Improve Your Oxygen Instantly…

Scroll down for your Free Alignment – Improve your Oxygen

NOTE: This healing video is an oldie… but it still packs huge power.
Even if you’ve done it before, do it again! Because you like to breathe, right?

Improve your Oxygen… for Better Energy, Health, and Life!

Why is “Aligning with Air” Necessary? If you’re not congruent with air – on all levels – you could be manifesting symptoms like…

  • fatigue
  • fibromyalgia
  • high blood pressure
  • depression
  • stuck emotions
  • physical parasites
  • spiritual parasites
  • “mystery ailments” that won’t go away
  • not to mention the obvious stuff, like coughs, respiratory infections, asthma, COPD, etc.

Free Alignment – Instant Healing Video
Watch Now:

Please Comment – What did you experience?

That was a Free Sample of one of The Seven Transformations: Air. (Want all seven? Scroll down!)

Air is essential to life.

And not just in its physical form! The Air Element also ties in to Spirit, Inspiration, and Emotional Flow.

Use instant energy healing to improve your…

  • oxygenation
  • breathing
  • inspiration and connection to nature and creativity
  • connection to Spirit
  • lightness and flow in your emotions

If you have specific breathing “problems” like…

  • asthma
  • emphysema
  • cough
  • snoring
  • shortness of breath upon exertion
  • air hunger
  • or any other breathing issue…

… you can shift the morphic field of your “problem”!

Improve your oxygen – with energy shifts!

Want More Transformation?

How About Seven Transformations?

7 Hours of Power-Healing Audios
to Heal your Body & Life

What are The Seven Transformations? And what do they transform?

Each of these Seven Transformations are essential morphic healing fields – universal energies that already exist. It’s easy to tap into them. You’ll discover exactly how to allow your flow towards Wholeness… for automatic, universal healing.

TransformationSome Examples of its Effects
1. Transform TimeWhen you Transform Time… Everything in your Life Flows Better. Includes:
Aging, Stress, Procrastination, Daily Habits, Always Late, Always in a Hurry, Cycles (Hormones, Circulation, Sleep, Seasonal), Work & Wages, Income, Time & Money.
2. Upgrade SpaceYour Space influences Everything you Do. Make sure you are congruent with it! Your space should support (not distort) your life. Includes:
Negative Energy Clearing, Space Clearing, Energetic Clutter Clearing, Instant Feng Shui, How to “Read” the Energy of a Space. Also – Create the Qualities you want – in your Home, Bedroom, Office etc (like Peace, Family Harmony, Community, Inspiration, Productivity).
3. Yin-Yang BalanceAllow your Life to Flow between Polarities… and to be Integral, Non-Dual, and Multidimensionally Centered – Simultaneously! (It sounds esoteric, but it’s down to earth – and it affects everything!) Includes:
Sleep/Wake; Work/Life;  Male/Female; Logic/Intuition;  Earning/Spending; Giving/Receiving; Breathing In/Out; Heartbeat; Alkaline/Acid. Also…  What you want vs. what you don’t want, etc. How Feng Shui and Yin Yang are related.
4. Align with AirLife is Breath! Not just physical breath, but also spiritual connection, inspiration, and mental flow. Includes:
Oxygenation, Breathing Issues (Asthma, Cough..), Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Lighten up Emotions, Inspiration, Clarity, Spirituality.
5. Balance WaterWater is Essential to your Essence – not just for health, but for wealth and wisdom too. Includes:
Hydration, Elimination, Stagnation, Emotional Flow, High Blood Pressure, Edema, Kidneys, Dry Skin/Eyes, Drained Energy, Plumbing Issues in your Home, Financial Stagnation, Relationships that Drain you, Water Traumas (drowning etc…)
6. Focus your FireStoke your Inner Fire for Success, and Calm it for your Health. Includes:
Inflammation, Metabolism, Digestion, Headaches, Heartburn, Rash, Body Temperature, Energy Levels, Vision and Light, Over-spending, Under-earning, Addictions (smoking, sugar, alcohol), Cool down Arguments, Excessive Spending, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Solar Flare Sensitivity, and… Activate your Star Power!
7. Evolve your Earth Element
Your Health – and Life – Depend on Earth. Includes:
Grounding, Gravity, Presence, Heaviness of Body, Heavy Emotions, Possessions, Earth Cycles, Connecting with Nature…  (Note: we work with several “Element” systems, including the Chinese Five Elements, Ayurvedic Elements, and yes, even the Periodic Table.)
Shift YOUR Specific Issues – Instantly.… Best of all, you get powerful transformation for Your Individual healing intentions and goals.  In each audio, you will transform one issue of your choice. And of course, you can run The Seven Transformations on an unlimited number of your issues – each time you listen, you will get different shifts.



So… How do you get The Seven Transformations?


Well, it’s a Free Bonus… with either of the programs below…


The Healing Helix

An innovative, emerging NEW way to Heal: Integrating Sacred Geometry & Morphic Healing.

