 at 12:34 pm
Thanks So Much. Your Healing Work is Actually Very Helpful with the Other Healing Work I’m Doing. Have a. Great Day. I Reallly Appreciate You.
Maraineon February 5, 2017 at 7:01 pm
Ditto as the comment from above.
Ruchion February 3, 2017 at 12:11 am
Oh Elma. I love and adore you, beautiful Sister. Every time I see something new from you, you look more beautiful!
This is probably my favorite video to date. Ten to zero.
Thank you xInfinity
Thank you Elma, embracing new found confidence in myself and new business strategies, with gratitude for its constant higher frequency now!
Perfect timing! lots of old stuff coming up for me these days. good to see it and good to see it go. This exercise is really helpful for not losing perspective. thank you! and love.
Thanks Elma,
After watching the Selfesteem video, I noticed I do not feel the “two intentions” conflict
anymore. And I feel at peace with myself! Thanks a lot!
Thank you! the shifts are real! I definitely feel as if have a whole lot of more self-acceptance and have less self judgment
This felt Sooooo Good. Thank you.
Thanks So Much. Your Healing Work is Actually Very Helpful with the Other Healing Work I’m Doing. Have a. Great Day. I Reallly Appreciate You.
Ditto as the comment from above.
Oh Elma. I love and adore you, beautiful Sister. Every time I see something new from you, you look more beautiful!
This is probably my favorite video to date. Ten to zero.
Thank you xInfinity