Heal your Relationships… to Heal All Areas of your Life!
Watch the 7-minute video below, to get a Free Instant Healing Alignment. And please comment below!
Your relationships affect all areas of your life – whether you are aware of it or not! Relationships can cause disconnects (glitches or distortions) in: – Body / Health / Ability to Self-Heal – Mind / Mood / Emotions / Spirituality – Money / Success / Career – And… your Other Relationships!
Free Alignment – Watch Now
Heal your Relationships – Right Now! Get a powerful instant Alignment as you watch:
No special effects were used. My iPad caught these colors – because of the angle of the sun? Or is it… angel of the sun? 😉
The energy of your relationship has shifted! Now what?
Ok, so now that you’ve shifted the energy of a relationship… what’s next?
1. Be Aware. Notice the changes and improvements that unfold – in all areas of your life.
2. Be Non-Attached. Allow for huge changes. Or little changes. The more more non-attached you are to “results”… the better your results will be. Yep, it’s a paradox! When you are Okay with “What Is”… then you allow “What Is” to shift and improve more.
What changed for you, after you watched?Please comment below!
Ready to Go Deeper with Healing your Relationships?
Here are two different programs you’ll enjoy – try one, or both!
1. Guided Healing Membership
Contains at least 6 hours of guided healing for relationships. Here’s just one of the sessions: “Your Relationship Resonance: How to attract people that support rather than distort your health, wealth, wisdom, life’s work, play and purpose. How to tune up your own resonance, to attract and “match the vibration” of your ideal friends, lovers, business partners, teachers, clients, etc. Plus… what to do about people you are “stuck” with… like family members.” And there are at least 5 more sessions on healing relationships.
Even better, the Guided Healing Membership gives you over 100 hours of healing on every other topic you can imagine! Click here for details. (Secret hint: when you enroll in Guided Healing Membership, you’ll get a 20% off coupon that you can use on the program below…)
2. Heal Your Situation – 9 Deep Healing Sessions
Use this program again and again, to heal anything and everything, including relationships… and any pain, problem or pattern. Click here for details. (This is our most comprehensive healing program – it’s better than private sessions!)
Heal Your Situation
9 Deep Healing Sessions for Any Pain, Problem or Pattern
That seemed too simple. But maybe I should let it be that. I think the view of the other person is better. But I notice I still have fear around contact with them. I can tell I’m afraid of judgement.
Karuna Chapmanon November 4, 2021 at 6:41 pm
WOW! love the color rainbows. Most certainly the Angel of love. This is priceless. Thank you Elma. I feel so much more open to my daughter and loving too. Hurrah!
Jessica Malbergon March 12, 2020 at 12:39 am
Dear Elma, just wanted to say I did your now healing for relationships just before, at about the five minute mark the person called. This is the second time this healing vid has had an instant and direct physical response from the person I have chosen. Thankyou for your incredible work!!! Xxx
deloreson September 17, 2017 at 4:09 pm
I was feeling a pain in my neck, and in my heart, as well as a lump in my throat. I felt tremendously lighter, the pain in my neck was gone although my heart still felt a little heavy. Since you say it keeps on working, I will trust that these will go away as well. Thank you.
Rosaon March 27, 2017 at 8:21 am
Dear Elma, suddenly I feel myself füll of Energy and awakened… Thank you ! God bless you.. from Germany
Andreaon March 25, 2017 at 8:32 am
I started to roll down all relations I had/have in my life and clear each of them. It brings so many releaving smiles into my face and body. Thank you :-))) Using your modality, ‘in-lights’ me. Blessings upon you!
nidhion February 14, 2017 at 8:55 pm
Hi elma,i felt very gud after doing this..but my problem is…
I have one friend whose marriage take place before 1 year. Before 15 days of her marriage unfortunately her mother has broken her both legs in an accident. After her marriage i take care of her mother like my mom… our relation becomes so beautiful like mom and daughter. But before 1 month i don’t know what happen to her that she was not talking to me at all. I ask her many time that what happened pls tell me. First she say i don’t want to disturb you till your exam but i know she is lying after that i agaim ask her so many times and she says i don’t know why but i don’t mood to talk with you…after that i continue to ask her this question that why you are not talking to me??? At last she told me that you irritate me asking this lot and lot of times so now i don’t want to talk to you anymore. Pls leave me alone. It hurts me a lot because i always do so much for them. And i know she also loves me a lot. Please tell me what can i do now to bring them back in my life… .