(Space, Time & The Elements)

Guided Healing Membership:
Easy & Affordable Healing to Align & Inspire You

please choose the DIAMOND or SAPPHIRE membership option:

Comments (please add yours below)


  1. Heidi Wagner on November 20, 2021 at 11:20 am

    Dear Elma,

    Felt shift at work now…have been masked
    Up for over 15 months & will make this a part
    Of who I am & what I do !
    Didn’t realize how I’ve been functioning
    At low oxygenation levels for so long, especially
    During this “global event”.
    Feeling more alive…..greatly appreciated!
    Thank you

  2. RICKY on November 19, 2021 at 2:37 pm

    Hi Elma me ol darlin I DO OPEN EVERY ONE OF YOUR CRACKING EMAILS To get rid of all the crap gunk and all the other shite life throws at us the oxygen was great for an old COPD SUFFERER


  3. Carmen on November 19, 2021 at 1:30 pm

    Feeling clearer and lighter. Thank you!

  4. Pinki Das on November 19, 2021 at 11:25 am

    Thank you so much Elma❤️
    I feel like connecting to mother Gaia whenever I see you.
    So grateful for all your healing videos.
    Much love and light to you 🙏

  5. Becky Dodds on August 26, 2018 at 5:08 am

    Thank you Elma and may God Bless your life beyond your belief as you are such a giving wonderful lady! As ever with love and thanks, Becky

  6. Helene on February 10, 2015 at 5:07 am

    I echo the comments above about you, the music and the contents . I enjoy the free videos and have signed up for the monthly alignments.i have listened to Healing your whole life Part 1 and am amazed at the quality of my energy. I have also been amazed with the results of Healing a Space! I am in total gratitude! I would still love to to participate at a live session in person. Helene

  7. Kay on January 26, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    Your work is wonderful, Thank You Elma
    How can we Oxygenate the Air all over
    the planet?

  8. Penny on May 12, 2014 at 6:21 pm

    Hi Elma,
    I started coughing “out of nowhere” as soon as you started the alignment – definitely clearing the air passages!

  9. Emilia on May 12, 2014 at 5:46 pm

    This morning – like now – have to go to work yet woke with headache,heavyness and very late. Fortunately I put computer on -robotically really. When I saw Oxygenation I clicked and as I sit here typing – yes, I’m extra late yet no headache and much more alive & with good posture. How to thank you Elma? Superior timing just to be on my email this morn. So extremely helpful. With deep gratitude,sincerely xxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Laura Whitaker on April 15, 2014 at 1:23 pm

    Thank You Elma, meeting you on Healing with the Masters months ago has been extraordinary. I LOVE your way, your presence, your authenticity, your genuineness, your simplicity, ALL that you offer free on the web, I LOVE your intro jingle, my head tingles. Thank You Source for aligning me with Elma Mayer and NOW healing. Laura

  11. kesavan namboothiri krishnan on December 18, 2013 at 4:08 am

    The Energy Medicine is divine to encourage anyone disappointed with own worries and pains. Thank You AlmaJi.

  12. Donna on April 5, 2013 at 7:30 am

    Awesome, thank you Elma. I could actually feel the energy moving in my body, mind & spirit. Blessings, Donna

  13. Rasmus on November 16, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    Whoa! I definitely felt a positive shift while you were doing the shifts for allowing more oxygen into my body, mind and spirit! And I definitely feel more life energy in my body now! Thank you for this wonderful healing! What a gift it is 🙂

  14. Izabel Ganz on November 13, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    Among all the modalities, your NOW HEALING is for real.. I use it almost every day, with great benefits, Thank you, Elma, you are a real guide into the NEW AGE, this Oxygenetion video facilitates a powerful shift.

  15. Sharon Albright on November 12, 2011 at 9:41 pm

    As always, I felt the shift!

  16. Donna Yee on November 11, 2011 at 6:17 am

    A great boost to start the day! Thanks, Elma. Sending love and light to you and your family!! 🙂

  17. Joan Lulich on November 10, 2011 at 11:01 am

    Thanks for that healing video Elma. I was surprised that ‘fighting’ virus, etc, was part of the wording, otherwise, I thought it was great.

  18. Irma on November 10, 2011 at 10:30 am

    Hello Elma,
    I finally got time to listen to the last webcast and the oxygen improvement + the video about disentangling things that bothers & all kinds of negative stuff.It sure works very strongIy on my energy field! I felt instant shifts.Actually it felt like everything changed. Thanks a million Elma – you amaze me with your loving and accepting, positive way .You are so wise and talented. I wanted to hug you while watching the videos! I’ll tell friends and pursuade them to sign in,if they don’t they’ll miss something really great!

  19. marie doiron on November 10, 2011 at 7:14 am

    Hi Elma!
    Excellent idea about oxygen!
    I have enjoyed your warmth and intellect for a few months now via your complementary healing videos, and I just wanted to say thank you from New Hampshire! I learned Reiki about 6 years ago, and continue to explore energy healing- I want to join your monthly healing class. You have a very reassuring presence, did you know that? Also, I love love love your groovy music! You go, Girl! Peace to you and all you love! :)Marie

  20. Eugenia on November 9, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Thank you. That was Outstanding Elma. Happy 11/11/11.

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