Shift Your Biggest Blockage – Now!

There are TWO free healings on this page:

  1. Free Alignment – Read it Below (See all the comments about this written Alignment, below… and add yours too!)
  2. Video – Free Sample of Heal Your Situation

Do them both! They will give you different shifts!
(Because blockages suck. And it’s good to heal them from both of these angles!)

1. Your written Free Alignment Instant-Energy Shift

Shift your biggest blockage – in less than two minutes!

What’s single biggest thing that prevents you from living the highest expression of your life? What’s the thing that would create the most opening for you, if it shifted?

Tune in… to that one thing that would upgrade your life to its next level.
How possible does it feel? Pick a number:
0 = completely impossible, 10 = you’re already there. (If you’re at a 10 already, choose a different issue!)

Instructions: To activate these shifts, place your attention on your Center for 1 to 2 seconds as you read the word “Now” below.
(Don’t overthink it, and don’t spend more than 2 seconds. This is not a meditation! This is an instant activation. Just do it fast, like clicking the “enter” button on your computer or tapping a screen. Noticing your Center will “Enter” the command to your entire field… which shifts your energy, and changes reality… Now!)

Prepare to shift energy instantly:

  • Align with the Now Healing Space of instant change and Wholeness… Now. (Don’t worry about what this all means, for now. I’ll tell you later! Just say the command – it will work even if you don’t know exactly what it means!)
  • Align with my Infinite Self… Now.
  • Align my body, mind, spirit with my Center… Now.

Your Energy Shifts:

  • Disentangle from what I think my blockages are… Now.
  • Disentangle from what I think the solutions are… Now.
  • Align with the morphic field of the highest outcomes… Now.
  • Disentangle from the need to experience these outcomes in any specific way… Now.
  • Align with allowing the universe to support highest outcomes… Now.
  • Align with wholeness in the presence/absence of my “blockages”… Now.

You have just created instant change!
Take a nice slow breath… in and out. Aaah! You are at your Center.
Now, tune in to your issue again – what number are you at, right now?
What changes are you noticing?

If you feel closer to your expanded, upgraded life…
…just from doing this quick process… then imagine the results you could get, if you went deeper…

How to Go Deeper: Remove your Hidden Blockages

2. Video: Free Sample of Heal Your Situation:

Powerful Free Healing Video – Remove your Hidden Blockages

Please note:

  • Even if you already have Heal Your Situation, you’ll get different shifts from the free healing in this video!
  • Even if you’ve already done the free healing in this video, you’ll get different shifts when you do it again!


Did you enjoy the two Free Healings?

Go infinitely deeper – plus, learn about the Now Healing Commands and what “Center” and “Align” and “Disentangle” and all that stuff means…

Heal Your Situation

9 Deep Healing Sessions
for Any Pain, Problem or Pattern

Comments (please add yours below)


  1. Jewl on May 11, 2024 at 11:27 pm

    Hi Elma
    I did so much yawning which is releasing whats not working inside me!
    You’re the best healer out there.
    Ive tried them all & spent so much £££ over the years.
    I get INSTANT releases with your NOW healing

  2. Cat on April 28, 2021 at 2:44 pm

    I got a feeling of excitement on completing these shifts !
    It’s SO much easier to see the right statements…Thank you 🙏

  3. sonya on April 23, 2021 at 12:44 pm

    Healing and learning how to heal all in one. Thank you Elma!

  4. Diane on January 4, 2017 at 4:29 am

    Hi Elma, what helps me greatly was to disentangle from what I think the blockages or the solutions are. I felt a huge relief. Thanks. Happy New Year, Happy Healing for everyone, eveything everywhere. Diane or Danielle the same person !

  5. Marzia Aldrighetti on May 17, 2016 at 10:13 am

    I felt lightness and joy in my body, immediately after. Thank you so much, Elma! Lots of love. Marzia

  6. VELETE WOMACK on October 19, 2015 at 11:49 am

    I felt like that everything is already okay. I felt like I could sit up stronger and taller and felt no need to think about how things were going to be taken care of.

  7. Carmen on August 18, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    The release on …Now, is exquisite. Thank you for sharing this simple, elegant but powerful process!

  8. Joan Campagna on May 5, 2014 at 2:43 pm

    immediate sense of peace and aliveness in my body

  9. SARITA NARULA on December 17, 2013 at 2:07 am


  10. Vera on November 23, 2013 at 10:32 am

    From the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you ;you are a wonderful person

  11. Kiara on October 7, 2013 at 1:22 am

    Thanks so much Elma for your wonderful instant healing protocols. You are a gifted teacher and incredibly modest. I have incorporated what I have learned from you in my work as a therapist specializing in quantum healing. I recommend your teaching to anyone who wants to make a quantum leap forward to healing and much more. Blessings.

  12. kaeru on September 27, 2013 at 4:57 am

    Elma, I realized once it was done how light I felt , and how much space and energy this topic was taking in my life! I am so grateful! thank you so much!

  13. Pauline on June 19, 2013 at 3:09 am

    Thank you for what you do and teach us, it is always wounderful

  14. asha on May 14, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    just tuning into what i thought was my biggest blockage, to what would give me the biggest opening in my life at the moment changed, scince i realised fun, opening myself to my humor again (instead of blaming difficulties and sorrows) shifted. i feel light and released, scince that change in attitude moves me out of feeling victim of circumstances.

  15. Georgeta on September 2, 2011 at 1:39 am

    At first i placed my attention on the lower spine going up..and i feld an, up shift of energy…when i inhaled than i exhale, my breath almost did a “double exit “…lol
    Than, i start it again from the mid-section….i hold my left hand on it…and as i was reading..i can feel the muscles loosening up/….
    .thank you. SO ..MATCH !!!.
    ……I am a holistic practitioner and a healer..i use YOU’RE teachings ever since i discover you on u-tube !

  16. Karen Cain on September 1, 2011 at 9:28 am

    That was amazing! I could FEEL the upgraded energy running through my being as I said those commands. Thank you.

  17. Heather Woodbury on August 31, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    Just went from five to seven . Yeah baby.

  18. Ginny on August 31, 2011 at 2:47 am

    Hi Elma,

    Thanks again! Did several in a row, and they all muscle tested at 10 when done, so here’s keeping my fingers crossed. I’ll keep you posted. Lots a love! Ginny

  19. Suz on August 30, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    Elma! I can’t thank you enough for sharing your Now Healing Techniques. I have had so much success, including eliminating, yes, eliminating TMJ pain, a long-time issue. I’ve made great strides with post trauma and related injuries… a list getting to be very long with success. I put your 7 minute session on m iPod shuffle and work with it every chance I get, inspired as I am, and even bought a splitter and extra headphones for my husband who is also inspired with the results! Imagine that! I have shared this and your url with everyone I’ve contacted since I found such great results. I hope it is paying off for you. Many Blessings… See you at your next teleseminar! Hugs… Suz

  20. renukah hunter on August 30, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    I felt instant calmness and peace right after my Big deep breath in and out!

  21. Sharon Albright on August 30, 2011 at 11:32 am

    In just those few seconds I feel the energy and power to move forth. I also got a feeling of peace along with the shift.

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