Manonon September 26, 2016 at 2:12 pm
hi Elma! I love it! I feel a lot of space within myself, no space for fear and doubts. I’m going to do it about my relationship with money. a big issue for me! I wonder how it works because I’m a french speaker and I have no idea about the disentangle meaning but I can feel the energy of it!! do you know if it woks if we do it in a other language? I should just try I guess!! thank you! blessings, Manon
Catharina Kion September 11, 2015 at 1:10 pm
Dear Elma, I got this video from you, certainly more than a year ago and I do the exercise now and then. This evening something greater happened though. I started yawning again and again bigger and bigger and my tears came from my eyes. I am totally calm and “lightheaded” . AWESOME ! Thank you!
Saminaon June 29, 2015 at 9:11 pm
Ffelt a great change in behavior from irritability to being clam and relaved . Thank you Elma for this emended shift.
Elma Mayeron April 7, 2015 at 8:46 am
@Angy, Reintegrating means being Whole in the presence and absence of the other person. It does not matter whether you ever contact them again. Your energetic and morphic relationship with them is independent of your physical interaction in time and space. The energetic relationship is the one that is Reintegrating. Love and Wholeness, Elma
Angyon April 1, 2015 at 6:55 am
Hi Elma,
thank you, I got all kind of sensations at my back thinking of that person. I did disentangle with that person, but I don’t like to reintegrate with that person any more. Can I end with the disentangle, or I have to reintagrate them back, even I do not want to have any relationship with them ever again?
Gailon December 13, 2014 at 4:57 pm
when I listened and watched your video about healing relationships..it was odd at first I felt frustrated, but as I went through your guided process at the end I felt at peace (something I havent felt in a while) I ,also kind of felt somewhat new giddy with a feeling of hope and promise. Thank you many many blessings!
Roseon August 18, 2014 at 2:08 pm
Thanks so much, Elma! It was very odd, a bit like a zoom effect. At first I saw my friend very close up & after the commands it was as though I zoomed out and she seemed far away. I think this is symbolic of my gaining some emotional distance from her challenges. I’m looking forward to watching us evolve our friendship into one that is even more enriching than it has been.
Maireon July 7, 2014 at 10:06 pm
Thank you, Elma. With your beautiful way of guiding, I disentangled and got some clarity, optimism and desire to let it be.
Normion July 7, 2014 at 5:15 pm
What a wonderful feeling! During the re-integration process, I felt a thin energy about 1/4 inch by maybe 2 inches long going into my crown chakra. Right now, several minutes later I still feel tingling all over my crown chakra. The tingling is happening on the entire top of my head. Wow! It’s awesome!
Thank you.
Janai Lowensteinon April 10, 2014 at 11:23 am
Elma – You are a heart spirit jewel. Thank you. Felt flustered and frustrated before. So quickly came a change with your guidance that I was amazed to feel totally calm, unattached and peaceful in the relationship. WOW! Blessings galore back to you, Janai
mamion January 17, 2014 at 2:49 pm
Thank you. I feel better.
Annaon June 11, 2013 at 9:04 am
Thank you dear Elma for your generosity. I did the clearings for my daughter, my body (being in pain at that moment), and the money issue. I felt all kinds of chills and switching energies each time, lots of yawning and tearing. It means sifting the energy for me. My body feels lighter now, and there is definitely less tension in it. Now I am waiting for my bank account growing : ) Love and gratitude, Anna
Elasaon May 7, 2013 at 6:56 pm
Elma, Super NOW Healing well received, Love your simplicity, Keep up the great blissings on the planet! In love Elasa
Chanduon May 3, 2013 at 3:20 am
I felt at extreme peace with me. Thanks so much Elma!
Kellyon May 2, 2013 at 12:47 pm
Thank you so much Elma! I feel so at peace after this. God bless you.
Irmaon May 2, 2013 at 10:17 am
Wonderful – wonderful ,Elma! Your technique always makes big shifts,-in the start I felt a kind of sadness,but afterwards very much at ease! Thanks for sharing!
