Why we Love Alignment – Free Healing to Feel Good Now
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Why do we love Alignment so much?
Our minds and senses love Alignment. We feel good when things are lined up on all levels. We sense Alignment as beautiful, balanced, orderly, and “just right.”
Why do we resonate with Alignment – on all levels?
Because Alignment loves us back!
Alignment resonates us. It shifts our subtle energies and tunes us up. It expands and inspires us.
It even inspired me to create this article – and to share with you an incredibly easy way to…
Harness the power of Alignment – for healing.
How do we love Alignment? In so many ways! For example, we love:
- Lists – like these bullet points you’re looking at. (If they were ragged on the left, rather than neat and aligned, it would be annoying!)
- Numbers that match up in a pattern, like 11:11.
- Symmetry around a center – in visual art, it feels good, and looks beautiful.
- Eclipses and planetary alignments. (Even scoffing skeptics love eclipses, right?)
- Musical instruments playing in such perfect tune that they form a new unified single sound.
- Singing the fundamental frequency of a cathedral or bathroom shower, so the sound swells to match and vibrate with the entire space.
- The basketball swishing into the hoop perfectly.
- Sexual union.
It give us pleasure when everything fits together, clicks into place, or creates a neat and orderly line.
But the kind of Alignment that is truly healing is not just visual, and not just physical. It’s multi-dimensional and magically magnetic! (Actually, it’s not really magnetic, it’s morphic – an attractor vortex, a resonant field of attraction, that pulls us in.)
Alignment wants us to Align with it!
Alignment resonates with us. And we resonate back. With very little effort. Alignment meets us more than halfway.
That’s why Alignment is so powerful and instantly-healing… especially if you know how to Resonate and tune yourself into Alignment.
It’s easy! I’ll show you how right now.
Your Free Alignment: Healing to Feel Good Now
Let’s tune you up, so you can feel the pleasure & grace of your own Alignment.
Follow the simple instructions below. Take about 10 seconds to do each item. Your resonance will Align almost instantly, on the energetic & morphic levels. Don’t over-focus or over-think. Don’t wait for your mind or sensory awareness to understand or process what’s shifting, just keep going!
- Feel into your vertical Center. Visually, it’s not a straight line. But energetically, it is a unified field.
- Feel the field, running up and down your Center.
- Sense the tube of energy that connects your root and crown, heart and mind, gut and knowing.
- Command it all to click into Alignment… Now. Don’t worry about how. Just say this command and feel it click into your Center:
All of me Aligns with Center… Now.
- Breathe into that Alignment, and breathe out to expanding Awareness… Now.
- Feel the yummy pleasure of that Alignment happening… Now! (If your mind is questioning “But wait. How? Why? What if?” then firmly tell it to shush!) Allow the Alignment to feel sooooo goooood!
Monkey mind chattering? “But hold on a minute, wait, it doesn’t feel perfect yet, see the problem is…”
NO. STOP. Shhhh! Just be still and ALIGN… NOW! Breathe!
It’s OK to be brusque & firm with your chattering mind. After all, it’s constantly interrupting you, right? So don’t take any guff from it! And by the way, I actually don’t like the term “monkey mind” because it’s an insult to our cousins the monkeys! Let’s call it primate mind and admit it happens to us humans when our minds are out of Alignment!
Again: All of me Aligns with Center… Now.
Allow Alignment In.
Expand Awareness Out.
Aaaaahhhh! Beautiful!
You have just re-tuned yourself. Clicked yourself into Alignment.
You can do this anytime. You can click into Alignment, in the presence of any crap or chaos!
The big secret:
Sometimes it won’t feel 100% perfect. And that’s fine!
Buh-buh-but wait…
How can it be Alignment if it’s not perfect?
That’s the beauty of this! Even a little bit of movement toward Alignment will get you in the groove of more and more Alignment. Because Alignment wants you to Align with it – and it knows that you have to start somewhere!
So don’t look for perfection. Look for the “click” instead. The click shows you that you’re in the right place.
Keep tuning in, tuning up, and allowing more clicks of Alignment.
Please comment below! What shifted for you?
Describe how Alignment feels to you in this moment. Your experience will help others to Align! Thank you!!!
Love and Wholeness,
PS – That was the first Free Alignment…
in your “Year of Free Alignments” Email Subscription!
Not yet signed up? If you landed here from YouTube or Facebook or Google or browsing…
Please subscribe for a Year of Free Alignments!
But if you got here from an email that I sent you, then you’re already signed up – No need to sign up again! Check your email tomorrow, for another Free Alignment.
PPS – Can’t wait until tomorrow? You can start healing more deeply, now:
Thank you Elma. I felt a great sense of peace and balance.
i sensed a lovely swinging type of sensation up and down, inside my core, swinging from above my head right down through my centre and beyond the soles of my feet, and then back up again repeatedly (difficult to put into words) It felt good 🙂
The Alignment was great. I felt the expansion, peace within and will do it daily prior doing my meditation. Thanks Elma
Thank you so much for this beautiful gift, Elma! I love this Alignment practice and your explanation. And I love your humor!