MICHELLEon May 2, 2013 at 10:13 am
Elma Mayeron April 30, 2013 at 3:47 pm
@pat – yes, that’s a great idea. Use it for different aspects of your self. Try using the Now Healing Disentangle / Re-Integrate commands to integrate your various personality-selves, inner child, inner teenager, the-part-that’s-like-mom, etc etc… with your Infinite Self.
Elma Mayeron April 30, 2013 at 3:43 pm
@Rosie – yes, you can use the Now Healing commands like Disentangle for any kind of interrelationship, between any number of things. This specific video is geared more toward human relationships, but the commands themselves can be applied to anything.
Meggion April 30, 2013 at 3:28 pm
This video came just at a perfect time when I felt insecure about my partner. After doing the exercise I feel calm and confident. Thank you!
paton April 30, 2013 at 12:48 pm
hi elma- thank you so much – i just did this with my son- i have a wonderful relationship with him – but i am sure i will see it open up even more.
however i DON’T have such a great relationship with my self- can i do it with my self ? – with the one that struggles / holds onto anxiety- ? anger – thank you –
Christineon April 30, 2013 at 7:50 am
Thank you for this Elma. My ‘person’ was my doctor. The original feeling was in my upper stomach and it felt ‘stuck’ energy. After clearing and aligning it has gone from that area and if anything is slightly down at the bottom of my coccyx. I feel ‘freer’ in the rest of my body. I’m sure it will continue to unravel and change. P.s I love your cascade of rainbow light…….really cool 🙂
wow Elma, great session! I felt resentment towards a former lover; now I just feel fondness and acceptance, happy memories. Can i do this with non-human relationships, e.g. my rel. with my body; my rel. with money; my rel with the Masculine etc? Thankyou for your generosity in sharing your work.
Debraon April 29, 2013 at 9:40 pm
When I thought of the person at the beginning I was all contracted and my face was all scrunched up. After the healing all I could do was laugh. I couldn’t even remember what was “tangled” in the relationship! That was quite amazing!! Thank you dear Elma! xox
Elma Mayeron April 29, 2013 at 7:22 pm
@T – to release emotional baggage from traumatic relationships, try running the Instant Ease video.
Elma Mayeron April 28, 2013 at 11:20 am
@Kathy, yes, you can do this with any relationship. The person does not have to give “permission.” It works for babies in the womb, ancestors no longer living, animals, etc.
Kathyon April 26, 2013 at 6:54 am
Dear Elma, Can you do this disentangle and reintegrate with a child relationship? Thank you and Blessings
I feel detached and relaxed. …after the disentangle and reintegrate session. Thank you.
arun aggarwalon April 22, 2013 at 10:34 pm
Heartiest thanks!!! I am feeling much lighter.
There’s something in yor voice and the energy that U put into it.
May GOD Bless You.
With Profound Regards
arun aggarwal
Ton April 22, 2013 at 7:02 am
Hi Elma, Thanks for the video. I used this to heal my relationship with a neighbor, who I’ve felt jealous of and judged by. When I started, I felt the tightness in my chest and shoulders. After shifting, the tightness or sensation moved to my belly. Before I did the shift, I knew that the feelings I was having were less to do with this current relationship than my emotional baggage from my childhood. I plan to continue to use the video for this relationship and others that evoke similar feelings. Any suggestions on how to release emotional baggage from traumatic relationships and fear of rejection? Thanks a lot!
Anneli Bergmanon April 21, 2013 at 11:26 pm
This shift was the best ever i have felt!! You are the best! thank you Elma!
Donnaon April 21, 2013 at 4:50 pm
Hi Elma, I used this to heal my relationship with my father that I thought was healed. But he came up for me when I thought of someone. He passed away over 40 years ago but this process was still effective for me. The tightness in my body that I felt when I thought of him is gone & I’m delighted – thank you soooo much.
Hi Elma, I really like your healing’s and just wanted to tell you I think you are really looking pretty in this video! I love the angel colors! I do Emotion Code Healing and find the underlying cause of disease/imbalances by muscle testing and then clear it with a wave of a magnet down the governing meridian. I do most clien’ts remote all over the world. I you would like to barter or just share with you sometime if you are interested! http://www.emotioncodetherapy.com Blessings, Lori
That seemed too simple. But maybe I should let it be that. I think the view of the other person is better. But I notice I still have fear around contact with them. I can tell I’m afraid of judgement.
WOW! love the color rainbows. Most certainly the Angel of love. This is priceless. Thank you Elma. I feel so much more open to my daughter and loving too. Hurrah!
Dear Elma, just wanted to say I did your now healing for relationships just before, at about the five minute mark the person called. This is the second time this healing vid has had an instant and direct physical response from the person I have chosen. Thankyou for your incredible work!!! Xxx
I was feeling a pain in my neck, and in my heart, as well as a lump in my throat. I felt tremendously lighter, the pain in my neck was gone although my heart still felt a little heavy. Since you say it keeps on working, I will trust that these will go away as well. Thank you.
Dear Elma, suddenly I feel myself füll of Energy and awakened… Thank you ! God bless you.. from Germany
I started to roll down all relations I had/have in my life and clear each of them. It brings so many releaving smiles into my face and body. Thank you :-))) Using your modality, ‘in-lights’ me. Blessings upon you!
Hi elma,i felt very gud after doing this..but my problem is…
I have one friend whose marriage take place before 1 year. Before 15 days of her marriage unfortunately her mother has broken her both legs in an accident. After her marriage i take care of her mother like my mom… our relation becomes so beautiful like mom and daughter. But before 1 month i don’t know what happen to her that she was not talking to me at all. I ask her many time that what happened pls tell me. First she say i don’t want to disturb you till your exam but i know she is lying after that i agaim ask her so many times and she says i don’t know why but i don’t mood to talk with you…after that i continue to ask her this question that why you are not talking to me??? At last she told me that you irritate me asking this lot and lot of times so now i don’t want to talk to you anymore. Pls leave me alone. It hurts me a lot because i always do so much for them. And i know she also loves me a lot. Please tell me what can i do now to bring them back in my life… .
hi Elma! I love it! I feel a lot of space within myself, no space for fear and doubts. I’m going to do it about my relationship with money. a big issue for me!
I wonder how it works because I’m a french speaker and I have no idea about the disentangle meaning but I can feel the energy of it!! do you know if it woks if we do it in a other language? I should just try I guess!!
thank you!
Dear Elma, I got this video from you, certainly more than a year ago and I do the exercise now and then. This evening something greater happened though. I started yawning again and again bigger and bigger and my tears came from my eyes. I am totally calm and “lightheaded” . AWESOME ! Thank you!
Ffelt a great change in behavior from irritability to being clam and relaved .
Thank you Elma for this emended shift.
@Angy, Reintegrating means being Whole in the presence and absence of the other person. It does not matter whether you ever contact them again. Your energetic and morphic relationship with them is independent of your physical interaction in time and space. The energetic relationship is the one that is Reintegrating.
Love and Wholeness,
Hi Elma,
thank you, I got all kind of sensations at my back thinking of that person. I did disentangle with that person, but I don’t like to reintegrate with that person any more. Can I end with the disentangle, or I have to reintagrate them back, even I do not want to have any relationship with them ever again?
when I listened and watched your video about healing relationships..it was odd at first I felt frustrated, but as I went through your guided process at the end I felt at peace (something I havent felt in a while) I ,also kind of felt somewhat new giddy with a feeling of hope and promise. Thank you many many blessings!
Thanks so much, Elma! It was very odd, a bit like a zoom effect. At first I saw my friend very close up & after the commands it was as though I zoomed out and she seemed far away. I think this is symbolic of my gaining some emotional distance from her challenges. I’m looking forward to watching us evolve our friendship into one that is even more enriching than it has been.
Thank you, Elma. With your beautiful way of guiding, I disentangled and got some clarity, optimism and desire to let it be.
What a wonderful feeling! During the re-integration process, I felt a thin energy about 1/4 inch by maybe 2 inches long going into my crown chakra. Right now, several minutes later I still feel tingling all over my crown chakra. The tingling is happening on the entire top of my head. Wow! It’s awesome!
Thank you.
Elma – You are a heart spirit jewel. Thank you. Felt flustered and frustrated before. So quickly came a change with your guidance that I was amazed to feel totally calm, unattached and peaceful in the relationship. WOW! Blessings galore back to you, Janai
Thank you.
I feel better.