Gratitude Elma 🙏 immediately after the alignment experienced a big yawn which confirmed some shift had taken place .
I have come down with a cold in the past few hours so I didn’t really feel much this time…..but I am familiar with the tube of energy and bringing it into alignment…..I just needed this reminder to get me back to my own centre. Thank you so much! I needed this at this moment. Xxx
I felt grounded, centered, and I could feel the tube of energy going up and down my center area into the center of my head and primal mind. Thank you so very much. I felt my energies of my chakras sing.
Thank you Elma!
I followed the instructions and I felt a tiny surge of energy in those specific places you mentioned – the root and crown – heart and mind – gut and knowing
before I knew it I realized a subtle smile was on me – things felt secure and joyful in that space. I didnt analyze anything as you mentioned I just was there!!
Thank you.
Thank you Elma. First I felt peace as if the world was silent and then ripples up and down from my root to my crown. I felt that for two minutes and then my arms, shoulders neck started moving like things were being adjusted. Throughout this 1st alignment I felt so much peace. You are a blessing to humanity. Lots of love light and blessings
Absolutely beautiful I felt a shift, also I can almost see within my centre, I know exactly where it is absolutely amazing . Thank you so much for your kindness, with peace love and light 💜
Hi Elma,
When I did this, my field felt like an elastic band as I aligned. It seemed to stretch out, then snap back. I had this tingly feeling like the bubbles from seltzer water all over my body. Thank you.
I subscribed to your email right before bedtime & opened your email 1st thing in the morning.
Thank you Elma! Feeling much more focused & ready for the day!😊✌🌼
Thank you Elma I definitely felt something not sure what I’m not giving up I know it’s started can’t wait for the changes / alignments this year
Thankyou for your beautiful gift , which I will always treasure . Many love blessings to you .
A subtle movement…I was going to say that nothing happened, but that would not be true. I will persist!
Thank you, Elma ! Felt drained & bothered after work. The exhaustion was deleted quickly with the alignment !
Thank you Elma,I’m very glad I signed up! So simple & effective,I feel the peace & ease it brings as a balm today.Also lots of tingling through my body & more energized.
Much love to you
Thank you Elma, I feel taller (lol) and like a weight has been lifted!
Felt the shifts happen strongly & instantly with Elma’s works as usual (or should I say, always :))!
It felt like my body became straighter, more relaxed.
After doing this work, I did not felt anything instantly but after a minute or 2, I log in to my Facebook and found so many reasons to laugh.
I laugh for at least 15 mins🤣. Love you so much Elma, Thanks for doing this
This was very nice! Thank you. All the remaining and untended bits and parts of my recent challenges & the chaos that came with all that, consolidated, organized, and either vanished or became helpful, useful, and beneficial when I need them. Wonderful!
I could feel alignments that started from my face…down to my root…with each repeat…Thank you Elma 🙏✨
After all this time and experience I still FORGET! Thank you for the reminder, was sprawled here feeling exhausted, now I feel as though a layer has peeled away and I’m feeling less tired and definitely more Delicious! Thank you, Elma!
Thank you, Elma, for your gracious generosity and commitment to the planet!
Elma love and many blessings and Gratitude to you ❤️🙏for this blessed gifts!
I experienced yawns and lightness thereafter .
For fatigue do you have to name what you want to align with ? Like wholeness ? Energised ?
Deeply grateful and I pray you get blessed as you bless all of us ❤️🙏
Much love
Very grateful for this experience. It was really instantaneous, all my energy changed.
I immediately snapped back into my body. Didn’t even realize how scattered I had been all day. Your work is so important for emptaths like me who tend to get pulled in all directions. I will us it again, thank you so much – Mir
@kate – yes, you can definitely use this to Align with money, love, happiness, and anything you want. (This is not an affirmation, it is a direct Alignment.) You can also use Now Healing to determine whether you are Aligned with any blockages or distortions to what you want!
Hi Elma, I loved this tool.
Immediately felt the shift in energy,
I loved it so much I did it 3 times in a row…
All that in a matter of seconds !
First of all, I want to thank you Elma for the personal message! When I read it, I felt instant spark of hope. It felt good already!!!! Secondly, I appreciate how you described the way to command my mind and body to click into alignment, and be firm:). It all makes sense to me. Thank you and God bless you!
Thank you Elma! Being empathic and highly sensitive with everything that is going on right now, this alignment to center helped tremendously!
Thank you Elma for the reminder. I am working through NH 101 and have just finished chapter 3 on the Enter Command. I think that is the same as the Align command. If not I will find out in chapter 4. I am connecting with wholeness…it feel a little fuller, denser, tinglely, brighter…only a slight shift in awareness.
Thanks Elma—for your generosity ! HOPE SUPPORT feeling good when all hell brakes loose—–
possible ? YES !! with aligbments LOve and blessings,
As always – thank you for this. Question – can you use this tool to align with money? or love? or happiness?
Feel so much stronger and expanded when doing this alignment with you!
Thank you Elma