Thank you dear Elma for your generosity. I did the clearings for my daughter, my body (being in pain at that moment), and the money issue. I felt all kinds of chills and switching energies each time, lots of yawning and tearing. It means sifting the energy for me. My body feels lighter now, and there is definitely less tension in it. Now I am waiting for my bank account growing : ) Love and gratitude, Anna
Elma, Super NOW Healing well received, Love your simplicity, Keep up the great blissings on the planet! In love Elasa
I felt at extreme peace with me.
Thanks so much Elma!
Thank you so much Elma! I feel so at peace after this. God bless you.
Wonderful – wonderful ,Elma! Your technique always makes big shifts,-in the start I felt a kind of sadness,but afterwards very much at ease! Thanks for sharing!
@pat – yes, that’s a great idea. Use it for different aspects of your self. Try using the Now Healing Disentangle / Re-Integrate commands to integrate your various personality-selves, inner child, inner teenager, the-part-that’s-like-mom, etc etc… with your Infinite Self.
@Rosie – yes, you can use the Now Healing commands like Disentangle for any kind of interrelationship, between any number of things. This specific video is geared more toward human relationships, but the commands themselves can be applied to anything.
This video came just at a perfect time when I felt insecure about my partner. After doing the exercise I feel calm and confident. Thank you!
hi elma-
thank you so much – i just did this with my son- i have a wonderful relationship with him – but i am sure i will see it open up even more.
however i DON’T have such a great relationship with my self- can i do it with my self ? – with the one that struggles / holds onto anxiety- ? anger –
thank you –
Thank you for this Elma. My ‘person’ was my doctor. The original feeling was in my upper stomach and it felt ‘stuck’ energy. After clearing and aligning it has gone from that area and if anything is slightly down at the bottom of my coccyx. I feel ‘freer’ in the rest of my body. I’m sure it will continue to unravel and change. P.s I love your cascade of rainbow light…….really cool 🙂
wow Elma, great session! I felt resentment towards a former lover; now I just feel fondness and acceptance, happy memories.
Can i do this with non-human relationships, e.g. my rel. with my body; my rel. with money; my rel with the Masculine etc?
Thankyou for your generosity in sharing your work.
When I thought of the person at the beginning I was all contracted and my face was all scrunched up. After the healing all I could do was laugh. I couldn’t even remember what was “tangled” in the relationship! That was quite amazing!! Thank you dear Elma! xox
@T – to release emotional baggage from traumatic relationships, try running the Instant Ease video.
@Kathy, yes, you can do this with any relationship. The person does not have to give “permission.” It works for babies in the womb, ancestors no longer living, animals, etc.
Dear Elma, Can you do this disentangle and reintegrate with a child relationship? Thank you and Blessings
I feel detached and relaxed. …after the disentangle and reintegrate session. Thank you.
Heartiest thanks!!!
I am feeling much lighter.
There’s something in yor voice and the energy that U put into it.
May GOD Bless You.
With Profound Regards
arun aggarwal
Hi Elma, Thanks for the video. I used this to heal my relationship with a neighbor, who I’ve felt jealous of and judged by. When I started, I felt the tightness in my chest and shoulders. After shifting, the tightness or sensation moved to my belly. Before I did the shift, I knew that the feelings I was having were less to do with this current relationship than my emotional baggage from my childhood. I plan to continue to use the video for this relationship and others that evoke similar feelings. Any suggestions on how to release emotional baggage from traumatic relationships and fear of rejection? Thanks a lot!
This shift was the best ever i have felt!! You are the best!
thank you Elma!
Hi Elma, I used this to heal my relationship with my father that I thought was healed. But he came up for me when I thought of someone. He passed away over 40 years ago but this process was still effective for me. The tightness in my body that I felt when I thought of him is gone & I’m delighted – thank you soooo much.
Hi Elma,
I really like your healing’s and just wanted to tell you I think you are really looking pretty in this video!
I love the angel colors!
I do Emotion Code Healing and find the underlying cause of disease/imbalances by muscle testing and then clear it with a wave of a magnet down the governing meridian. I do most clien’ts remote all over the world. I you would like to barter or just share with you sometime if you are interested! http://www.emotioncodetherapy.com
love love love the light spectrum in the relationship one……………all the best Elma……………